The morning battle is over, and the overall results of everyone in the afternoon are out.

There is no doubt that Sunday is in first place with a perfect score in both events, and the position of the top card in the grade is flawless.

Lu Meixin also followed steadily, continuing to be the second oldest in 10,000 years.

Unexpectedly, Jia Daiyu and Leng Lone Star also had good results in cultural classes, with comprehensive scores of fifth and seventh respectively.

No, the most shocking thing is Ye Minghe, this guy's cultural class grades have really improved a lot, he ranked fourth in his overall score, and finally the cultural class is no longer pulling the back legs of the battle.

It seems that this product said a few days ago that he didn't sleep at night is true, and he was indeed forced to study.

"Ah Tian, look at you, I can definitely do it this time, I tell you that I have been smart since I was a child, but if I study early, the first position in your cultural class will be me~~"

Zhou Tian looked at the crazy Ye Minghe, and saw that his tone was about to blow a Kentairo.

"It's good if you stabilize, otherwise I will go to the six major colleges and universities in the future, and when you can't go, I won't care about you, cut off your energy cube, and don't give you an elf cultivation plan." Zhou Tian's words directly frightened his dead party, and he had no time to continue bragging.

After the comprehensive results came out, the students in the elite first class hardly changed, only two poor babies were squeezed into the elite second class because of the appearance of Jia Daiyu and Leng Lone Star.

After the final examination in the third year of high school, another area of the campus also ended the test.

It was the first placement test of the sophomore year that Sunday and Ye Minghe experienced last year.

And when the second year of high school finished the first placement test, Yu Huatian came to the door.

"Zhou Tian, Lu Meixin, Ye Minghe, the three of you come to my office."

When the three of them heard the sound, they left their seats, seemingly to discuss the problem of the varsity team.

When he arrived at Yu Huatian's office, Yu Huatian spoke.

"Now we have to choose the members of the varsity team, you three are experienced, and the strength is completely enough, let's decide first."

"Then, now we have to find other varsity team members, the personnel recommended by the senior year of high school has already given me the list, wait for us to discuss, Zhou Tian and Lu Meixin, you two captains and vice captains should give more advice."

"Before that, let's set the matter of the second year of high school, according to the custom, I personally went to watch and select the second year of high school, this session is not like your session, you two are the only one, they are quite competitive, but there are three of them who are relatively strong, you see."

Then Yu Huatian handed the record of the battle between the three to Zhou Tian.

Zhou Tian, Lu Meixin, and Ye Minghe exchanged materials for looking at the three people, and Ye Minghe began to drink the tea on Yuhuatian's table after reading it, as if the next thing had nothing to do with him, and Yuhuatian didn't care about him.

After Zhou Tian and Lu Meixin finished reading it, Yu Huatian asked, "How is it, what do you think of arrangement." "

First of all, I think excluding Su Qing, her initial elf is a coconut monkey, but the teacher's record says that the coconut monkey was already level 6 when she received it, and she mastered 5 skills, but by the beginning of school, the coconut monkey was still at this level of strength, which means that the cultivation after she received it is not in place, she can compete with the other two this time, all by virtue of the initial ability to receive the elf, and she is estimated to pull it down soon." Romena Lu expressed her opinion.

"I would like to add that her other aspects, including her cultural class results and personality, are not very convincing, and she is focused on developing her, and it is estimated that it will be difficult for her to lead the next varsity team." Zhou Tian said.

Jiang Hui has strong strength and good personality, so he was originally trained as a captain, and vice captain Shui Qian had excellent cultural achievements to supplement Jiang Hui's deficiencies.

On Sunday, the strength and cultural class results are both top-notch, in addition to cultivation and other specialties, the same students are convinced, Lu Meixin is similar, only lose Sunday, it is also a good combination.

Therefore, the selection of varsity members must also be taken into account in addition to other aspects of the battle.

"What about the other two? What do you think, cultivate together? Zhou

Tian and Lu Meixin looked at each other, and Zhou Tian spoke, "It can be, but what I like more is Gu Zigen, the initial elf powder fragrance, after receiving the elf, the elf has increased 2 ability levels, and also learned two new skills, and is calm and strategic when fighting, and finally can get the final victory of the high school sophomore battle test, and her cultural class results are also very good."

Lu Meixin said, "Another Xie Huatian, although he also raised it to a level and learned a new skill after receiving the initial elf fireball rat, but he was a little impulsive when he fought against Gu Zigen, and he would only let the fireball rat touch the pink fragrance hard, and finally be defeated, which is really unjust.

"However, his results in cultural classes are not bad, in fact, he can be like Ye Minghe, and then be pulled into the school team after observing in the second year of high school, and he can exercise Gu Ziyun first at the beginning." Zhou Tian expressed his and Lu Meixin's opinions, and Ye Minghe's opinions were dispensable.

Yu Huatian nodded, Zhou Tian and Lu Meixin's supplementary opinions were similar to his opinions, and he immediately decided to invite Gu Ziyun to participate in the training of the school team in advance, and let Xie Huatian come to observe and participate when he was free, just like Ye Minghe was at the beginning.

"Okay, then now that the situation of the second year of high school is decided, the remaining members of the senior year will be elected, which is particularly important, because this semester and this year's Hangdu High School Battle Tournament, remember."

The three nodded, definitely remembering that it was about representing Hangdu to participate in the national competition next year, how could they forget.

"In addition to the three of you, the battle teachers also gave eight candidates, but we have to control the number of eight, because the league stipulates that the number of students participating in the third year of high school should not exceed eight, and the number of senior students should not exceed four." Yu Huatian and them emphasized the requirements of the alliance.

"This also needs to be said, against the strongest few, our elite class against the strongest eight-person school team, can't it." Ye Minghe, who was drinking tea, spoke.

Zhou Tian and Lu Meixin immediately shook their heads, "No, we have to consider attributes and tactics, the strongest in our class should have missing attributes, and then the shortcomings in the national competition will be obvious."

Yu Huatian nodded, "So you have to think clearly and choose the 5 classmates that you can best cooperate with." "

First of all, Milu I don't think there is a problem, whether it is the Kami turtle who has both attack and defense at the ordinary level, or the Marilu who has evolved, the strength is good, and the initial elves of the three of us are not good at the water system." The first candidate was selected on Sunday.

Lu Meixin and Ye Minghe said that they had no opinion, and Milu's strength was also recognized by both of them.

"Now confirm the attributes of the elves in our formation, what I can guarantee on my side is that the three attributes of ghost, poison, and fighting The elves on my side must have enough striking power, and my elves also have fire, grass, electricity, and ice attributes." Zhou Tian spoke.

The strength of Ghost Stone and Leo Lu is definitely more than enough to participate in the competition, but the big jaw ant can only be used as an exclusive elf for some special lineups, not a conventional means.

"There must be no problem with fire and evil on my side, and they are mainly offensive and have fewer defensive means." Lu Meixin spoke.

"The flight system and the evil system on my side should be able to form, and the steel system and the electrical system should depend on how far my gears can go."

Zhou Tian thought for a while, "Gear, I have to make a cultivation plan for you later, you have to add progress to it, you should be able to barely become a blind elf in our team's electric and steel systems."

Lu Meixin also spoke, "If you have to consider the problem of attribute restraint, first of all, you don't need to consider the dragon and ice, we don't have anyone in this session who cultivates these two attribute elves, and I remember that our class has a natural sparrow and a jumping pig, but the strength is quite average, and the skills are not much."

Yu Huatian spoke at this time, "Among the eight people recommended now, in addition to the Mi Lu you just mentioned, there are also two transfer students who have just transferred to our school, and the strength of the two of them seems to be quite strong, do you think it is okay?"

Ye Minghe said at this time, "It's weaker than the three of us, but it's really okay." Zhou

Tian and Lu Meixin looked at this guy who looked like a big guy, and there were no constructive comments.

Zhou Tian turned his head back to Yu Huatian, "Both of them are very good, the elves are very suitable for both singles and matches, I have to say that we picked up ready-made ones from other schools."

Yu Huatian nodded, "Let's not mention Leng Lone Star's original Sudu Xue Gao, the acquaintance of Hangdu No. 1 Middle School where Jia Daiyu studied before has already called, thinking that we used some means to dig people, my ears are almost deaf by him."

"Then these two people can also be provisionally listed on the varsity team, so that there are six, and you can leave two people based on this above consideration."

After the three listened, they didn't have much opinion.

At this time, Ye Minghe, who had been touching the fish, spoke, "I think we lack an initial elf who is rocky or ground, the kind that can create terrain to facilitate our tactics, just like last year's senior Jiang Hui." Lu

Meixin immediately looked at this guy who had always been lazy in her eyes in surprise, but she didn't expect that the idea she put forward was correct, she wanted to say it just now.

"In the list of eight, only Di Jiding's initial elf is a screw gopher, and the second elf is a baby elephant, but he obviously does not have the luxurious skill configuration of Senior Jiang Hui." Lu Meixin took out one of the eight materials and said.

Zhou Tian looked at the remaining few of the eight materials, Mi Lu, Jia Daiyu, and Leng Lone Star had already taken out, and the remaining five people had to choose two.

In addition to Di Jiding, the other four, including Liu Yong, have three grass elves who are initial elves, of which Liu Yong is definitely the strongest, and the other is a lineup of flying specialists, Bobo and Armor Bird.

"I think just Di Jiding and Liu Yong, Liu Yong is the first to advance to the ordinary level, his initial elf thorn ball cactus is stronger than Maca's fat Hali and Li Lili's magic frog grass, and there is a chance to evolve to the final form next year, the effect should be good." Sunday put forward his final opinion.

Lu Meixin and Ye Minghe were also waiting for Yu Huatian's final decision.

Yu Huatian flipped through the five materials he pulled out, thought a little, and nodded, "Just do it like this, it is true that there are a little more grass, or choose a more clear one, no matter how I believe the result will not be too bad."

Suddenly he laughed, "Every year is like this, I am happy and relaxed, it's really pleasant~~"

The three of Zhou Tian looked at each other, not knowing what Yu Huatian meant.

"Hahaha~ It was Jiang Hui and Shui Qian who were here last year, Ma Fei, Wang Kun, they were all chosen, of course, you and Lu Meixin's joining was also their nod, this year it will be your turn, the next session is estimated to be Gu Ziyun ~ ~ "

"Teacher I, I believe the judgment among your classmates, of course, I personally also think that your ideas are completely fine, and generally there will be no big variables later."

"Okay, now I will inform these students, I believe they will not refuse the invitation of the varsity team, and then you will be familiar with the battlefield after school tomorrow, and find out the strength of the battle."

After speaking, the three of Zhou Tian were invited out of the office by Yu Huatian.

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