After the matches between Hangdu No. 2 Middle School and Hangdu No. 1 Middle School, it was followed by the semifinals of Hangdu Guigao and Hangdu No. 8 Middle School.

The strength exposed by this Hangdu No. 8 Middle School is a bit weak, whether it is the top strength of the captain and vice captain or the average strength of other players, it is worse than in previous years.

The previous promotion match was also a little stumbling, and sure enough, in the semifinals met the Krypton-based Hangdu Guigao, and soon lost in hard power, and even before the team competition, he lost the match after the second doubles.

In this way, the two finalists of this year's Hangdu High School Battle Tournament have been decided, namely Hangdu No. 2 Middle School and Hangdu Guigao, and the competition will be held tomorrow morning.

Of course, before the final, there is also a third place match, and the prizes will be presented after all the competitions are over.

Yu Huatian also told all the contestants today, let the elves rest early tonight, after all, the competition is not easy, some fatigue only relies on the treatment of the therapist, just treat the symptoms but not the root, or need a natural rest.

Fortunately, the spirit of Sunday is a ghost, and the ghost elf will not be too tired as long as it has enough food and life energy, and Sunday today is specially allowed to absorb the life energy in the orb of life, and the ghost is very happy.

Zhou Tian also considered that after this competition, he began to arrange the training of the next stage of the ghost, and the ghost advanced to the ordinary level, then the subsequent evolution would not be too far.

When he got up the next morning, Zhou Tian found that Ghost Si's little black face was really talented, and he actually combined poison and black fog and learned to muddy fog.

The skill of turbid fog is well developed, mixing different types of poison in it, and the effect brought by it can be much stronger than what was understood in the previous life, and the battlefield consumes divine skills.

Come to the arena, and as in previous days, assemble after the broadcast to start the game.

The winner of the third place match was unsurprisingly Hangdu No. 1 Middle School, and the two super-powered elves seemed to vent their grievances against Hangdu No. 2 Middle School yesterday when they played against Hangdu No. 8 Middle School, and Hangdu No. 8 Middle School was defeated without much means to restrain it.

Spectator time is over, and it's their turn right away.

For the elf lineup of Hangdu Guigao, Yu Huatian let Senior Li Su's strong chicken play as the first singles this time to target the other party's commonly used cool leopard.

As an "imported" elf that has only bred in the Dragon Country in recent years, the cool leopard has evolved early and the upper limit is not low, and it is an extremely high-quality novice elf.

Hangdu Guigao's cool leopard is known for its speed, and the Lizhuang chicken did not catch up with the other party with a flash of electric light, and the other party also only used high-speed stars to fight guerrilla, afraid that the Lizhuang chicken would find an opportunity close by.

After a long time, one of the two sides was obviously injured, and the other was physically exerting, and finally the Li Zhuang chicken, who was injured more, fell first.

And the second singles is Double-Edged Pill, and Double-Edged Pill, who has been losing this tournament, finally fought this time, and the double knife cut the opponent's Arbor monster to the ground, but also paid the price of snake venom.

The two doubles also ended in one win and one loss, and the Shui Qian combination maintained a long-term fighting level, but the combination of Jiang Hui and Wang Kun was defeated by the opposing formations and the Flame Turtle Beast.

In the end, the two schools still have to enter the competition of the team competition, because Zhou Tian's elf did not play in the previous game, he has one place in this team competition, considering the current situation, Zhou Tian communicated tactical ideas with Jiang Hui and Shui Qian.

After Jiang Hui and Shui Qian heard his tactical ideas, their eyes also lit up, and Zhou Tian proposed a tactic that was once and for all and did not require a complex attack, and it was a surprise.

As the game began, unexpectedly, the elves of Hangdu No. 2 didn't know what was happening, and they didn't make any movements in place, except for the ghosts slowly floating above the field.

The elves and trainers of Hangdu Guigao were all confused, in fact, Hangdu Guigao and Hangdu No. 2 had many friendly matches, and both sides had some understanding of each other's tactics, but now the behavior of Hangdu No. 2 Middle School did not conform to the arrangement of any No. 1 tactics, which made Hangdu Guigao also uneasy.

"Array, iron wall." "Stay put."

In the unclear tactics of Hangdu No. 2 Middle School, rash action is easy to form flaws, so the captain of Hangdu Guigao showed the greatest respect and used a defensive posture to deal with the next attack of Hangdu No. 2 Middle School.

At this time, the ghost in the center of the scene sang in mid-air (coming out of the ghost's mouth is no longer a real song, more like a ghost laugh).

"Damn, it's a song of perish, this ghost will perish?!" "The

captain of Hangdu Guigao has no bad basic knowledge, looking at the rhythm rippling in the field, he immediately noticed what skill Ghost Si was using.

The ghost's song penetrated the defense of the soldiers and immersed the bodies of all Hangdu Guigao, and all the trainers of Hangduguigao changed their faces, including the leading teacher off the field.

"Hurry up and solve that ghost, hurry up and !!" The leading teacher hissed.

After learning the situation, the 5 elves of Hangdu Guigao immediately launched a charge, and only by solving the ghosts in a short time could Hangdu Guigao survive.

However, when Ghosts completed the release of the Song of Perdition, the other four elves in Hangdu No. 2 were not to be outdone, and stopped halfway.

Kodora uses quicksand hell to create a quicksand partition between the two sides, while the proboscis leaf uses a knot of grass on the ground to constantly hook the steps of the opposing elves.

The long-eared rabbit has followed the retreating ghost, ready to block the attack for it, while the furry sheep brave the electric spray to attack in the air defense.

At this time, a light and shadow rushed out of Hangdu Guigao's formation, and it was the only iron-masked ninja who could fly, and the iron-masked ninja ignored the other elves and rushed straight to the ghosts.

After seeing it, the furry sheep jumped up directly, and the whole body was discharged, forming a power grid in front of the ghost.

You are as fast as you want, covering the power grid, if you dare to come, I dare to electricity.

The iron-masked ninja on the opposite side did not dare to hit the power grid after seeing it, so he had to turn around and rush towards Kodora, in a vain attempt to interrupt Kodora's skill control, without the quicksand hell, the attacks of other elves can return to normal.

However, there are also proboscis lobes on the side of Kodora to cover, and the seed machine gun fire covers, although it cannot hit the high-speed moving iron-masked ninja, but it also prevents the approach of the iron-masked ninja.

In the quicksand hell, Hangdu Guigao also prepared a countermeasure, and the iron-walled array trapped himself in the center of the vortex, allowing the other 3 elves to jump out of the quicksand area through him.

The Fire Rock Rat, Flame Turtle Beast, and Haoli who escaped from the Quicksand Hell attacked the Ghost with a slight adjustment, and the Long-nosed Leaf and Long-Eared Rabbit here also directly blocked each other's attacks with skills.

The energy of the song of destruction in the battlefield continued to ripple, and the trainers of Hangdu Guigao became more and more anxious, constantly letting a few elves launch strong attacks, but the joint defense ability of Kedora, Proboscis and Long-eared Rabbit was too strong, and it was impossible to break through the defensive circle formed by them in a short time.

Ghosts also used the black mist to completely hide their bodies in mid-air, slowly waiting for the song of destruction to bloom.

After a few rounds, the 5 Hangdu noble elves gasped and looked at the 4 elves in front of them, while the culprit was still laughing in midair.

The elves in Hangdu No. 2 defended with their skills and did not attack, which made the elves of Hangdu Noble and High very humiliated. In the final, he used a new tactic, which really caught Hang Duguigao by surprise, and he was not prepared to deal with tactics.

In the end, it caused the most embarrassing ending, and the passage of time finally made the elves of Hangdu Noble and High School fall, and the elves of Hangdu No. 2 watched each other fall unharmed.

This huge difference in battle made the audience also accept obstacles a little, but they did not expect that there would be such a strong attack and strict defense in the finals, and the strict defense side also won easily.

In the final analysis, the song of perdition is a very profound skill, and ordinary elves rarely master it at the rookie level, and Zhou Tian's deep scheming, the tactical thinking of his previous life made him keep a hand, and this big move was exposed in the final.

Although the atmosphere of this final was strange, it was true that Hangdu No. 2 High School won the final victory, and the varsity team members on the sidelines were already hugging and celebrating the victory.

At the same time, successfully breaking through from the Hangdu High School Battle Tournament also means that it has a place to participate in the National High School Battle Tournament in the first half of next year.

As the core of the final tactics, Ghosts were also surrounded by many players and elves, and it was this set of tactics proposed by Zhou Tian before the game that allowed the second middle soldier of Hangdu to win the game without bloodshed.

At the beginning, Jiang Hui and Shui Qian did not expect that Zhou Tian also hid such a tactic of pressing the bottom of the box, but this set of tactics is indeed very suitable for use at this time, unknown, efficient, and unpreventable.

After the competition, the representatives of the league presented awards to the winning schools, and announced the winning prizes, in addition to the cash prizes, each selected contestant can freely choose one of the resources provided by the alliance, including skill CDs, attribute props, evolution stones, etc.

The members of the varsity team are all visionary, and the props selected are worth more than the other, just like Zhou Tian actually chose a complete life orb, and the life energy in it can be slowly filled by placing it in nature, which is really a dream for ghosts.

After getting the Orb of Life, Zhou Tian expressed great satisfaction with his participation trip, not only the strength of the ghost has improved, but also obtained such a precious and controlled prop, and can participate in next year's national competition.

After the game, Yu Huatian also laughed rarely, and took all the players and elves to the famous restaurant in Hangzhou to eat, not to mention a few of them on Sunday, all the elves ate with a bulging stomach, and slowed down the fatigue of the multi-day competition.

Back home, Ghost Si and Leo Lu continued their daily exercise in the backyard, and Leo Lu watched the fierce battle around Zhou Tian these days, and he has been very excited and full of fighting spirit.

Zhou Tian looked at the two little ones in training, and also began to plan the next training plan of the ghost, now that the ghost has successfully advanced to the ordinary level, you can try to learn more attribute skills, but it is the key to be familiar with various attributes before evolution, and there is no hurry to learn the corresponding skills.

That night, Zhou Tian booked the attribute gem on the alliance website, and at the beginning stage, Zhou Tian hoped that the ghost would first understand the grass energy and super energy, so a grass gem and a super power gem were enough.

Not to mention, the price of attribute gemstones is not cheap, small six figures, if it weren't for the fact that Zhou Zhiqian and Yu Siyi had given Zhou Tian a large amount of money recently, he might not have the funds to buy it.

Yu Siyi and Zhou Zhiqian arrived in the imperial capital, and at this stage have basically realized the first stage of the development of the energy cube machine, the size is larger than Zhou Tian, but the stability is better, because it is a new technology, the alliance also strictly controls the output, each region has only applied for ten units, and plans to place it in the largest alliance centers.

At this stage, the real developer has not been disclosed, and I am afraid that Yu Siyi will be harassed by the big family or the dark forces, only saying that it is a newly researched technology by an old cultivator in the alliance.

However, the funds and rewards given by the alliance are real, so Sunday has almost no pressure on cultivation costs, and you can apply boldly.

The next day is Monday, Sunday after the match to go to school normally, two weeks later to carry out the final assessment, whether it is cultural classes and elf battles to be assessed, the students in the school are also stepping up to fill in the gaps, although Sunday is not a big problem, but the normal class still has to continue.

And I heard that other students in the school also went to collect the second elf one after another, and Ye Minghe sent text messages saying that he had subdued the second elf during his competition, and also sold a pass, and he would not tell him until he arrived at school on Monday.

On Sunday, he took the two little ones who had finished breakfast and set off on the road to school.

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