Looking at the few disciples who surrounded them, they found that they had strange expressions that they usually did not have.

Zhou Tian looked at them a little nervously, "What's wrong, a few big brothers, what's the matter?"

Looking at the nervous Zhou Tian, several named disciples laughed and said, "Don't be nervous, you are now an official disciple of the dojo, you can be regarded as our junior disciple, but you will definitely be better than us in the future, but now Master Huang wants us to practice you and your elves well." Saying

that, he dragged Zhou Tian to a separate martial arts arena, and there were no outsiders.

Different from the usual practice in the martial arts arena, today's Sunday training intensity instantly increased by several notches, Lioulu and Ghost Si did not escape, Lioulu was grabbed by several Haoli and monkey monsters to practice boxing, and Ghost Si was chased and run by a suction cup demon puppet specially arranged by Huang Zhengtian.

At night, Zhou Tian and the two little ones were paralyzed in the room, but they didn't expect that the training after the formal entry was so tiring, and to make matters worse, several senior brothers said that such training would last for a week, aiming to allow him to master all the martial arts basics of the dojo before leaving the island, so that he could do daily exercises outside.

In order to survive tomorrow, he decisively turned off the lights and rested on Sunday, and also told the two little ones not to train at night.

In the next few days, with the help of a few "kind" senior brothers, Zhou Tian forcibly mastered the martial arts foundation of the Xinlin Dojo, although he was not refined but fortunately remembered all the main points, even if he left the dojo, Zhou Tian could carry out daily training.

Finally, it was only three days before the New Year's Pass, and Sunday also arrived at the day when he had planned to leave Pudao, and he got up early and arrived at Huang Zhengtian early.

As if knowing that Zhou Tian was leaving, Huang Zhengtian was waiting for him at the door, and when he saw him come over and beckoned to him, he was holding a box in his hand.

"This is something for your parents, by the way, there is also a boxing book of Bajiquan, although it is only some basic experience and maps, but you are the most suitable at this age, the body is not fully developed, excessive training will only damage your body, you should also pay attention to the scale when you train yourself, don't overdo it."

When Zhou Tian opened it, in addition to a booklet, it was the Bajiquan Spectrum that Huang Zhengtian said, and there was also a large bag of attribute gems.

Zhou Tian looked at Huang Zhengtian in surprise, the value of this bag of attribute gemstones was not small, he didn't expect Huang Zhengtian to be so generous.

"Isn't it too precious, Master Huang, why give my parents so many things?"

At this time, Huang Zhengtian covered his mouth and coughed in embarrassment, "Eh... The new elven food recently rumored by the alliance headquarters... Is it developed by your mother, I heard that only someone in the imperial capital is trying it now, I heard that the effect is very good, you ask your mother to give me an extra bit. Zhou

Tian suddenly realized, the original purpose was to develop his own energy cube, but he didn't expect that even Master Huang's side had heard the wind, and it seemed that the mother's side was working smoothly.

But since what Master Huang wants is an energy cube, Zhou Tian must be fine, he can handle it himself, and the craftsmanship is better than Yu Siyi's.

After nodding to Huang Zhengtian and promising that there was no problem, he smiled and accepted the box.

After saying goodbye to Huang Zhengtian and a few familiar trainers in the dojo, Zhou Tian packed his luggage and went down the mountain to prepare to leave Pudo.

When I arrived at the bottom of the mountain, I found that it was full of flavor, and the residents of the island had already taken out some of the festive things for the New Year, and even many elves were dressed up like lion dances.

Looking at this scene, Zhou Tian remembered two days ago, urging from Yu Siyi, saying that he was an unfilial son, since they left Hangdu, he had not taken the initiative to call her, was there a little girl who hooked his soul, and he didn't appear for the New Year.

If Zhou Tian didn't appear in the imperial capital tonight, it was estimated that Yu Siyi would ride her tropical dragon over to hammer this unfilial son, and even his father would not be able to save him.

Remembering his mother's horror, Zhou Tian immediately quickened his pace and caught up with the earliest cruise ship to leave Pudo.

Leaving Pudo, he hurried to the nearest train station on Sunday to catch the ultra-high-speed train to the imperial capital.

Although the natural environment outside the city has become complicated since the arrival of the elves, fortunately trainers discovered Lotom and the Polygonal Beast in the secret realm (prefer to call it a 3D dragon), and after a long period of research and replication, the current intercity train technology all relies on Lotom and the Multilateral Beast, through which they are monitored in real time, and equipped with several elite trainers to deal with emergencies.

Sitting in the dining car of the train on Sunday, eating the bourgeois bento (three meat and three vegetarians) that he just ordered, watching the scenery flashing by the train quickly, enjoying this momentary comfort.

After the meal, he fed two small ones in the elf section of the dining car on Sundays, secretly mixing energy cubes with ordinary elf food, and the two little ones could barely accept it.

Suddenly, the train shook sharply, and Zhou Tian stopped the inertia of crashing into the door of the carriage by relying on the stability he had exercised in Pudo.

When the train stopped, he poked out the window on Sunday to see what was happening.

At this time, the front of the train seemed to be blocked by something, and several elite trainers accompanying the train were already standing in front of the train.

It didn't seem to be a big problem, because Sunday saw that several elite trainers didn't seem to send their elves, when the display screen in the train popped up to inform the passengers of the situation encountered by the train.

The picture is red, red, green and green, it turns out that the shuttlecock grass and shuttlecock flowers float on the train track, and this season is indeed similar, after all, spring is indeed coming.

Because of their characteristics of fluttering in the wind, the polygonal beasts cannot monitor their appearance, but strangely, in general, the wind pressure of the train has long blown them away and will not remain on the train track.

At this time, a trainer on the screen sent a flower ape towards the shuttlecock grass and shuttlecock flower, and the camera also appeared clearer as they advanced.

It turned out that a shuttlecock grass got stuck in the crack of the train track, and the other partners entangled it and tried to pull it out, but unfortunately the power of shuttlecock grass and shuttlecock flowers is too small, so... That's the result now.

The trainer took the coconut ape and saw the problem, this little problem was difficult for his strong coconut ape, with one hand, the stuck shuttlecock grass was rescued, a little bruised but not serious.

Seeing that his partner was rescued, the other shuttles and shuttles bounced to express their happiness.

In order for them to take off again, the trainer released a large-billed finch, and under the flapping of its wings, a gust of wind vortex formed on the train track, and the group of shuttlecock grass and shuttlecock flowers gathered together again and flew into the sky.

The passengers in the car also poked their heads out of the windows, smiling and looking at the red and green in the sky, and the harmony between trainers and elves was very pleasant.

The episode of the train was over, the train to the imperial capital set off again, and nothing was encountered in the rest of the journey, and Sunday also took a nap idly.

When I opened my eyes again, the sunlight was already thin, and it seemed that the sun was setting soon, but fortunately, I also saw from the display screen that the imperial capital station was not far away, and it could be reached in ten minutes.

Zhou Tian woke up, packed his bags, and waited to arrive at the station.

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