An ethnic group that appeared in front of everyone's eyes, the Great Flower Eater Group, one of the most dangerous groups in the forest. It turned out that the aroma just now was not a sweet aroma, but a predatory aroma emitted by the three large food flowers in front of him.

In addition to the three large food flowers, this group has more than a dozen pocket flowers and trumpet buds, and the one in the middle of the three large food flowers is obviously over the standard, and it is surrounded by the bones of animals and elves attracted by its aroma.

Others may only feel the danger of this group, but Zhou Tian can see clearly with wide eyes, the weakest of the three big food flowers are all ordinary level high stage peak level, the middle one is already level 47, all of them are almost reaching the peak of the elite level.

Covering their mouths to signal everyone to retreat, others also learned to cover their mouths and slowly walk backwards.


。。。。 At this time, this sound was not good news, and everyone slowly turned around, and saw Zhao Yixian stepping on an earth-colored wooden whisker under his feet.

Everyone looked up at Zhao Yixian, who had an earthy face, and Zhao Yixian also looked at everyone awkwardly, when a yellow bean sprout head popped out from the grass at his feet.

Looking at its expression, it is not very good, and the atmosphere is even more embarrassing.

"Squeak~~Squeak~~~~~~~" The angry horn bud let out a loud shout.

This sound is calling for those terrifying guys behind everyone, and as expected, there is an echoing cry from behind.

When it happened, you didn't need to think about it to know what would happen, and everyone immediately pulled out their legs and ran.

Later, the entire big flower eating group rushed out, obviously coming to find Zhou Tian to avenge their kick, and by the way, they had a full meal.

"Abominable, Kodora, rock blockade." Jiang Hui asked Kodora to throw it back to the Pokeball, after all, it was too slow.

On the other hand, Shui Qian also made the proboscis leaf create a lot of grass knots on the way to escape.

But they still underestimated the strength of the big food flower, and all the obstacles created by Jiang Hui and Shui Qian were cleared by the three big food flowers using seed machine guns.

Zhou Tian looked back and saw that the fierce Great Flower Eater group was also numb, and at this time, Yu Huatian, who had been protecting them on the side, finally made a move, and a fiery beast stopped between them and the Big Food Flower.

"Flame Vortex", Yu Huatian commanded the Fire Beast and trapped the elite-level Great Food Flower in the Flame Vortex.

Everyone in Zhou Tian just wanted to breathe a sigh of relief, but who knew that Yu Huatian looked back at them and grinned.

Zhou Tian and Jiang Hui looked at each other, and suddenly felt bad, they had already guessed what Yu Huatian was going to do.

"Keep running!!" The two immediately turned around and ran wildly.

It turned out that Yu Huatian only restricted the elite-level big food flower, and also let the hot beast force the other elves in the group towards Zhou Tian.

The big flower-eating group that was fueled by the fire saw that there was no hope of saving the boss, and poured their anger on their side on Sunday.

Countless flying blade fast knives, seed machine guns and even energy balls were shot at the rushing school team crowd, at this time behind the last hall of the team was still the captain Jiang Hui, but Dora and Chaobei Nose made a rock blockade, and layers of stone walls were erected.

Unfortunately, the earthen wall was also outnumbered, and only some of the skills were beaten into stones, and everyone had to lunge on the ground to avoid the remaining attacks.

The people who got up looked at the still menacing elf, and their scalps couldn't help but feel numb.

At this time, Zhou Tian looked at the broken stones and suddenly came to an idea.

"Captain, can you let Kodora and North Nose alternately use rock blockades, and then don't make it look like a stone wall, make it look like a stalagmite forest."

Jiang Hui also immediately understood what Zhou Tian meant, indeed there were layers of stone forests that could hinder the progress of the Great Food Flower more than the entire stone wall.

"Senior Sister Shui Qian, let the proboscis leaf continue to arrange the grass knot."

"Senior Sister Xie Ying, trouble let your Flower Sea Lion use the Freezing Wind."

After several seniors completed Zhou Tian's request, Zhou Tian asked Ghosts to use all their strength to use the black fog, and wrapped their transformed terrain in black fog.

I only heard the screams of ping-pong and squeaking bars inside.

Seeing that the multiple terrain has taken effect, Zhou Tian added the last fire, "Senior Sister Ma Fei, furry sheep!!"

"Understand, furry sheep, make cotton spores." Ma Fei also guessed what Zhou Tian was going to do by himself.

Then put cotton spores in the black mist, completely plunged that group into multiple terrain quagmire, and occasionally a few silly flowers and trumpet buds were also beaten back into the black fog by Kuaiquan Lang and Double Blade Pill.

At this time, Jiang Hui saw that the crisis had eased over, and directed the team to withdraw quickly, and beyond Zhou Tian's imagination, Jiang Hui also asked Li Su to leave his strong chicken behind.

When everyone left farther away, they saw that the Li Zhuang chicken began to spew sparks into the black mist, and then ran away after setting the fire.

You can imagine how much trouble the cotton spores in the black mist will cause to the big food flowers after they are ignited by sparks, anyway, Lao Yu is still there, and he is not afraid of causing a forest fire.

After running about a kilometer, everyone stopped to take a breath.

"Almost, almost we were about to be eaten dry and wiped clean by the big food flower, I am still so young, my elves and I haven't found a partner yet..." Li Su gasped and said.

Others also looked palpitating, and although Jiang Hui and Zhou Tian cooperated well in the last wave of escape, it was just adrenaline that drove the brain to run wildly.

While they were resting, an armored bird fell in the sky, and it was Yu Huatian who jumped above.

"Well, the first time I encountered this life-threatening situation, the response was quite fast, and the response measures were very effective." Yu Huatian said with a smile.

Everyone gasped and stared at this old man, if he hadn't stopped only one elf, they wouldn't have been so embarrassed.

"Teacher Yu, we're almost going to have an accident, this wave is a bit big." Wang Kun complained.

Yu Huatian said hehe, "I didn't step on the horn bud, you caused it yourself."

Zhao Yixian, who heard this, couldn't help but lower his head, if he hadn't paid attention, they wouldn't have encountered such a crisis.

"Also, you think I'm really betting that you can solve it?" Yu Huatian stomped his foot, and then a dragon-headed gopher emerged from the ground and jumped to his side.

Only then did everyone react, and Yu Huatian also sent another elite-level elf to protect them.

"Well, you are also tired today, but Dora, North Nose, Ghost, and Proboscis should all have little physical strength, go back to the city today, and I will find another opportunity to bring you here later." Several

people looked at each other and nodded, the last wave of escape just now, the elves almost seemed to have exhausted all the attribute energy in their bodies, especially the Kodora who made the terrain, and the North Nose, had already squeezed all of them.

Everyone who stepped into the gate of Hangdu breathed a sigh of relief, this trip to the wild area is still very energy-consuming, and there are many crises, but fortunately, the strength of the elves and the teamwork have been improved.

The resources obtained in the wild area this time were simply divided, so they went back to each house and found their mothers.

Zhou Tian who arrived home also sorted out and thought about the situation encountered in the wild area today, now his elf hard strength is not enough, more need to cooperate with the team, and the team cooperation should play the flexible and mysterious characteristics of the ghost as much as possible, and the cooperation in the wild area can also be used in the match, the effect should be good.

Now I hope that Ghost Si can evolve into Ghost Stone before the battle match, so that Zhou Tian can design more Yin for it... Beautiful tactics.

Ghost Stone... Shadow... Wing Chun...

Thinking about it, Zhou Tian fainted.

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