Everyone outside saw Zhou Tian appear with a calm face, and they didn't know how he did in the exam.

Although Zhou Tian is not a social fear, or even a social cow, he is the focus of the audience at this moment, and he is embarrassed to show his social skills.

Calmly walked to the cool bench in the corner of the square and sat down, and waited quietly with his hands crossed.

Because there are still many candidates to enter the exam after the sixty-sixth of Sunday, they have to wait silently for a while.

Other candidates who entered the cultivation room were not as calm as Zhou Tian.

Zhou Tian heard the cries one after another.

Yes... Human... There are also elven ones...

"Help, I ran into the fangs of the Arbor monster!! I need an antidote!! "

Uh-huh!!! My hand!!! Rumble Stone you pressed my hand!! "

Buzz~~Buzz~~~~!!" (The call of the large needle bee)

"Si ~~~Si ~~~" (Huh?? Ghost's cry, very kind)

Of course, there are also several big brothers and sisters who laugh happily, which should be very smooth.

It is estimated that it was luck that he drew more conventional elves, such as those of the grass and water systems.

The familiar people on the field chatted in pairs, and several people were happy and some were sad.

Soon, many more people will leave this square.

While Zhou Tian was silently waiting for the results, Zhou Tian's results were actually in front of the three big guys on the second floor of the cultivation house.

The paper records the whole process of the Sunday massage exam, as well as the comments of the two examiners.

'After the start of the exam, the candidate gave priority to the massage environment, and due to the special nature of the massage object, the candidate first used all the tools available in the cultivation room to create the most suitable massage environment. ''

Before the massage, the candidate has built a good emotional relationship with the massage object elf, so Duoduo Bing does not contradict the contact of the candidate'"

The candidate cooled his hands before the massage, trying not to affect the signs of the massage object elf itself, and used different ways of massage for the two parts of Duoduo Bing's body. ''

The ice body of Duoduo Ice was massaged and polished with special tools, and the overall symmetrical balance effect of Duoduo Ice's body was excellent.

''The snow massaging sequence is correct and the key snow-sensitive areas are massaged for the longest time.

''The candidate uses a certain self-owned massage technique to bring a high degree of pleasure to the massage object elf, and on the surface, the massage object elf experience is excellent, and there is no afterglow of the massage within 5 minutes after the massage. '

Comments: 'The foundation is solid, even in the face of ice elves that are not common in Hangzhou, the massage methods and steps are meticulous, and the most critical massage techniques are quite distinctive, the essence is well inspired

, and the score is full score' The three big guys

looked at the entire evaluation paper and looked at each other, "The current young man is really amazing, although he was not at the scene, but I heard the staff who gave us the evaluation paper say that the two examiners who invigilated him were full of praise for him, and even quite admired."

"Yes, although it will take a while to see the video of the entire process of his exam, but the photo of Duoduo Bing attached to the evaluation paper should prove that his massage ability is also very good~\

" "Master Jade is a good child, Zhou Tian's talent for cultivation is quite good from now on, and I heard that he is still the head of the grade, and it seems that he just followed their school team to win the final four in the national competition."

The three of them are looking forward to breaking records in this exam on Sunday and becoming cultivators, which is gratifying.

Zhou Tian, who was in the square, finally waited for the results of the staff to announce,

"Zhang Shanshan, pass this round."

"Li Sisi, I'm sorry, this round didn't pass, please continue to cheer~"


"Sunday, pass this round."


When the staff finished registering, many of the candidates in the crowd slowly left with a bitter face, some of them actually took the exam once or twice, and failed again this year, so they can only go to nibble books and practice.

In the end, there were only eighteen people left in the square, which was quite a lot, originally thought that the massage of eighteen attribute elves would be eliminated to single digits, but I didn't expect that there were many people.

The staff then announced that the last stage of treatment began immediately.

The remaining candidates also froze their eyes, and their tension rose again.

However, most of the remaining candidates are of a good level, and if they are not too lucky, they are likely to successfully break through in this exam and obtain the cultivator certificate.

"Okay, let's draw lots in order now, there are not many people, I believe that this round of exams will not be very long, I hope that the exam will go smoothly ~~" The staff cordially greeted the candidates to step forward.

One by one, the candidates extracted their own exam content, unlike the massage session, as soon as you see the elf, you know whether it is difficult or not, and the treatment link has to wait until you see the situation of the elf to know how to solve it.

Several candidates before Sunday began to enter the cultivation room, and the sound of elves began to sound inside.

Zhou Tian looked at the signature in his hand, and thought with a bitter smile, he is obviously Ou Huang, he has encountered a lot of high-qualified elves and good materials, why when it comes to the cultivator exam, what is drawn.

- Weak dingfish.

Although I don't yet know what health problems the weak dingfish I want to treat encountered, it is certainly not simple, or even tricky.

When it was Sunday's turn, he entered the matching room and saw a Poké Ball on the console.

In the old way, ignore the situation in the Poké Ball, first fill a tank on the ground with water, and then put it on the console.

Releasing the weak dingfish from the Spirit Ball and letting it directly enter the tank, Zhou Tian officially observed the situation of the weak dingfish.

No spirit is certain, this weak dingfish can only float limply in the tank, and it is obvious that there are poisonous bubbles and flashing marks on its body.

The two basic bad states, if only so, should not be difficult to solve.

Zhou Tian immediately turned out the anesthetic and antidote from the cultivation room, then found an orange fruit to mash, mixed the three things, and slowly poured it into the water tank.

Although the weak dingfish in the tank is not familiar with Zhou Tian, it also knows that the task of coming to it today is to be treated, so it is also relieved to eat what Zhou Tian gave it.

After eating it, the poisonous bubbles and electric marks on his body disappeared, and Zhou Tian thought that this last link was unusually simple.

Who knew that Zhou Tian originally planned to turn around and make a tree fruit juice to restore the strength of the weak dingfish, but poisonous bubbles appeared on the weak dingfish.

The weak dingyu stared at Zhou Tian with teary eyes, as if he was about to cry in the next second.

Zhou Tian immediately put down the tree fruit in his hand and turned back to continue to solve the problem on the weak dingfish.

After walking around the tank for a week, probe, squat, the surface of the weak fish obviously did not have any scars, indicating that the cause of repeated poisoning was not skin trauma.

The last thing left may be that this weak dingfish has eaten something poisonous into its stomach, and this is the trouble.

Zhou Tian released Ghost Stone and asked Ghost Stone to use hypnotism on the weak dingfish.

When the weak dingfish slowly fell asleep and turned its belly on the surface of the water, Zhou Tian gently scooped it up from the water.

Zhou Tian turned out the moo milk from the material, and poured a full bottle into the mouth of the weak dingyu, and the belly of the weak dingyu visibly bulged.

A small piece of ink berry was cut and placed in the mouth of the weak dingfish.

One hand drags the weak dingfish on the surface of the water, and the other hand lightly knocks on the top of the weak dingfish's head.

After counting it, the sleeping weak ding fish woke up in a daze, and as soon as he woke up, the weak ding felt a bitterness in his mouth.

Next, under the influence of a large amount of mooed milk in the belly, the weak dingfish suddenly began to squirt.

With a large spray of milk, Zhou Tian's sharp eyes found that the weak ding fish spit out a small piece of black solid.

Zhou Tian put on gloves and took a closer look, and found that it was the poisonous spores of Pyrast, which should have been accidentally inhaled and had been releasing toxins in the body.

Remove the key source of poison and the rest is simple.

After a while, the state of the weak dingfish was fully restored, swimming around the tank, and although the tears did not change, its joy was clearly visible.

Sunday did not rush to return it to the Pokéball, the examiner will check it and finish it.

Zhou Tian let out a soft breath and bowed slightly to the two examiners, indicating that he was done.

The two examiners also kindly let Zhou Tian leave the cultivation room.

Coming to the square, others also walked out of the cultivation room one after another.

Now that he has successfully healed the elf, Zhou Tian's exam this time has been stable.

At this time, there was a sound of footsteps, and it was the three bigwigs in charge of this exam who walked out of the cultivation room.

They stood aside and watched all the candidates with a smile, while the examiners in charge of proctoring their exams handed the grading paper to the Union Ombudsman in the center.

The three of them passed through the entire scoring paper and nodded.

"First of all, we don't talk nonsense either, first announce the people who have passed the third round of exams."

"There are nine people in total, Zhang Shanshan. (Seven)... , and Sundays.

"Congratulations on successfully passing the three rounds of this exam and successfully becoming a junior cultivator, I hope you can be invincible on the road to cultivation."

"In addition, under the witness of everyone, the Zhou Tian candidate successfully became the youngest cultivator at the age of 17 years and 263 days, and we will report it to the alliance for another record."

Zhou Tian instantly became the focus of everyone, and everyone knew that this was a rising star, a demon-like existence.

Zhou Tian cheekily listened to the praise of the three bigwigs, he should be able to stand ~~

"Okay, please wait for a quarter of an hour for those who passed, and now you are making your cultivator license."

Zhou Tian turned out his trainer's license, and the dark purple license was about to have a new partner.

A quarter of an hour later, Zhou Tian obtained his own cultivation license from the staff of the cultivation house.

The cultivator license is not as personal as the trainer's license, only differentiated according to different cultivator levels, and the junior license in Zhou Tian's hand is a light yellow.

The size is similar to the trainer's license, and the photo is the same, Zhou Tian took a picture of it as a whole, and then put it in the inner pocket of his clothes along with the dark purple trainer's license.

Having completed his biggest goal in the short term, Zhou Tian walked out of the official cultivation house satisfied.

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