The final exam is still one week away from the second year of high school, and there is no problem at all on Sunday, and there is no need to adjust your schedule, after all, it is enough for the paper.

But recently, in his schedule, he was forced to add an item to tutor Ye Minghe in compulsory courses...

This guy is worried that his cultural compulsory courses will drag down his comprehensive grades, and when the time comes, he will fight hard, but because of the poor results of the compulsory courses, he will lose face when he is the last of the elite class.

However, since he entered the elite class, his grades in the compulsory courses have been much better, and the general knowledge of elves, mathematics, chemistry, linguistics, etc. have all improved well.

Two hours a day on Sunday is enough. Help him add a little more confidence.

In a week, the sophomore people first took the final exam of the elective course, and the results were not bad, after all, most of the elective courses were hobby courses, and even Ye Minghe scored full marks in the elf driving test.

Not to mention Sunday, with the strength of the stunned teacher, he obtained full marks in all elective courses, especially the tree fruit science and cultivation science exams with the shortest examination time, which made other candidates tremble.

Fortunately, this person on Sunday is slowly not a person among his classmates, and they also have a certain psychological construction in their hearts, so they have not been abnormal in the elective exam.

Zhou Tian left the school early after the exam and went to the City Battle Hall in Hangdu, because the cultivation plan he designed for the three little ones was stuck.

The cultivation manual given by Sunday to the three little ones is very clear which link should be strengthened at each stage.

Needless to say, the physical attributes are strengthened every day, and the latest key strengthening object is Leo Lu, after all, maybe one day Lio Lu will evolve, and you need to pay more attention.

Since the evolution of Ghost Stone, Zhou Tian has increased his skill configuration, Shadow Fist, Shadow Claw, and Poison Strike have long been practiced and perfected, but Zhou Tian also spent a lot of pocket money to replenish energy balls, sleep, dream talk for him before, originally thought that Ghost Stone should master it in a month, but I didn't expect that none of these three skills have been learned until now...

No, Zhou Tian felt that he might have to find elves who used these skills to feed Ghost Stone and give Ghost Stone the opportunity to face his feelings.

The same problem also appears in the big jaw ants, and the ultimate absorption bought at the New Year has not found the feeling until now.

(Actually, I let Shui Qian's proboscis leaf (cunning tengu) teach for a long time before, but I didn't teach it, and I don't know whose problem it is...) After

registering the trainer's identity at the registration desk, I took the elevator up to the 4th floor on Sunday.

First arranged one-man battle training for Leolu, and also designated that the opponent had to be Leolu's headache flying elf.

Tell the dog to think more, try more, find the rhythm to deal with the flying elves, and leave Zhou Tian.

On the fifth floor, after helping Ghost Stone choose a skill tempering service, he jumped out of the list of training specialists and their elves.

Zhou Tian quickly browsed, and found that there were not many elves who could sleep and dream at the same time, only two, but energy balls, and more than a dozen grass elves were good at it.

Decide to practice energy balls today, after all, there are many choices, and then cheap...

I found the highest level among the training commissioner elves, a beautiful flower of the ordinary high level, level 37, and the strength far exceeds that of Ghost Stone.

A few minutes later, a long-legged girl wearing high heels came over, full of style of royal sister.

"This little handsome guy, hello, I'm the training specialist you chose~~" A burst of aroma wafted in.

Zhou Tian took a half-step back, squinting at this beauty. (Straight man to the end, elf invincible!!)

"Eh~~ Little handsome guy, what are you afraid of me doing, I'm very kind, my name is Qian Meili, you can call me beautiful Oh~~"

"Oh, hello, Sister Qian, can we start training content?"

Hearing Zhou Tian's call, this royal sister's body trembled, I didn't expect that the object of this work would be such a boring boy, but he was quite handsome.

"You... To put it another way... I don't tease you... Qian Meili surrendered.

"How good you are earlier, beautiful sister, please advise more today~~" Zhou Tian immediately returned to his usual state.

Qian Meili was also a little more serious, "Brother Zhou Tian, which elf are you going to temper your skills today?" What are the skills you want to hone?

Zhou Tian waved his hand to make Ghost Stone appear, "This is my elf, Ghost Stone, the skill I want him to master is the energy ball."

Qian Meili was instantly stunned, "Energy ball? Ghost Stone? "

Elves are rare in Hangzhou, and the skills to learn are strange, but young people's ideas are always wild.

"Your elf is a ghost-type elf, do you have grass-based skills in the skill pool?"

Zhou Tian shook his head, in addition to his own attribute skills, there are not many skills of other attributes in the skill pool of Ghost Stone, and the foundation of the all-rounder has not been built, this is not making up.

Qian Meili frowned, "That's not easy, what about the Shadow Ball?"

Zhou Tian continued to shake his head, not yet arranged, although it had been written down in Ghost Stone's book.

"Well, in this case, maybe Ghost Stone has not mastered the form shaping of the energy ball, and secondly, he has not mastered the use of grass attribute energy..."

Zhou Tian frowned, "I prepared a skill disc for it, originally thinking that with its ability, it would not be mastered for so long." "

Qian Meili spread his hands," it may be that the phase of the grass attribute energy is not very compatible, which elf can have a high affinity for all eighteen attributes. Zhou

Tian didn't speak, his eyebrows unconsciously raised, hi hi, there is really an eighteen attributes high affinity in his head, and there is a bunch of colorful floor tiles floating behind him.

"Let's start first, I will let my beautiful flower use the grass field first, and then use various grass skills, so that your ghost stone will not float, stick to the ground and feel the grass energy flow when the grass skill is used." Qian Meili walked onto the training ground.

Zhou Tian nodded, and let Ghost Stone float to the grassy field created by beautiful flowers.

I have to say that the green grass field is really one of the divine skills, and as soon as Ghost Stone floated to the green grass field, his body was flooded with grass attribute energy.

Then the beautiful flower constantly uses special attack type grass skills in front of Ghost Stone, magic leaves, grass knots, and energy balls.

"Because the core of today's training is to feel the grass energy, and even use it, I will let the beautiful flower focus on special attack skills, and you let Ghost Stone feel the grass attribute energy that my beautiful flower surges when using the skill..."

Needless to say more than Zhou Tian, the intelligent Ghost Stone heard everything clearly on the field, and had already concentrated his concentration, and his two big eyes were staring at the beautiful flower.

The beautiful flower used the skill of this system, and sure enough, Ghost Stone clearly felt the grass energy surging on his body.

But it was also in Shui Qian's elves before, but Ghost Stone himself could not condense the power of the grass system.

Zhou Tian also frowned, he could clearly feel that Ghost Stone was stuck in the same position again, and he understood the surging feeling of grass energy, but he couldn't condense that first energy.

Zhou Tian thought for a moment and shouted, "Beautiful sister, stop." When

Qian Meili heard this, she let Meilihua stop the use of her skills first, after all, it is quite tiring to throw her skills all the time.

"Beautiful sister, your beautiful flower will be the ultimate suck, do you want to use the ultimate suction on Ghost Stone, and at the same time control the grass field to treat it."

Qian Meili and Meilihua stared at him instantly, "Are you sure?" Ultimate suction is already uncomfortable, similar to sucking your aorta. You're still being sucked while I want to replenish it... What does it mean.. At the same time, it gives its spirit a double impact... Ghost

Stone also looked at Zhou Tian with a look of horror, what kind of moth does his master think, although he encounters a bottleneck in learning skills, he won't play himself like this.

"Si Si ~~~~" (master, don't ah ~~~ It sounds very uncomfortable ah~~~)

Zhou Tian clenched his fist and encouraged, "Don't worry, Ghost Stone, this is my idea, it is estimated that it will help you master the skills, you have to stay awake, eat bitterly, and be a ghost among ghosts~~~"

... Ghost Stone looked at Zhou Tian, who had already made up his mind, with a look of lovelessness.

As a training specialist, Qian Meili did not interfere much with the trainer's training plan, so she had to implement Zhou Tian's advice.

Poor Ghost Stone had just been sucked away by the beautiful flower on the training ground, and he was poured into his physical strength by a stream of grass attribute energy to replenish the deficit body.

Take a sip, make up a sip, suck a sip, make up a sip...

Ghost Stone collapsed on the training ground, feeling that his body was crispy.

But it still heard its owner shouting from the sidelines, "Ghost Stone!!" Don't worry about coolness, concentrate, feel the feeling of grass attribute energy entering and flowing away in your body! ! !

As if the devil's whisper echoed in his ears, Ghost Stone had to cheer up, after all, the master was in charge of the meal, and he called that day to help him ask for life energy.

Ghost Stone felt the sensation of grass energy in his body and tried to draw it between his hands.

。。。。 No... Nothing...

"Alas~~ Go ahead, beautiful sister, you let the beautiful flower continue, my ghost stone is still a little close, let's come for another hour~~~" Ghost

Stone, who was still working hard, heard Zhou Tian's words, and almost hit Zhou Tian's face with a poisonous blow!! An hour of torture!! Master, how can you be so kind to your cutest ghost stone!!

The beautiful flower on the other side also shook, lasting an hour of skill output, I am afraid that it will become a dried flower, this trainer is really terrifying.

With the help of Zhou Tian's verbal intimidation and his own talent, Ghost Stone finally condensed the first trace of grass attribute energy after a quarter of an hour.

Sunday immediately terminated training.

As long as a trace of attribute power is condensed, the elves will not be forgotten, and as long as they continue to strengthen in the future, they can gather streams into seas.

Ghost Stone almost cried when he heard that Zhou Tian let himself go.

Zhou Tian beckoned, summoned Ghost Stone to his side, and secretly stuffed a handful of energy cubes into its mouth, which also included an iridescent one.

Ghost Stone was instantly resurrected with blood, and although his physical strength still needed a little time to recover, his spirit had been freed from the destruction and reborn.

Qian Meili here thought that her work was done, but she didn't expect Zhou Tian to smile and tell her that this job still had to be done.

Zhou Tian called out the big jaw ant that was sleepy in the fairy ball, and before the big jaw ant with a confused face could react, it was thrown on the field by Zhou Tian.

The ghost stone next to Zhou Tian looked at his little brother with pity, following in the footsteps of his eldest brother, who called himself that he had not been able to learn grass attribute energy on his own.

The cost of money beauty is not low, an hour is a few thousand smaller, Sunday must be used enough, do not waste money, so although the big jaw ant is only a newcomer level, let Qian Meili help with skill tempering.

The tragedy continued, and the big-jawed ant, which had just regained consciousness, heard the ultimate absorption training plan arranged for it by Zhou Tian, and opened its mouth wide, thinking that he had heard it wrong.

But the beautiful flower began to move, proving that Zhou Tian really arranged such a set of training for it...

His eldest brother was still helplessly lying on the edge of the training ground, telling himself that he had just escaped from this torture.

If you want to end, you will fully sense the grass energy, as long as the grass energy can be condensed in the body, the skill mastery is not far away, after all, there is a skill disc, and they all understand the way of power.


After 40 minutes, the poor big-jawed ant finally condensed a wisp of grass-based energy in its mouth...

Nearly one and a half times longer than Ghost Stone, Hamlet in tragedy.

The big jaw ant's physical strength has been full because of the grass field treatment given after the beautiful flower, but it seems that the spirit has been empty, and its limbs are weak and lying on its back on the training ground.

Zhou Tian put it on his shoulder and thanked him, "Beautiful sister, thank you today, my two elves have achieved their goal~~"

Qian Meili withdrew the exhausted beautiful flower into the ball and looked at him strangely.

This ruthless man let himself 'play' with his two elves for almost an hour, his elves are not crazy, his beautiful flowers are going crazy.

“。。。 You better appease your own elves. I collect money anyway. Hearing

this, Zhou Tian smiled, and decisively swiped an extra 500 alliance coins to her, thanking her and Meihua for their hard work.

Leave the fifth floor of the week, pick up the fourth floor of Leo Road (more than 1 hour of fighting with the flying elves, also half wasted).

Go straight home, avoid their night training, give them a good massage, and soothe their wounded minds today.

After all, the battle in the final exam after tomorrow still needs their efforts~~

Finally, Zhou Tian's sophomore life is about to end, and the last two days are just away.

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