Zhou Tian saw Zhang Xian'er, who was very interested, and had to concentrate and put on a Bajiquan starting style to prepare for the battle.

Zhang Qian'er came up with a punch, the momentum was strong, and Zhou Tian blocked it with his hands together.

"Hehe, little junior brother, your health is good, then let's continue."

Zhang Qian'er is worthy of being an old disciple who has practiced for a few years more than Zhou Tian, and his fighting skills are very skillful.

Punches, kicks, and elbows, interlocking with each other.

Zhou Tian tried to force Zhang Qian'er back with a mountain lean several times, but Zhang Qian'er blocked the attack with a knee impact.

Huang Zhengtian drank tea on the side and said, "I said that the force starts from the feet, the short burst, your force is incoherent." Zhang Qianer, your liuhe fist is becoming more and more proficient, not bad. Huang

Zhengtian's words made Zhou Tian's heart shake, and his defensive posture also changed shape, and he was directly caught by Zhang Qiaoer's wrist, his shoulders shook, and he fell hard.

Then, there was no more, and then, as soon as Zhou Tian lost momentum, Zhang Xianer's attacks were intertwined and endless.

Zhou Tian, who was lying on the ground, looked at Ghost Stone and Leo Lu, who were still fighting on the field next to him, and closed his eyes in satisfaction.

At least one of the trainers and elves 'survived'.

When Sunday woke up again, it was already evening, surrounded by his four elves.

The pincer-tailed scorpion was lying on his chest, the big-jawed ant was lying at his feet, Leo Lu was lying on his left side, and only Ghost Stone was floating in the air waiting for Sunday to wake up.

"Ghost Stone, how did you do later, how did you train ~

~" "Si~~~Si~~Sisi~" (The snow tree that we fought against me we fought with fighting skills, no one could help anyone, and then it was going to melt, so our battle was over, and the second dog was knocked unconscious by the red-faced dragon)"

In this way, it seems that the red-faced dragon of the senior sister has also mastered the fighting skills, we are still not good at learning, and we must study hard for more than ten days."

Ghost Stone immediately nodded, just now after they fainted, it also saw the fighting practice of the bodybuilding lady's other elves, too powerful, far beyond its imagination.

In this way, Zhou Tian's daily life in the dojo was to practice against Zhang Qianer, while Huang Zhengtian gave opinions to the two on the side, pointing out the shortcomings of the two with his years of experience.

And what Huang Zhengtian said is not wrong at all, after the actual battle, Zhou Tian's mastery of Bajiquan is getting better and better, and the connection of various routines is becoming more and more free, although it is still inevitable to be beaten by Zhang Qianer, but fortunately, the lasting time is getting longer and longer.

"Bang!!" Sunday lay on his back again.

"Little junior brother, you still can't do it, hahahaha~~" Zhang Qian'er touched his biceps and put on a winner's pose.

Looking at his senior sister helplessly, Zhou Tian slowly got up from the ground and half sat on the ground.

"Senior sister, you are very talented, junior brother I am far behind."

These days, this senior sister constantly flattened Zhou Tian with various tricks, and Zhou Tian slowly supported from the first ten minutes to a quarter of an hour, half an hour, until today his mind was so clear that he lay on the ground.

"That's, but you're good, really good, you'll probably be the fastest promoted among our junior brothers, and your elven talent is really amazing."

In this regard, Zhou Tian definitely had to be confident, and Leo Lu had fished out another skill during this time, and it was unusual that he learned it from Zhang Qianer.

Zhang Xiaoer's daily muscle-building movements were seen by it, and the skill of bodybuilding appeared in its skill pool one day.

"Okay, senior sister, I'll withdraw today, my little cutie can't wait to go to the wild area of the southwest to find the strong and handsome King Nido."

Of course, Zhou Tian also knew Zhang Xiaoer's itinerary, stood up from the ground, stretched out his right hand, and wanted to shake hands and say goodbye.

And Zhang Qian'er walked directly over and held Zhou Tian in his arms, "Little junior brother, come to the imperial capital to find me when you have time, and then we will discuss again~~"

Zhou Tian struggled to break free, kept coughing, and waved his hand to indicate that he would definitely not come if he had a chance.

Huang Zhengtian also spoke at this time, "It seems that there is still that secret realm in the southwest, do you have a chance to try it." When

Zhang Qian'er heard this, he touched his head, "Ah, the quota of the alliance this year has been divided, my alliance points were almost used for the red-faced dragon last year, and this year When I make up enough, the place is long gone." Zhou

Tian was confused and didn't know what they were talking about.

Huang Zhengtian helped it answer at this time, "Five years ago, a new secret realm appeared in the southwest, and there was an elf in it, which was the dream of all trainers, especially martial artists like us.

Zhang Qian'er also grabbed his hair, "Xiong apprentice group, ah, I must grab a place next year." Zhou

Tian immediately became energetic.

A family of bear apprentices? I didn't expect that there was a secret realm of the bear apprentice group on the side of the Dragon Country, but it was also, the Dragon Country was the most suitable place for their existence.

Unexpectedly, the league had a quota to accept, and Zhou Tian's interest immediately soared.

"There are places every year? What is the number of that group? Zhou Tian questioned, knowing that in the previous life, this treasure can be regarded as a phantom beast type, and the number is limited.

The two who knew suddenly looked strange, "At first, it was just a normal number of races, but they were really suitable for our dragon country, and then they got along well with the alliance, so our alliance provided them with excessive resources, and then their breeding speed broke out a little, so the number of groups has grown explosively in the past two years, so the alliance's annual secret place is also increasing."

Huang Zhengtian also said, "This is really good, not clear heart, if like the Master Weasel group, the size of the group has not changed year after year, it is really not easy for us martial artists to take one."

After listening, Zhou Tian's face was also a little strange, he didn't expect that the bear apprentice, who was so rare in his previous life, was in such a situation in this life, it seems that he also has a chance in the future.

After a few more brief chats, Zhang Qianer picked up the luggage on the sidelines and prepared to leave.

"Master Huang, Little Junior Brother, and everyone, I'm leaving, see you next time~~"

She did not ride Pokékiss, but walked down the mountain like this.

Zhang Qianer's departure can be regarded as a loose tie for Zhou Tian, you must know that during this time when she is there, Zhou Tian often loses consciousness, and the muscles of the whole body do not feel controlled when she wakes up, and the back pain and leg cramps are the best description of Zhou Tian's state during this time.

However, Zhang Xiaoer's departure also reminded Zhou Tian that he only had the last two days left to train in the dojo.

In the past two days, there will be no more high-intensity combat training on Sunday, but under the guidance of Huang Zhengtian, with the fighting training of Leo Lu and Ghost Stone.

In other words, Ghost Stone has finally memorized the basic routines of Wing Chun in these ten days, although it cannot be used smoothly in battle, or combined with skills.

After a while, Zhou Tian may have to command Ghost Stone to use a set of Japanese characters to punch - Shadow Fist or something during the battle.

However, Huang Zhengtian repeatedly stressed that elf battles are still based on skills, and fighting skills only help them have more changes when using skills, or strengthen the effect of skills.

Instead, he is a trainer with a deep grasp of martial arts that will help him better survive in the wilderness, secret realm, or alliance missions.

On the last day, when Zhou Tian came to the martial arts arena in the morning, Huang Zhengtian stopped him from continuing his training.

He summoned his warrior eagle, called Zhou Tian up, and flew to the side of Yanshan Island.

"Don't be in a hurry to continue training today, take your elf to meet its group, I helped you say hello, but this time you went in just to visit relatives, you can't accept the elves."

Zhou Tian immediately nodded, great, Huang Zhengtian actually noticed the situation of his big jaw ant.

These days when they train on Sundays, the big-jawed ant and the pincer-tailed scorpion fight on the side, but when resting, the big-jawed ant always looks at the rocky mountain island on the side, but Sundays have no right to take it into the secret realm, so they can only play with it at night to comfort and comfort it.

Soon, he came to the secret realm entrance of Yanshan Island, where several alliance personnel of the secret realm management bureau were stationed, and immediately said hello after seeing Huang Zhengtian.

Then Zhou Tian smoothly entered the secret realm, of course, followed by a person from the secret realm.

It didn't take long to see the oasis where I had encountered a desert dragonfly before, and I saw a desert dragonfly flying from a distance, and it seemed that it felt the coming.

Zhou Tian immediately released the big-jawed ant from the Spirit Ball.

As soon as the big-jawed ant came out, he also heard his mother's neighing and immediately ran to the oasis.

Soon the mother and son were reunited, and the claws of the desert dragonfly suddenly held up the big jaw ant.

Zhou Tian sat with the staff of the Secret Realm Management Bureau on the side, chatting casually, without disturbing the emotional communication between the elves.

After a while, some elves came out of the oasis, it was the playmates of the big-jawed ants before, and it was the desert dragonfly that called them out.

Here, the big-jawed ant was completely released, and Zhou Tian even saw it rise one level in the frolic of the little playmate, making Zhou Tian cry and laugh.

For most of the day, Zhou Tian stayed in the secret realm with the big jaw ants.

So when the personnel of the Secret Realm Bureau reminded Zhou Tian that it was almost the same, the big-jawed ant was very face-saving and immediately came to Zhou Tian's side.

After Zhou Tian signaled to the desert dragonfly, the desert dragonfly also nodded and flew back to the oasis.

Successfully left from the secret realm, found that Huang Zhengtian left the warrior eagle and returned to Pudao first, Zhou Tian calmed the mood of the warrior eagle who had been waiting for a long time at the cost of two energy cubes, and successfully rode it.

That night, Sunday went down to the mountain with a few local disciples in the dojo to enjoy the food of Pudo.

After eating, drinking and sleeping, he will leave Pudo tomorrow Sunday and go to the place of his ideal experience, Hong Kong Capital.

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