In fact, the wild elves could not enter the port capital, but after Sunday and several other trainers explained the guarantee, Xiang Tail Meow and the Flying Mantis were able to enter the city.

That old Song directly asked the tropical dragons to take them to the alliance center, handed over all the elves to the alliance healer on Sunday, and asked the therapist to arrange a medical massage for them.

All the elves in this battle worked hard, and the injuries were not light, including the flying mantis and the tailed meow, if they were allowed to recover in the wild, it would take less than a week to heal.

Ghost Stone in his elf is the hardest, seriously injured by first aid and then seriously injured, and then first aid to prepare for battle, not only trauma is estimated to be very mentally fatigued.

I made an appointment to let them rest in the elf center for an afternoon, and Sunday also found an hour room next to the elf center to lie down.

In the evening, Sunday woke up, and the exhaustion of overuse finally dissipated.

Came to the alliance center to pick up all the elves, sent the flying mantis and the tail meow out of Minato, and gave them a large amount of elf food and a little energy cube, agreeing to see you later.

After the figures of the two elves disappeared into the wild area, Zhou Tian turned his head and left.

After a whole day, I starved to death on Sunday, and I will leave Hong Kong tomorrow, and I plan to have a beginning and an end on Sunday, and then go to 'Gulf Extreme Taste' to eat.

When he arrived at the door of the seaside shop, he planned to sit outside this time, and it happened that there was still a place outside today.

When the boss saw him coming, he didn't say much, asked him not to order food, he gave him a set.

On Sundays, I was also happy, sitting outside watching the beautiful sunset and seascape, and drinking cold drinks.

After a while, one dish after another came up.

At first, I didn't feel anything on Sunday, but I didn't expect an endless stream.

He didn't stop until he went up the fifteenth road, and after going up, the boss actually walked out and sat on the edge of Zhou Tian.

"Boss, there are too many, how can I finish eating alone." Zhou Tian and the boss nagged.

"Let your elves out, it's not that the elves can't eat human food, I have prepared so much, don't you let them taste it?"

When Zhou Tian heard this, he released his elves, and the boss spoke, and he definitely did not treat his elves badly.

One person and four elf fruits broke off, and the delicious food made by the owner quickly fell into the stomach, and this last meal before leaving Hong Kong was perfect.

"It's full, how about it, boss, I didn't owe you~

" Zhou Tian smiled and nodded, "It's very delicious, I will definitely remember it." "

Huh? Are you leaving? The boss heard the meaning of Zhou Tian's words.

"Yes, school will start in a few days, and I have to go back to prepare for it, so I will go back to Hangdu tomorrow."

The boss frowned, "So urgent? Then you wait, I'll make a call. "

Naturally, Sunday is up to him.

Not long after, he walked back and sat on the edge of Zhou Tian again.

He spoke, "On behalf of the Hong Kong Alliance, I thank you for today's incident, if those poachers succeed, and then the wild elves attack our port city and create chaos, we will have a headache."

"So the Hong Kong Capital Alliance discussed and prepared a gift for you, which was selected according to your situation, I hope that you will like it at that time, that thing will be sent directly from the headquarters of the Dragon Kingdom Alliance to your address in Hangdu, using a lot of permission points of the Hong Kong Capital Alliance."

When Zhou Tian heard this, he immediately straightened, "Thank you very much to the Hong Kong Capital Alliance, but as long as the alliance trainers encounter this kind of thing, they will take action, you are polite." The

boss shook his head, "The alliance will not be stingy, you righteous youth, we will definitely live up to your efforts." Zhou

Tian saw that the boss was so formal, and he didn't twist, and nodded to indicate that he accepted it.

The two chatted casually a few more words, and Zhou Tian got up to say goodbye, and he couldn't always affect people's business.

Finally, stay for one night in a hotel with a good environment and sea view, looking at the moonlit sea outside, it seems that there is a howler whale king showing his head in the open sea.

Waking up by the morning sun on the sea, he left Hong Kong on Sunday and embarked on the return journey back to Hangdu.

On the train, Zhou Tian recalled the process of coming to Hong Kong to train, meeting different people, different elves, and fighting friendship with elves in the wild area, and uniting against poachers, which was definitely an excellent experience.

The most important thing is that his four elves have really become a lot stronger.

For Zhou Tian, there was nothing happier than the elves he cultivated becoming stronger, and if there was, it was the divine beast kneeling and begging him to be a trainer.

Finally returned to the small nest of Hangdu, well, in fact, it is not a small nest, the house left by Zhou Zhiqian and Yu Simian can raise more than thirty elves, and there are still too few elves on Sunday.

After returning home, Ghost Stone and Leo Lu were responsible for cleaning the house, and the big-jawed ants and pincer-tailed scorpions went to the yard to turn the soil and weed, and went out on Sundays to buy some food.

The following Sunday lived an extremely boring life, getting up early to train, going to the arena or battle hall to train during the day, going home at night to scan the content of the cultural class, confirming that he had a full score of about 99% probability, and then accompanying the elves to train at night.

Because Ye Minghe had not yet returned, he said that he wanted to make the nanny fee paid by his father worth the ticket price, and let the trainer team take it to fight in the wild area every day.

Previously, he also let the dark raven provoke the three evil dragons of the quasi-god of the wild area, and the entire squad was chased away.

Zhou Tian really obeyed him after listening to it on the phone, and he said that he saw that the three evil dragons seemed to have just fallen in love with a flame queen lizard, so he shouldn't be very weak, the wings are soft, and the three heads are soft, so he went to peek.

Unexpectedly, they chased most of their wild area like this, and if they hadn't entered the territory of other powerful elves, it was estimated that they would have chased them down.

He also disliked that the flame queen lizard was too bad, did not squeeze the three evil dragons, listened to Zhou Tian straight thumbs up, you really step on the horse logic genius.

Ye Minghe also put a cruel word on the phone, saying that he would come back and challenge next Sunday with his elves, except for Ghost Stone.

Sunday wanted to see how much he had improved in this summer training, and said such a floating word, so that Leo Lu and them could teach him a good lesson.

Finally, on the last day of August, the two diehards met, and Zhou Tian thought that he had tanned when he went to the southern port, but he didn't expect that Ye Minghe's guy went to the western mountain capital to be more exaggerated than Zhou Tian.

"Ah Tian, I don't see you during a summer vacation, you are a lot darker~~" Ye Minghe began to complain about Zhou Tian as soon as they met.

“。。。 Did you say that before I looked in the mirror, the sun in Shandu is more poisonous than the port side.

Ye Minghe looked at his hands, "I don't know, it means that I work hard, and I stay outdoors longer than you." The

two people poisoned each other's tongues, and finally ended with Ye Minghe being too thin and his metabolism was too poor.

"In other words, you are only returning to Hangdu now, are you okay with the bottom test after school starts?" Zhou Tian asked Ye Minghe.

"Just kidding, my elf is very strong, okay, you know, my dark raven rose to level 23 yesterday, and the energy intensity increased by more than 2 levels in one summer vacation, and I am definitely not afraid of anyone."

“。。。 I mean your cultural lesson. Zhou Tian said speechlessly, the battle will not be worse than last year, Zhou Tian does not feel that his dead party will be weak.

Who knew that when Ye Minghe heard this, his face changed in an instant, if it weren't for the fact that he was still strong, Zhou Tian felt that he would cry.

"Oh my God, do you know how I have spent these two months?! Do you know what kind of life I lived!! One of the trainers team entrusted by my father was a senior student from Yamato University, who studied culture every night.

"I have to train in battle during the day, I can't rest at night, I have to study cultural lessons for 5 hours, and I am surrounded by several other people in the squad when my mind wanders."

Zhou Tian also had to twitch after hearing it.

I didn't expect Uncle Ye to be so ferocious, more rolly than his own arrangement, you must know that he often eats a small barbecue at night in Hong Kong, looks at the sea view, goes to bed early and gets up early.

And now it sounds like it's good that the small body of his dead party can still be maintained.

"So, you're doing well in culture class now?" Zhou Tian wondered if Ye Minghe had really improved his strength in the cultural class.

"That's ~~ That eldest brother said that he has almost the same results in my current exam, that doesn't mean that I already have the level of a college student." Ye Minghe said proudly.

Zhou Tian looked at Ye Minghe speechlessly.

Don't hit him, maybe the student of Shandu University didn't use any rhetoric, and he really thought that Ye Minghe's grades were good.

"Then again, you just think that the Dark Raven is promoted, so you can bully and bully my Leolu?" Zhou Tian questioned.

"Of course, my Dark Raven has increased so many energy levels, and has learned a lot of skills, and restrained your Leolu, and can definitely win."

Seeing him so excited, Zhou Tian still didn't want to hit him, his own Leo Lu was already level 24, and with Zhou Tian's cultivation level, a lightning fist or a freezing fist was enough for it to eat a pot.

Unexpectedly, this guy kicked his nose on his face, and when he heard Zhou Tian mention this, he was angry and wanted to pull Zhou Tian to fight against the battle hall.

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