"Old Su, hurry up, how are you grinding and chirping!"

"It's coming, it's coming!"

The door was slowly opened, and Su Feng walked out of it wearing a formal suit with a hint of nervousness on his face.

"Look, how am I?"

Su Feng turned around twice in front of Chen Sheng and asked with a smile.

He looked into Chen Sheng's eyes, trying to find a sense of surprise in them.

"Well, yes, it looks a bit like a dog now."

Chen Sheng touched his chin and nodded very seriously, but he was met with a roll of Su Feng's eyes.

If it weren't for the fact that today was his big day, he really wanted to arrest this guy and slaughter him.

"Okay, okay, you're very handsome, okay, the wedding car is downstairs."

Chen Sheng is also dressed in formal clothes today, and as a qualified best man, he naturally can't lower his compulsion.

Glancing at the watch on his wrist, Chen Sheng urged Su Feng.

"Got it, let's go."

A groom official and a groomsman official quietly walked out of the suite in the community.

In the corridor, there were several neighbors who watched the excitement, and when they saw the two of them coming out, they couldn't help but smile.

"Xiao Feng, today is your big day, congratulations."

"Haha, Aunt Liu, rejoice and rejoice."

Signaling to Chen Sheng, who was slumped on the side, the latter had no choice but to go up with a smile and divide several red envelopes one by one, which made the smiles on the faces of several neighbors even brighter.

"Xiao Feng, I wish you a happy newlywed and an early birth to a noble son."

"Thank you, thank you."

Thanking them all the way and sharing the red envelopes, Su Feng and Chen Sheng finally walked out of the community and saw countless welcoming vehicles parked outside the community.

"Let's go."

Chen Sheng greeted Su Feng, then stepped forward and sat in the first car, and Su Feng followed closely behind.

A moment later, the mighty convoy began to start slowly.

From a distance, you can't see the end of this convoy at a glance, and those who have insight can recognize it at a glance, these cars are definitely all kinds of vehicles of world famous brands!

This greeting team is really unprecedented!

Sitting in the car, Chen Sheng also seemed to have finally relaxed, looked at Su Feng, who was looking out the window, and asked a little funny.

"What are you thinking about, are you thinking about your beautiful bride?"

"Hurry up and roll the calf, my daughter-in-law can think as much as I want."

"Yo yo yo, I'm called a daughter-in-law before I get married, I really don't know what shit luck you have taken, and you can find such a beautiful girlfriend in a different world!"

Chen Sheng's tone couldn't help but have a sour taste, which made Su Feng feel amused.

He looked out the window with some distraction, the scenery that kept receding as the car moved, and he didn't know where the thoughts were going.

It's been a month since the two worlds merged...

And as the last survivor of the God War, Su Feng naturally became the last true god in this expanded world.

He finally understood what the system was doing it all for.

It pulls the timeline back.

Su Feng personally slashed N and other evil forces, but the more special Creation God and Radiant God were not pulled back from the timeline.

And, the system of self-sacrifice....


The sound of firecrackers rang out, causing Su Feng to quickly pull back his thoughts.

It turns out that I have arrived.

"Let's go, groom, it's time for us to get off."

Chen Sheng took the lead in opening the car door and walked down, Su Feng was still looking out the window, the headquarters of the Sinnoh Alliance, which had returned to its original state and even become more majestic, was distracted for a while.

It was his second wedding and his first.

Sirona, I said I would marry you.

Su Feng's eyes were suddenly full of color, and after sorting out his emotions, he also opened the car door, opened his thighs, bathed in the gentle sunshine, and Hexi's smile gradually floated to the corners of his mouth.

As far as the eye can see, in the clouds, the Broken Sky and the Dark Lokia are constantly wandering; At the end of the earth, Groudor was hanging his head silently, and Mewtwo sat cross-legged on top of it.

And when he retracted his farsightedness and looked at the brightly lit Sinnoh Alliance headquarters, he couldn't help but shrink his pupils slightly.

Geng Ghost, Charizard, Koga Ninja Frog, Shanado, Little Nebula.

The five elves stood on either side of the main entrance, looking at Su Feng with a grin.

In the middle of them, Sirona, who was wearing a white wedding dress with golden flowers, and her jade hands were unconsciously intertwined, and a shy flush appeared on her face.

This made Su Feng look a little distracted for a while.

At some point, Sirona, dressed in a holy wedding dress, had come to his side, and the eyes of the two gradually intertwined and blended together in the light of the morning sun.

Under the gentle light, Su Feng could see clearly and clearly.

Sirona's eyes flashed with tears, but with a smile like a spring breeze, her voice sounded slowly.

"Welcome back, Su Feng."


(End of book).

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