“This Zhuang Wenwen is not simple, he didn’t come to win over Liu Bo.”

Looking at the back of Zhuang Wenwen leaving, Kong Xian had some surprises, Zhuang Wenwen did not come to woo Liu Bo.

After the contact just now, Kong Xian finally knew why the owner of this body fell into Zhuang Wenwen’s scheme.

This person has a plan and can endure, which is indeed terrifying for ordinary people.

But, alas, this time he was doomed to overturn.

Kong Xian will tell him that in the face of absolute strength, any conspiracy is a paper tiger.

“Won’t Kong Xian be fine?”

Zhao Linger asked with some concern.

“Don’t worry, with Liu Bo here, there won’t be any problems.”

Kong Xian patted Zhao Linger’s head affectionately and comforted.

“Don’t worry, there is an old man who can hurt the principal.”

Liu Bo is also giving Zhao Linger a reassuring pill.

He doesn’t know much about the world.

I don’t know what the level of high-end trainers in this world is.

But to protect Kong Xian, he thinks he still has this ability.

“It really scared me to death just now.”

“I thought you were going to fight.”

At this moment, the shop owner came to Kong Xian’s side with a finished breakfast.

“Boss Gu, your shop is so close to the school, and there are many of his students in the restaurant, as a principal, you won’t be so stupid to do something that damages your image.”

Kong Xian explained to the shop owner.

If the two of them really had something unpleasant, it would be him who would lose the most.

As long as you are not a fool, you will not choose to do it here.

“It’s okay.”

“Long-tailed monster monkey, please help the guests get breakfast.”

Seeing that Kong Xian and the others were okay, the shop owner relaxed his heart and began to call the long-tailed monster to help Kong Xian get breakfast.


Receive an order from the shop owner.

I saw the long-tailed monster monkey running over and starting to help the shop owner take breakfast from the lotus leaf on the head of the Lotte Kappa.

“Wow, it’s so fragrant.”

“What is this made of?”

As soon as breakfast was served, a spray of fragrance poured into Xiao Gang’s nose.

Xiao Gang asked curiously.

Want to know what these things are made of.

“I made it out of tree fruit.”

“Both humans and elves like to eat very much.”

“But I can’t tell you the specific recipe.”

The shop owner said with a smug look.

It was with this admiration that he stood on this street for ten years.

“It’s okay, it’s okay, I’ll figure it out sooner or later.”

Xiao Gang was immediately full of fighting spirit.

When he comes to Japan, he will always develop the formula.

The shop owner did not pay attention to this at all.

It’s not that no one has tried to copy his recipe over the years, but all have failed.

Soon the large table was filled with breakfast, which was placed on the table by the long-tailed monster monkey and the shop owner.

“Come out, Casey.”

Seeing that everything was ready, Kong Xian took out a Pokeball and released Casey.

With a flash of red light from the Fairy Ball, a yellow Elf appeared next to Kong Xian.

“What a sleepy guy.”

Looking at the sleeping Casey, Kong Xian complained.

Twenty-four hours a day, at least 18 hours a day, Casey sleeps.

Not because he was snoozing, but because Casey needed a lot of sleep to replenish his mental power using his superpowers.

This will continue until Casey evolves to Yongira.

“It’s time for dinner, Kathy.”

Kong Xian tries to wake up Casey for dinner.

I saw that breakfast, under the control of Casey’s superpower, began to slowly move towards Casey’s mouth.

“Let’s come out too, Nine-Tails.”

Zhao Linger immediately released her nine tails and began to eat.

“It’s our turn, my baby!”

I saw Xiao Gang take out a handful of Spirit Balls and throw them upwards.

With a flash of red light from the seven spirit balls, the seven elves appeared beside Xiao Gang one by one.

The rock elves and the huge body of the gili egg instantly occupied a lot of space in the restaurant.

“Wow, it’s a big steel snake, it’s so handsome!”

“And Gili eggs!”

“Why does this bad frog look so stupid.”

“And this giant swamp monster, it looks so powerful.”

Xiao Gang’s elf instantly attracted the attention of everyone in the restaurant.

Especially the big steel snake has attracted much attention.

If the Great Rock Snake wants to evolve into the Great Steel Snake, it needs a metal coating to evolve.

However, there is no metal coating in this world.

If the trainer of the ground system wants to have a large steel snake, he can only go to the wild to try his luck.

Some large rock snakes have been shuttling in the rocks in the mountains for a long time, and some metal elements hidden in the rocks will accumulate on their bodies, forming a natural metal coating over time, thus evolving into large steel snakes.

If you are lucky in the wild, you may come across a large steel snake in the wild.

Therefore, the Great Steel Serpent is an extremely rare elf in this world.

Even rarer than some quasi-elves.

“It’s amazing, it’s the first time I’ve seen a big steel snake with my own eyes.”

“The metal on this big steel snake is smooth and reflective, and it is very good to cultivate at a glance.”


Xiao Gang listened to the praise of others with a look of enjoyment.

This big steel snake is an elf that he has carefully cultivated since the big rock snake.

These compliments are all recognition of him and the big steel snake.

Zhao Linger on the side did not expect that this wretched perverted man had such a rare elf.

“That… Can I take a picture with this big steel snake? ”

At this moment, a young girl wearing the uniform of Qingteng College next door and about the same age as Zhao Linger walked to Xiao Gang with an excited face.

I want to take a picture with the big steel snake.

“This beautiful young lady, Xiaosheng Xiaogang…”

Seeing the beautiful girl appear, Xiao Gang’s lecherous problem was committed again, his eyes bloomed with love, and he knelt on one knee and wooed the girl.

“Heck, hemp… up….

Just as Xiao Gang was halfway through his words, the bad frog hit Xiao Gang with a stinger with one blow.

Suddenly, Xiao Gang’s whole body was paralyzed and fell to the ground.


The girl looked at Xiao Gang who fell to the ground with some confusion.

“Sure enough, Xiao Gang’s nemesis is still a bad frog.”

Seeing Xiao Gang on the ground, Kong Xian smiled helplessly.

It’s really brine point tofu, one thing down one thing.

“If you want to take a picture with the big steel snake, slowly line up one by one.”

Kong Xian took charge of Xiao Gang without authorization and allowed these people to take pictures with the big steel snake.

“Really? Count me one, count me one. ”

“Great, I finally have the bragging capital.”

“Queue, queue.”


Soon, there was a queue in the small restaurant ready to take a photo with the big steel snake.

“Thank you, Principal Kong.”

The girl thanked Kong Xian and walked to the big steel snake with an excited face.

Carefully stroked the steel body of the big steel snake.

The metal body conveyed a cold feeling, which made the girl feel very comfortable.

“Big steel snake, my name is Tong Leng, you have to be obedient.”

The girl affectionately stroked the body of the big steel snake.

Then took out his mobile phone and compared a “yes” gesture to take a group photo.

Finally, after the big steel snake enjoyed a star treatment, Kong Xian and his party also ended today’s breakfast.

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