“Kong Xian, you are too bad.”

Zhao Linger covered her mouth and smiled.

Ten billion ah, it is estimated that even the Zhao family will have to feel distressed for a while.

“No way, who let them come to us for trouble.”

Kong Xian stalled his hand, just short of money, you will hit the muzzle, don’t pit who you pit.

Under Kong Xian’s coercion, Zhao Qian called his father and began to ask for money.

“What’s wrong?”

A voice full of majesty came from the phone.

It is none other than Zhao Qian’s father and Zhao Tianyu’s eldest brother – Zhao Liangyu.

“That… Dad, my fourth uncle and I are in some trouble and need some money. ”

Zhao Qian replied hesitantly.

Originally, he came to find trouble with others, who knew that the kick hit the iron plate, the trouble did not come out, and even his fourth uncle was frozen by someone.

Now he is also being extorted for sky-high compensation.

“What’s going on?!”

On the other side, after hearing this, Zhao Liangyu frowned and asked in a low voice.

I don’t know what trouble Zhao Tianyu and Zhao Qian encountered.

“Dad, I’ll explain to you when I turn back, you hurry up and call the money over, my fourth uncle and I will die if it’s late.”

Zhao Qian urged.

He was ready to explain it to his father when he went back.

After all, the level 93 messenger bird is a little strange, he just explains it now, and his father will not believe it.

“How much does it cost?”

Zhao Liangyu heard his son’s explanation, stopped asking further, saw how much money the other party needed, and then called the money.


“What! Billion?! ”

Zhao Liangyu exclaimed, although their family has money, one billion is not a small amount.

“Where are you now? What about your fourth uncle? Call the kidnappers! ”

Zhao Qian’s father asked Zhao Qian to give the phone to the “kidnappers”.

“Fourth Uncle and his fast dragon are frozen in ice, you will ask me later.”

Zhao Qian temporarily put the phone aside and asked Kong Xian cautiously.

“That, my dad is going to call you, you see if it’s convenient now.”

Zhao Qian asked Kong Xian.

“Take it.”

Kong Xian asked Zhao Qian to bring the phone.

He wanted to see what the other person wanted to say.


Kong Xian took the phone and said.

Soon, a middle-aged male voice came over the mobile phone.

“Who is Your Excellency, who knows the consequences of offending my Zhao family?!”

Zhao Liangyu tried to suppress Kong Xian through the background of the Zhao family, forcing the other party to release his brother and son.

As soon as Kong Xian heard this, he was immediately happy, it was all this time, and he wanted to suppress him through the Zhao family.

Don’t talk about a Zhao family.

Even if the entire Royal Dragon Family is added together, he is not afraid.

“I am Kong Xian, and your brother and your son illegally broke into our school and caused immeasurable damage to our school.”

“Now you hurry up and bring money to ransom people.”

“Otherwise, I can’t guarantee that your brother and son will still be alive and well.”

Kong Xian counter-threatened Zhao Qian’s father.

People are now in his hands, and the right to speak is in his hands.

“Kong Xian?!”

“You are Kong Xian!”

When Zhao Liangyu heard this, he was slightly stunned and exclaimed in disbelief, but he didn’t expect that the other party was Kong Xian.

At first, he thought it was the enemy of their Zhao family, or some outlaws.

As a result, the other party turned out to be Kong Xian who disclosed the secret of their Royal Dragon Family!

But didn’t he only have one casey?

Not to mention his brother, even his son can’t beat it.

How did he subdue his brother?!

At this time, Zhao Qian’s father was full of doubts.

Can’t figure out what’s going on.

“I will bring the money immediately now, but you have to guarantee the lives of my brother and son.”

“If they have any three strengths and two weaknesses, our Zhao family will definitely not die with Your Excellency!”

He decided to see for himself what was going on.

“Well, rest assured, we’re not outlaws.”

Kong Xian reassured the earlier that he only sought money, not life.

Even if you want to kill, you won’t kill so openly.

Otherwise, if you are targeted by the alliance, there will be no peaceful days.

“Okay, your dad will come over later.”

After hanging up the phone, Kong Xian returned the phone to Zhao Qian.

“Yes, yes, yes.”

Zhao Qian took the mobile phone and very intuitively hid to the side.

In case the province touched Kong Xian’s brow, he knocked on his bamboo bar again.

“Strange, why hasn’t Xiao Gang come back yet?”

After returning the phone to Zhao Qian, Kong Xian looked at the time.

Just now, Liu Bo said that Xiao Gang should almost come back.

But now so much time has passed and it hasn’t come back.

Kong Xian was worried about whether something had happened to Xiao Gang.



At this moment, Kong Xian’s mobile phone suddenly rang.

A note with the Suhang City Investigation Bureau appeared on Kong Xian’s mobile phone.

“Suhang City Investigation Bureau?”

Seeing the words on the phone, Kong Xian had a bad feeling.

Picking up the phone, a female voice came from the phone.

“Hello, is it Kong Xian, the principal of the Evergreen Elf Academy?”

“This is the Suhang City Investigation Bureau.”

The voice of the Investigation Bureau operator reached Kong Xian’s ears from the telephone.

“Hello, I’m Kong Xian.”

Kong Xian replied by phone.

“Is there a student named Xiaogang in your school who harassed a large number of women in the market?”

“It is currently under the control of our Bureau of Investigation.”

“You’ll take care of it.”

The operator said on the phone.

Hearing the operator’s words, Kong Xian was suddenly speechless.

His worst fears happened.

“What’s wrong, Kong Xian?”

Zhao Linger saw that Kong Xian’s face was a little wrong, and asked with concern.

“It’s okay, Xiao Gang has something wrong, I’ll deal with it.”

“You and Liuber train well at school.”

Kong Xian shook his head to signal that he was fine, and then said goodbye to Liu Bo and prepared to go to the Suhang City Investigation Bureau to find Xiaogang.

“Your Excellency the Principal, don’t worry, there is an old man here.”

Liu Bo nodded, letting Kong Xian go with confidence.

“Strange, why is there no movement?”

At the same time, Zhuang Wenwen, who was always paying attention to Evergreen Academy, stood on the rooftop, looking at Evergreen Academy’s brows furrowed, full of puzzlement.

Since the people of the Zhao family entered the Evergreen Elf Academy just now, it was like a stone sinking into the sea, and there was no movement at all.

At this moment, Zhuang Wenwen saw a figure that he least wanted to see, and walked out from the gate of the Evergreen Elf Academy.


“How is this possible!”

The moment he saw Kong Xian, Zhuang Wenwen exclaimed in disbelief.

The Zhao family came to find Kong Xian’s trouble, how could Kong Xian retreat all over?!

Zhuang Wenwen’s eyes were dull and looked at Kong Xian’s distant background.

Such a perfect plan of his own, just failed like this?!

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