Under the leadership of Dang Yinghua, soon the two came to Dang Yinghua’s office.

“Please sit, Principal Kong.”

Dang Yinghua returned to his seat and asked Kong Xian to sit down as well.

“I heard that the Zhao family wants to trouble you, do you need my help.”

Dang Yinghua said to Kong Xian that the Zhao family flew out a fast dragon this morning and flew towards their Suhang City.

This matter is a lot of fun.

Naturally, she had heard about it.

Help here refers to his own personal help.

She is naturally capable of doing this position.

If she makes a move, the Zhao family will also give some face, and there is no need to embarrass Kong Xian.

“Thank you for the kindness of the party director.”

“I’ve worked things out.”

Kong Xian thanked Dang Yinghua and said that he had solved it.



Hearing Kong Xian say that it was solved, Dang Yinghua was slightly stunned, obviously a little surprised.

Unexpectedly, Kong Xian had already solved it.

However, since Kong Xian said that it was solved, she did not continue to ask.

How to solve it, if she wants to know, there is naturally a way to find out.

“Call Principal Kong this time, in addition to Xiao Gang’s affairs, there is another thing I want to ask Principal Kong.”

“Of course, I also know Principal Kong’s consulting fee, as long as Principal Kong knows, we will give Principal Kong a satisfactory price.”

Dang Yinghua opened a notebook and slowly said to Kong Xian.

“The party is too polite, what money is not money, I don’t care at all.”

“The party chief can ask whatever he wants, as long as I know everything related to the elves.”

Kong Xian pretended not to care.

“Since Principal Kong is so generous, I am here to thank Principal Kong for his generosity on behalf of the Suhang City Investigation Bureau.”

Dang Yinghua took the road in a serious way.

“Hey! Ay! Ay! ”

When Kong Xian heard this, he almost didn’t react.

This lady is not a good person, this is the rhythm of white.

“Okay, tease you.”

“How much money, our investigation bureau will not lose you a point.”

Dang Yinghua glanced at Kong Xian with a smile at the corner of his mouth, as far as his careful thoughts, if he couldn’t see through, he would be the director of the bureau.

“I said, how can the alliance swallow the money of this little common man like me.”

Kong Xian, whose mind was seen through, scratched his head embarrassedly.

Kong Xian then understood why Dang Yinghua looked so beautiful, and he didn’t have a boyfriend until now.

With her, there are no secrets to speak of, and all careful thoughts can be seen through by her.

“That’s right, the headquarters of the Bureau of Investigation, not long ago issued a task for us chiefs, to find a police dog elf who can replace Katy dog.”

“I want to ask Principal Kong if he knows any elves that can replace Katy Dog and Dai Rubi.”

Dang Yinghua opened her notebook and asked Kong Xian.

The notebook recorded some elves that she had been thinking about for a long time, most of them canine elves.

However, due to various reasons, the most suitable elf has not been found to replace it.

Kong Xian is known on the Internet as “the walking elf encyclopedia.” ”

Dang Yinghua wanted to ask Kong Xian for advice to see if Kong Xian knew.

“It’s easy.”

Kong Xian replied without hesitation.

This kind of problem is not difficult for him.

“There are many elves who can replace Katy dogs.”

“Hayok can, has a high level of loyalty, and also has the smell of a canine elf.”

“It’s that the combat effectiveness and pursuit ability are not as good as Katy Dog and Dairubi.”

Kong Xian said slowly and recommended an elf to Dang Yinghua.

In the United States and the Gerlora Islands, the elf used by Junsha there is Hayok.


Dang Yinghua continued to ask.

Hayok she also thought that it was indeed a good choice.

However, as Kong Xian said, Hayok’s combat effectiveness and pursuit ability are not as good as Katy Dog and Dairubi.

Not the best option to replace them.

“Thunderbolts, meerkats, skunks can do it.”

“Especially Skunk Poof, highly recommended, he can adapt to a variety of harsh environments, and Katy and Darubi have the functions he has!”

Kong Xian continued.

“Skunk poof?!”

“Is this going to work?”

Dang Yinghua asked with some disbelief.

He thought that Kong Xian would say what kind of canine elves.

Who knew that there were three elves that had nothing to do with dogs, except for one lightning beast that resembled a canine elf.

The other two are mongoose elves.

Especially skunk poof, Kong Xian also highly recommended.

Dang Yinghua wanted to hear the reason for Kong Xian’s recommendation.

“Of course.”

“There is no more suitable elf than him.”

Kong Xian was very sure.

Then began to introduce Skunk Pot to Dang Yinghua.

“First of all, the first point is that the skunk uses the attributes of the poisonous and evil line, which allows him to use more inferior environments.”

For example, the Swamp, where Katy dogs and Dairubi cannot move. ”

Kong Xian slowly introduced the reason for recommending skunk to Dang Yinghua.

The first is that he is not so squeamish, as long as it is not a big desert, skunk can basically adapt to any environment.

Especially in the swamps, Katy Dog Darubi can’t move, but skunk poofs are different.

The properties of the poison system directly make it immune to the miasma of the swamp.

Can be moved in the swamp.

“Why didn’t I think of that?!”

When Dang Yinghua heard this, her eyes instantly lit up.

Like Kong Xian said, there are many swamps in the Yanhuang region and the West China Theater.

Since there has been no “police dog” suitable for living in that environment, it has brought a lot of trouble to the investigators in the West China War Zone.


Dang Yinghua continued to ask.

There are many elves who can live in harsh environments.

This alone is not enough.

“Of course there is.”

“The most important point is that the mongoose has a sense of smell that is not inferior to that of canine elves, and can spray a strong stench from the tail, which will not dissipate for 24 hours, which can be a good marker for criminals to follow.”

Kong Xian continued.

In the Sinnoh area, some of the “police dogs” used by Miss Junsha are mongooses.

Except that the race value is a little worse than the Katy dog, the others are not inferior at all.

Arguably the best alternative to Katy dogs.

“I didn’t expect the mongoose poo to have such a function.”

“Principal Kong’s walking elf encyclopedia, worthy of its name.”

Dang Yinghua did not hesitate to praise Kong Xian.

It was the first time she had heard that mongoose poofs had a sense of smell that was no less than that of canine elves.

“Awarded, awarded.”

Kong Xian replied modestly.

But the smile on his face, no matter how you look at it, is a villain’s victory.

“I am very satisfied with the answer, how much is the consultation fee this time, I will let the finance transfer to you.”

Dang Yinghua said to Kong Xian.

If Kong Xian is not mistaken, the mongoose is exactly the Katy replacement they are looking for.

“Just give a million or two.”

Kong Xian waved his hand and smiled.

“One or two million? The price of Principal Kong’s consulting fee is really high. ”

Dang Yinghua teased Kong Xian.

It was expensive, but it was worth the money, so Dang Yinghua still called the finance and transferred it to Kong Xian.

“Okay, I’ve already informed the finances, but there are some processes to go.”

“The payment will arrive a little later.”

Dang Yinghua explained to Kong Xian.

“It’s okay, I’m sure the alliance won’t pit me.”

Kong Xian was quite relieved at this point.

One or two million, the alliance is not enough to pit him.

“Party chief, if there is nothing else, we will leave first.”

Kong Xian looked at the time, it had been a while since he came out, and after the matter was done, it was almost time to go back.

“I’ll send you.”

Dang Yinghua picked up the car keys and prepared to send Kong Xian back.

“No need, I have something to say to Xiao Gang, it’s not very convenient for you to say.”

Kong Xian declined.

Xiao Gang’s problem of confessing when he sees a beautiful woman really needs to be changed.

Otherwise, it is easy to be designed by people with ulterior motives.

“Hmm… Okay then. ”

Dang Yinghua nodded and watched Kong Xian’s departure.

After Kong Xian left and left, Dang Yinghua was silent for a moment, and then found Kong Xian’s WeChat on the Internet.

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