“That Liu Bo is good, Principal Kong is good.”

Seeing that the wood was ready, Zhao Qian could only accept his fate.

Say hello to Liu Bo and Kong Xian one by one, and strive to leave a good impression

“Well, what are the elves you have now, and what is your strength?”

Kong Xian asked Zhao Qian.

Some basic information about Zhao Qian, he still needs to know.

“My elf now only has a level 40 Harkron.”

“If you have a title, it’s still a junior trainer.”

Zhao Qian said truthfully.

Although Hakron’s strength has reached the intermediate level, he will immediately enter the advanced level.

But he is still a junior trainer.

The reason is that there are not enough elves.

Both intermediate and advanced trainers must have at least three or more elves and the corresponding gym badge to participate in the assessment.

“Level 40, it’s not bad.”

“During this time, you will train with Liu Bo, if there is anything you don’t know, ask me and ask Liu Bo.”

“A month later, I will take you to our Youth Cup in Suhang City.”

Kong Xian said to Zhao Qian.

Counting Zhao Qian, there are three of them participating in the Youth Cup this time.

If nothing else, you should be able to enjoy the top three.

“Okay, Headmaster, I see.”

Zhao Qian nodded obediently.

After communicating with Zhao Qian for a moment, Kong Xian left and returned to his office alone.

“The system opens my properties panel.”

[Host: Kong Xian].

[Age: 26].

[Elf: Kathy].

[Props: Pokeball, Good Injury Medicine….].

Mission: Pay all debts within seven days

[School: Evergreen Elf Academy].

[Number of teachers: 2].

[Student: 2].

[Buildings: Teaching buildings: 2, playgrounds: 1, basketball courts: 2, training venues: 5].

[Funding: 901 million.] 】

[Reputation: 370,000].

“Finally scraped together all the money for the debt.”

Looking at his attribute panel, Kong Xian suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

Now he only needs to return the money to Zhuang Wenwen to complete the system task.

“After paying off the debt, there are still 901 million left.”

“Renovate the school, update the equipment, and then build three kinds of playing fields that are commonly used for water, grass and rocks.”

“There are almost 800 million left.”

Looking at his own funds, Kong Xian initially planned the development of the school later.

In terms of teachers, now there are only Liu Bo and Xiaogang.

The two of them alone are certainly not enough.

He also recruits teachers of culture classes from society, as well as other elven teachers.

Some of the later period of time he was busy.

“Send a selfie to show off.”

After sorting out the things behind, Kong Xian, who was in a good mood, took out his mobile phone and took a selfie and sent it to the circle of friends.

[Alas, without debt, suddenly feel lost (stall hands. )】

The circle of friends has just been sent, and Kong Xian instantly received a lot of replies and likes.

[I’m dripping obediently, Principal Kong is not only alive, but also saved enough money. ] 】

[The background is so big, the Royal Dragon Family does not dare to move? ] 】

[Congratulations to Principal Kong, finally free. 】

[Stream fraud six six six! ] 】

[I contributed 5/100 million to President Kong. 】

[Lying groove, Principal Kong saved up enough 100 million alliance coins so quickly. ] 】

[One hundred million in three days, according to me I don’t eat or drink now, I can’t earn it in three hundred years. ] 】

[Will Principal Kong broadcast live in the future?] 】


In just a few minutes, there were more than a hundred comments.

Many people were shocked that Kong Xian shook out the secret of the Royal Dragon Family, and he was not troubled.

[April Day on Earth; Principal Kong, congratulations on saving enough money so quickly. 】

On the other side, always pay attention to Kong Xian’s ice, after seeing the circle of friends sent by Kong Xian.

Let go of your heart.

Kong Xian was not only fine, but also scraped together enough money needed for the debt.

[President Kong: Thank you, thank you. 】

Kong Xian replied politely.

[April Days on Earth: Will Principal Kong broadcast live in the future? 】

Bing Bing asked with some concern.

Kong Xian live broadcast is to save money to pay off debts, and now there is enough money.

Bingbing is worried that Kong Xian will not broadcast live in the future, so that she can’t see Kong Xian.

[Kong Xian: The live broadcast still has to continue. 】

Kong Xian replied without hesitation.

The live broadcast brought him a rapid reputation, and he would not give up so easily.

However, he did not charge for some small questions about elves.

[April Day on Earth: Great. 】

Seeing Kong Xian’s reply message, Bingbing’s face showed joy, for fear that Kong Xian would not broadcast live in the future and would not see Kong Xian.

“Who is Bingbing talking to, so happy?”

At this moment, a female voice sounded from behind the ice.

Frightened, Bing Bing quickly put away his mobile phone.

“Xiaoya, you scared me to death!”

Seeing that it was his friend, Bingbing breathed a sigh of relief.

“Hurry up and be honest, who are you talking to?”

“Did you get a boyfriend behind my back?!”

Xiaoya pretended to be angry and asked.

“What boyfriend do I have?!

Bingbingqiao’s face was slightly ruddy and sly, as if someone had discovered the secret in his heart.

“I also said no, you look at your little woman’s posture, and you know that you are in love at a glance.”

“I treat you as the best sister, and you don’t tell me about this boyfriend, you are too uninteresting.”

As a criminal investigator, how could Bingbing’s reaction be concealed from her.

This look shows that you have fallen into the river of love.

“I’m really not in love, just some good feelings.”

Bing Bing blushed and explained.


Xiaoya asked again with some uncertainty.

“Not really!”

Bing Bing nodded heavily and confirmed.

“And who is this person?”

Xiaoya instantly ignited a gossip heart, wondering who this man really was and could get Bingbing’s favor.

“Kong Xian, is the Kong Xian who is known as the “walking elf encyclopedia”. ”

For Xiaoya, Bingbing did not have anything to hide, and said truthfully.

“Kong Xian?!”

“Isn’t he in debt of 100 million?”

“That was before, you see, he had saved enough money to pay off his debts.”

Bing Bing proudly held up her mobile phone and opened Kong Xian’s friend to share it with her good friend.

Show off like a wife.

“Bingbing, you won’t be serious, will you?”

Looking at Bingbing’s appearance, Xiaoya asked in disbelief.

This is obviously the rhythm of women chasing men!

The national wife wants to chase a boy backwards, if this is passed on, Kong Xian must not be beaten to death.

“I don’t know, I always have a very strange feeling about Kong Xian.”

“I look forward to chatting with him every day and looking forward to him going live.”

Bing Bing fell silent and said slowly to Xiaoya.

It was from that time that Kong Xian confiscated her consulting fees.

She began to have a strange feeling for Kong Xian.

She doesn’t deny that she has a good impression of Kong Xian, but when it comes to liking and loving, she doesn’t know if it is.

“It’s over, my cabbage is going to be arched.”

Hearing Bingbing’s story, Xiaoya was completely desperate in her heart.

Isn’t that a sign of liking someone?

PS: I wrote this chapter from two points to five points, wrote countless versions, and picked the smoothest,

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