Chapter 65: The Secret of the Legendary Elves (Subscription Request)

“Your Excellency Headmaster is not in any trouble.”

Not long after Kong Xian returned to the Evergreen Academy, he happened to encounter Liu Bo walking with his elf.

“Liuber I’ll help you.”

Seeing Liu Bo, Zhao Linger immediately ran over to help Liu Bo push the wheelchair.

“When I met a Caludio, there was no trouble.”

Kong Xian nodded and said, Caludio just wanted to try it with Xiao Mao, and there was no malice.

People in this world don’t know that Caludio is a legendary elf, which saves a lot of trouble.

“O legendary elves!”

Hearing that it was Caludio, Liu Bo was slightly stunned, and then sighed

He had a lifelong relationship with legendary elves.

I didn’t expect to come to this world and meet the legendary elves.

“Kong Xian Liubo, what is that legendary elf?”

Zhao Linger asked curiously.

Zhao Qian on the side also pricked up his ears and listened curiously.

Didn’t Principal Kong say that Caludio was just a relatively rare elf before?

Why did he become a legendary elf in Liuber’s mouth.

What exactly is this legendary elf?


“It’s okay to tell you, you’ll find out sooner or later anyway.”

“But until you don’t have the strength of a champion, it’s best not to say it.”

Kong Xian hesitated for a moment and said to the two of them.

“In addition to the elves we have seen, there are some elves with magical powers in this world.”

“They can reverse time, stop space, and oceans engulf continents.”

“Elves with these abilities are called legendary elves.”

“And Caludio is one of the holy swordsmen, and the unicorn on his head can be turned into a sharp sword and cut off everything.”

Kong Xian said slowly.

Appearing today is Caludio, a mysterious bird spirit of Antarctica.

None of them prove that there are legendary elves in this world, and it is difficult not to guarantee that there are no other legendary elves in this world.

“Reverse time and stop space from engulfing continents by oceans.”

“Does this world really have such an elf?!”

After Zhao Qian listened, he was a little unbelievable.

With these abilities, you can already call them gods, do they really exist?

“Of course there is, Liu Bo and Qinglu and Lijia have all fought with them.”

Kong Xian nodded.

“Liu Boqinglu teacher Lijia, teacher them!”

Zhao Qian and Zhao Linger stared too wide, as if they had heard some fantasy, and looked back and forth at Qinglu and Liu Bo.

Not only do these elves exist, but they have also fought with them! I saw Qinglu and Liu Bo nodded, which was regarded as acquiescence.

Although Caludio is a legendary elf, his ability is not so strong.

“The reason why I said he was a relatively rare elf in West Lake is entirely to protect it.”

“Don’t spread this matter, otherwise it will bring endless trouble to Caludio.”

“The legendary elven battle is not so easy to intervene!”

Kong Xian reminded Zhao Linger and Zhao Qian.

Caludio’s abilities are not strong, but there is no guarantee that this incident will not lead to other legendary elves.

“The headmaster is right, legendary elves, you better not touch it”

Liuber, who has been in contact with legendary elves all his life, has the most say and reminds them.

“It’s Principal Liubo, I know.”

Zhao Qian solemnly assured Liu Bo and Kong Xian.

He also realized the seriousness of the matter, otherwise the headmaster and Liu Bo would not have reminded him at the same time.

He would never tell his family about it anyway.

If they get involved in this kind of war, it will be a disaster for their Zhao family, “Just know it.”

“Headmaster, this is the elf you gave to the old man before, and it has been cultivated by the old man.”

Liu Bo took out a Pokeball from his wheelchair and handed it to Kong Xian.

It was the casey that Kong Xian asked him to cultivate before.

After these days of cultivation, this Casey’s level has been raised.

It is enough for the principal to protect himself, and if he continues to cultivate, he may not obey the principal’s orders.

“Great, trouble Liuber.”

Kong Xian quickly took Casey’s Pokeball and thanked Liu Bo.

Liu Bo finally trained his casey, and he didn’t have to bring bodyguards when he went out in the future: “Come out, casey!”

After taking over Casey’s elf, Kong Xian released Casey.

With the flash of red light of the Pokeball, an elf with yellow skin and brown leather armor from neck to chest appeared beside Kong Xian.

It was Kong Xian’s casey.

Casey, who had just appeared from inside the Pokéball, opened her fishy eyes in a daze, looked around, and then closed her eyes again and began to fall asleep.

The bubbles on the nose kept getting bigger and smaller as Casey breathed.

“Level 60!”

“What a high level!”

Zhao Qian on the side saw Kong Xian’s Casey and immediately used the battle watch to check it.

I saw it on it.

(Elf: Kathy)

(Attribute: Super Energy)

(Gender: Male)

(Energy level: 60!) )

He had seen a lot of level 60 Hudi, but it was the first time he had seen level 60 Casey.

“Level 60!”

Hearing Zhao Qian’s voice, Zhao Linger exclaimed.

If he remembered correctly, she remembered that Kong Xian’s Casey was only level twenty before, and even she was inferior.

Unexpectedly, in the hands of Liu Bo for a few days, the level of the elf soared to level sixty! Zhao Linger was curious about how Liu Bo was cultivated, and the level of the elves soared so fast.

“Hehe, in terms of elf cultivation, the old man is far worse than Qinglu”

Gu Liu said modestly.

If you give Qinglu the same time, the headmaster’s Casey can be cultivated to at least level sixty-five by Qinglu.

Zhao Qian and Zhao Linger didn’t know what to say after hearing this.

These two are more perverted than the other!

“It’s still as sleepy as before.”

Looking at the sleeping Casey, Kong Xian shook his head helplessly, and then used the system to check Casey’s information.

(Elf: Kathy)

(Attribute: Super Energy)

(Features; Magic Protection)

···· Seeking flowers 0 (strength: elite level)

(Gender: Male)

(Potential: Champion)

(Move: Teleportation Mental Power Illusion Light Fixing Method Meditation Barrier.)

“Elite level, it seems to be level sixty.”

Looking at Casey’s information, Kong Xian said secretly.

The information viewed by the system is much more detailed than that viewed by the battle watch.

Not only can you check the characteristics of the elves, but you can also check the moves of the elves.

During the time that Liu Bo was cultivating, Casey learned a lot of super-powered moves

“Casey start evolving!”

Kong Xian stroked Casey, who was still sleeping, and said.

The sixty-level Casey should have evolved a long time ago, and it has not evolved yet, I am afraid it was done by Liu Bo.

It doesn’t matter if these elves evolve or not, but Kong Xian is still self-aware.

Choose to let the elves evolve to maximize their strength.

Moreover, he had also drawn the Hudi Super Evolution Stone and the Mage bracelet before.

Without evolution, these things are wasted.

As soon as Kong Xian’s words fell, he saw that Casey began to burst out with evolutionary light.

Waiting for the light to dissipate, a red five-pointed star pattern on one forehead, a fox-like face, a narrow snout, and two tufts of hair similar to a beard, and an elf with a silver spoon in his right hand appeared next to Kong Xian.

It was Kathy’s evolutionary type of Yongjira!

But evolution doesn’t end there.

Yongjira once again erupted with evolutionary light.

“Continuous evolution!”

This time, even Xiao Mao couldn’t help but exclaim.

Continuous evolution is very rare.

Waiting for the light of evolution to dissipate, a Hudi appeared beside Kong Xian.

Compared to Casey, Hudi’s strength is indeed much stronger.

But at the same time, Hudi is not as cute as Casey.

Now Kong Xian finally understands why Nazi wants Hudi to keep Casey in form.

Anyone holding a Hudi in their arms would feel weird.

“With this Hudi, my self-preservation ability should be there.”

Looking at Hudi in front of him, Kong Xian secretly said in his heart.

When he hatches Lucario and the iron dumbbell and cultivates them, he is also a powerful elf trainer.

“By the way, Liubo, do you know how to restore Hudi to Casey’s form?”

Kong Xian asked Liu Bo.

If only his Hudi could be like Nazi, allowing Hudi to evolve and degenerate freely.

“Can elves degenerate after evolution?”

“The old man doesn’t know this method.”

After Liu Bo heard this, he was slightly stunned, but he did not expect that there were still people who could control the evolution and degradation of the elves.

“Okay then.”

Seeing that Liu Bo didn’t know, Kong Xian didn’t continue to ask.

I can only wait to summon Nazi out later and ask Nazi for advice.

PS: Someone proposed communication evolution, I explain here that communication evolution is not a necessary condition for elf evolution, Ash has encountered wild geng ghosts during his travels, and my understanding is that communication accelerates their evolution.

Finally at 12 o’clock, today is another day of ten thousand, asking for nine votes a month

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