Chapter 80: Seventeen-year-old Top Champion (Subscription Request)

“The proposal to use skunk instead of Katy dogs, after the study of our elven scholars, agreed that this solution is feasible.”

“The test area will be executed in the West China Theater of Operations.”

“Do you have any other comments on this?”

Yanjing Imperial Capital, at this time, a meeting was going on in the high-level conference room of the Elf Alliance.

In addition to the presidents of the five war zones, a series of important decision-makers such as the chief police inspector Dang Hong, the Union Prosecutor Union Search Officer and so on are participating in this meeting.

“No comment.”

“No comment.”

“No comment.”

Everyone present had no opinion on this proposal, and according to the information provided by Dang Hong, they conducted relevant experiments.

Skunk Poof’s combat effectiveness is not as good as that of Katy dogs.

However, it can handle most harsh working environments and has a good ability to hunt down.

Is by far the elves they have found best to replace Katy dogs.

“In that case, then the meeting proceeds to the second item.”

Seeing that everyone had no opinion, Xiang Tianlin, the general president of the Yanhuang Region, continued.

Proceed to the second element of this meeting.

“Regarding the educational reform of our Yanhuang District Elf Academy, news has come from Suhang City that Kong Xian has agreed to include elven characteristics in the mandatory curriculum for trainers.”

“At the same time, I decided that the assessment of junior trainers will also be added to the assessment of elf characteristics.”

“In addition, a make-up examination procedure will be added to the trainer who has obtained the title of trainer in “150”, and those who fail the assessment will temporarily cancel the assessment of the professional title of trainer.”

“Do you have a different opinion on this?”

Xiang Tianlin asked everyone.

Trainers are an important factor in determining whether a country is strong or not.

Eighty percent of the country’s trainers are now trained by elven academies.

Therefore, he attaches great importance to the education of trainers.

“There are 200 million registered trainers in our Yanhuang region, and if all of them are retaken, will this workload be too large.”

One of the search officers said with some concern.

200 million people already account for one-seventh of the total population of the Yanhuang region.

This is definitely a huge number, and I am afraid that it will be a lot of work to operate.

“200 million people are indeed a little more, but make-up exams are a must.”

“The characteristics of elves have ushered in a change among trainers, and if you fall behind, you will be beaten, the lesson of more than five hundred years ago, I think you should all know.”

Xiang Tianlin was silent for a moment, nodded and continued.

Now that the Elf trait has become a factor that cannot be ignored in the Trainer Sprite Duels, sometimes one trait is enough to reverse the outcome of a match.

That’s why he asked all those with the title of trainer to take a make-up exam.

He wanted to ensure that every trainer in the Yanhuang region knew the characteristics of the elves well.

“Your Excellency the President is right, if you fall behind, you will be beaten.”

“Now that our Yanhuang region has an advantage in the study of elves, we should continue to expand this advantage.”

“Although there are more than 200 million people, it should not take much effort to take an exam, and if the operation is fast, it can be completed in a month.”

Dang Hong seconded.

The elven characteristics were proposed by Kong Xian, and his daughter was quite close to Kong Xian, and he regarded Kong Xian as his prospective son-in-law.

If all trainers participated in the re-examination of elven characteristics, Kong Xian’s reputation would be greatly improved.

“Seconded, elf characteristics have become a necessary factor to consider in battle, and although the retake exam is difficult, it is imperative!”

Another member seconded and endorsed the trainer’s make-up.



Others chimed in, even the search officer, who was initially apprehensive.

“Since it was unanimously passed, then it was decided like this.”

“Xiao Liu, you draw up a charter and post it on the official website, the sooner the better”

Seeing that everyone had no opinion, Xiang Tianlin asked his secretary to draw up a charter for the make-up exam.

“Let’s move on to the third element of the meeting…”

An hour later.

“That’s all for today’s meeting, do you have any other questions for the Taijia?”

After an hour of meeting and study, Xiang Tianlin finally finished everything today.

“President, I have one more thing here.”

At this moment, Dang Hong spoke.

“Party chief, please say.”

“My daughter Dang Yinghua found a genius trainer in Suhang City.”

“A true genius!”

“I want to use my place to recommend him to our league.”

Dang Hong said slowly.


“A true genius?”

“The party chief said that depending on who this person is, he can make you so respectful.”

Hearing that Dang Hong wanted to recommend someone to join the Elf Alliance, Xiang Tianlin suddenly became interested and wondered who this real genius in Dang Hong’s mouth was.

“A teacher from Evergreen Academy Qinglu.”

Dang Hong said slowly to everyone.

The person he wants to recommend is Qinglu!

“A teacher from the academy?”

“The Evergreen Elf Academy sounds a little familiar.”

“Isn’t this Kong Xian’s school?”

“What is there in a school teacher that Lao Hong recommends so much.”

Hearing Dang Hong’s answer, everyone in the conference room whispered to each other and discussed with each other

I don’t know what a teacher of an academy is worth recommending by Dang Hong.

“Everyone be quiet.”

“What is the age and strength of the party chief?”

Xiang Tianlin signaled everyone to be quiet and asked Dang Hong about this so-called green trainer.

There are one or two recommended places for everyone they are doing.

It can be said that every place is precious.

“Qinglu, age seventeen, has not yet obtained any trainer title.”

Dang Hong truthfully introduced the situation of Qinglu.

“Lao Hong, this Qinglu is you, you actually want to waste a place for him to go through the back door!”

“Yes, you recommend a der, if you don’t even have a professional claim”

“Confused, wasted a spot.”

Before Dang Hong’s words were finished, he was interrupted by the people around him.

“What are you worried about?”

“Am I the kind of person who opens a back door for someone?”

Dang Hong glared at a few people who interrupted him, and then said 0 towards Xiang Tianlin.

“President, Qinglu does not have the title of trainer.”

“But none of his elves are below the rank of seventy-five.”

“One of the strongest of them, the Elven Charizard, appears as level eighty-eight on the battle watch!”

“Strength is the top champion!”

Dang Hong continued to say to everyone.


As soon as Dang Hong’s words fell, there was a sudden silence in the conference room, and then it began to make noise again.

“The surname is Dang, if you want to recommend people, you don’t have to brag so much.”

“Seventeen years old, the strength of the top champion, you dare to say it?!”

“Lao Hong is excessive, if you say that he has the strength of a senior trainer or the strength of an elite trainer, we can still believe, the top champion, this is too far-fetched.”

“That’s it, you just blow hard, the elf of our general president is only level eighty-eight, how can he, a seventeen-year-old hairy boy, have an eighty-eighth-level elf.”

Everyone in the conference room commented that no one believed Dang Hong’s words.

Seventeen years old, let alone champions, even trainers with the strength of the king of heaven, they have not seen ah.

Seeing the look of disbelief in everyone, Dang Hong felt dark in his heart.

When her daughter told him this, he didn’t believe it.

But that’s what it is.

“Ahem, if this trainer called Qinglu really has the strength of a champion, then he is indeed an out-and-out genius.”

President Xiang Tianlin coughed dryly.

The implication is that he also does not believe what Dang Hong said.

“You don’t believe it, do you?”

“Qinglu is now in the Battle Tower of the Demon Capital, don’t you know if you let Qian Feipeng have a battle with him.”

“As long as Qinglu can defeat Qianfeipeng, can it prove Qinglu’s strength?”

Hearing that the crowd still did not believe it, Dang Hong suggested to the crowd.

“Lao Hong, I think you are here to entertain everyone.”

“There’s no need for that.”

“It’s a complete waste of time.”

“Seventeen-year-old champion level, how is this possible.”

Although Dang Hong said this, everyone still did not want to believe it.

Because what he said was so weird.

“Gentlemen, I assure you that everything I say is true.”

“If Qinglu can’t defeat Qian Feipeng, I’m willing to pay full responsibility for what I just said!”

Seeing that everyone still didn’t want to believe it, Dang Hong directly took himself as a bet this time.

“It’s just a game, it doesn’t have to be so serious,”

“That, Chen Wu, you contact Qian Feipeng and ask him to give this trainer called Qinglu an elf duel.”

Seeing Dang Hong seeing this, Xiang Tianlin asked Chen Wu, the president of the East China Theater, to contact Qian Feipeng to arrange this showdown.

“Okay, I’ll get in touch.”

Chen Wu nodded and replied, although he was a little reluctant in his heart, but the president had spoken, and he had to contact Qian Feipeng.

Saying that, Chen Wu dialed Qian Feipeng’s mobile phone.

“Huh? Didn’t the president go to the imperial capital for a meeting?”

“Why did you call me all of a sudden.”

On the other side, Qian Feipeng, who was about to watch the green game, saw the caller ID on his mobile phone and wondered.

I don’t know when President Chen Wu called him.

“Hey, President.”

Qian Feipeng answered the phone.



“He’s here.”

“The specific strength is not clear, the elf currently used is a new form elf called the giant pincer mantis, and the level on the battle watch shows the champion level of seventy-eight, and it is impossible to confirm the authenticity before.”

“What! Level seventy-eight!”

At the same time, in the conference room of the Imperial Capital Alliance, when everyone heard Qian Feipeng’s answer.

Everyone looked at each other in silence.

This Qinglu really has a seventy-eight level champion-level elf?!

“That elf is called the giant pincer mantis, it is an evolved type of the flying mantis, and although the battle watch cannot be recognized, the level will not be wrong.”

Seeing everyone’s shocked looks, Dang Hong explained lightly.

“Okay, you link the video to us.”

“If he is not an opponent, you personally have an elf game with him!”

Chen Wu instructed Qian Feipeng, and hung up the phone after speaking.

“Qinglu is about to fight an elite-level trainer.”

“Qian Feipeng will send us the link in a while, and if he is not an opponent, Qian Feipeng will personally fight him.”

After hanging up the phone, Chen Wu explained to everyone.

After a while, a link was sent, and Chen Wu opened the link and projected the video onto the screen of the conference room.

A teenager and a middle-aged man came into their eyes.

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