Chapter 96: Title Party, Hammer Tekkendo Hall (Subscription Request)

Ding, your reputation is far away, and your reputation is worth one.

“Ding, you are respected by people, and your reputation is worth one.”

Early the next morning, Kong Xian was woken up again by the voice in his head.

Listening to the voice in his head, Kong Xian opened his eyes with a confused expression.

Not sure what happened.

Before they were all known, or their strength was shocked.

Respected and famous, he was heard for the first time.

“Let’s take a look on the Internet first.”

When Kong Xian opened his mobile phone, he immediately knew what the situation was.

Yesterday, the video of Bingbing interviewing him was broadcast by Modu News.

This is not the point, the focus is on the announcement issued by the headquarters of the Yanhuang Elf Alliance

Elf traits are included in the Trainer’s mandatory course.

The Junior Trainer assessment will also add a sprite trait item.

At the same time, trainers who have obtained the qualification title of trainer will gradually go through the re-examination procedure, and those who fail the re-examination will be temporarily cancelled.

When this news came out, it immediately overwhelmed Qinglu and Qian Feipeng’s battle.

There is a lot of talk about sprite traits on the Internet.

No one expected that the Elf Alliance would attach so much importance to the characteristics of the elves and actually make up the exam for all its members!

“Prestige is up again.”

Put your phone down and open your properties panel.

The remaining 200,000 reputation points yesterday soared to half a million again after this matter fermented.

And the value is constantly increasing.

“Today is another beautiful day.”

Looking at the rising prestige value, Kong Xian was in a good mood and was ready to get dressed and got up.

That’s when there was a sudden knock on the door.

A male voice sounded outside the room.

“Principal Kong, there are a few journalist friends downstairs who want to interview you and Your Excellency Qinglu, do you have time now?”

The staff asked Kong Xian outside the door.

After learning that Kong Xian and Qinglu were staying in their hotel, countless reporters surrounded their hotel early in the morning.

Seeing that he would not stop without interviewing Principal Kong.

“It looks like you can reap another wave of prestige points.”

Kong Xian said secretly after hearing this, and then shouted outside: “Okay, I know, you arrange it, I’ll go over later.”

There is no need not to have the reputation value of the white pick

Hearing Kong Xian’s promise, the staff was relieved.

And then go and arrange for the journalists.

Soon, not long after, Kong Xian followed the staff to a lecture hall with Qinglu.

At this time, there were already many reporters waiting in the lecture hall.

Qinglu originally didn’t want to come, but was dragged by Kong Xian.

As Kong Xian and Qinglu stepped into the lecture hall, countless flashing lights kept flashing.

“May I ask Principal Kong what he thinks about the elf characteristics joining the trainer’s compulsory examination project.”

“Are the green elves all cultivated by himself?”

“Why doesn’t the Evergreen Elf Academy recruit out-of-town students, and does it discriminate against out-of-town students?”

One by one, the question of trying to dig holes for Kong Xian was raised by this group of journalists.

But Kong Xian did not answer, pushed away the paparazzi blocking in front, and walked towards the rostrum of the lecture hall.

Kong Xian did not have any good impression of these journalists who tried everything to distort the facts for the sake of traffic.

“Green and I only answer three questions, so let’s start asking questions.”

Kong Xian signaled many reporters to start asking questions.

As the person being interviewed, Kong Xian had to choose answers to questions that were beneficial to him from the questions of many reporters.

Suddenly, countless questions were thrown out by journalists.

The entire lecture hall was instantly noisy.

Soon Kong Xian’s ears locked onto a problem.

“Do I know about this friend’s proposal that elven traits are included in the trainer’s mandatory program?”

“I want to say yes, I know.”

“I have already sorted out the elf characteristics documents and sent them to the relevant departments, I believe it will not be long before you can see the relevant books.”

“Of course, if you want to know more about the elf characteristics in advance, you can pay attention to the live broadcast room of our Evergreen Academy Xiaomao.”

“When we return to Suhang City, we will continue to live broadcast more content related to elves.”

Kong Xian smiled slightly, answering the first question.

Promote your own books and Xiao Mao’s live broadcast room.

“Yes, Xiao Mao and Qing Lu are brothers, and it should be easy to find out if there are channels”

“Qinglu has been transferred to the North China Theater by the Elf Alliance, and will not serve in our Evergreen Elf Academy in the future.”

“Okay, we’ve answered the three questions, please come back.”

After answering the three questions, Kong Xian left with Qinglu without any hesitation.

“Principal Kong, Your Excellency.”

“Principal Kong, Your Excellency.”

Seeing that Principal Kong and Qinglu wanted to leave, these reporters continued to ask questions.

But they were all stopped by these staff.

One is a principal who immediately becomes a household name, and the other is Qinglu who went to work with a clean sheet.

As long as the hotel staff are not stupid, they know who cannot be offended.

The staff stopped all the reporters until Kong Xian came out.

“How did it feel just now?”

Walking out of the lecture hall, Kong Xian lit a cigarette and asked Qinglu.

The purpose of his bringing Qinglu is to let Qinglu get acquainted with it in advance.

In the future, he will not be less “I don’t like this atmosphere.”

Qinglu, who had never experienced being interviewed by so many reporters, frowned and replied.

He didn’t like the atmosphere very much.

“Hahaha, if you don’t like it, there is no way.”

“You are destined to be the one who attracts the attention of the whole world, and this kind of occasion will definitely not be less in the future.”

Hearing Qinglu’s answer, Kong Xian laughed.

Don’t worry about the reporters digging a hole for Qinglu in the future.

By that time, it is estimated that Qinglu has already reached the top and become the regional champion.

Digging a hole for a regional champion is tantamount to looking for death.

“I made an appointment with Qian Feipeng, I went to find him.”

Qinglu paused after hearing this, and then said to Kong Xian, “Okay, let’s go.”

Kong Xian waved his hand to signal Qinglu to go, and it was better to familiarize himself with the people of the alliance in advance.

Looking at the background of Qinglu leaving, Kong Xian took a puff of cigarette and then extinguished it.

These people are pure trainers with unwavering goals.

Don’t lose yourself with these fame and fortune.

It’s not for nothing that they’re so strong.

“Hi everyone, I’m Xiaomao.”

On the street of the magic capital, Xiao Mao, who was preparing to go to the Iron Kwon Dojo, opened his live broadcast room.

Get ready to share this Dojo Challenge.

Yesterday, Principal Kong had already told Xiaozhi, Qinglu Lijia, Liu Bo and others the origin.

It’s just that Xiaozhi’s nerves are a little big, and he doesn’t pay attention to it.

Just know that they are all very powerful trainers.

And today because the battle tower was destroyed, it will not be open to the public in a short time.

The Battle Tower is not open, and they will not stay in the magic capital for long.

So they decided to continue to challenge the Taoist Hall of the Magic City and strive to get more badges in the Magic City.

“Elven characteristics?”

“I’ll talk about this when I return to Evergreen Academy.”

“Qinglu, of course, it’s my brother, like a fake bag!”

“The two elves he used, the headmaster said that he needed to pay, and you know if it is useless, the whole world is this one.”

Xiao Mao, who just opened the live broadcast room, answered the questions of many fans one by one

“Can this thing really make a lot of people see us?”

Ash asked Zhao Qian in a low voice.

Ash, who first came into contact with live broadcasting, was a little unconvinced.

Mobile phones are available in their world, but they don’t have these features.

“Of course, Xiao Mao is now the first brother of the Douyin platform.”

After Zhao Linger heard it, she answered on the side.

Because of explaining the characteristics of elves, Xiao Mao got a mess on the Douyin platform.

There are even Heavenly Kings who specially came to watch Xiao Mao’s live broadcast in order to learn the knowledge of elven characteristics.

“What is the platform brother?”

Ash felt like a dirt bun and scratched his head awkwardly and asked.

“The first brother of the platform is the first anchor to enter this platform, and no one can surpass him!”

Zhao Qian explained.

“That’s awesome!”

“I decided that I would also be the first brother of the platform!”

Hearing that Xiao Mao is the first brother of the platform, Xiao Zhi’s competitive spirit instantly exploded, and the scrappy one should also be the first brother of this platform!

“Pickup Pickup!”

Pikachu stood on Ash’s shoulder and echoed.

Zhao Linger and Zhao Qian looked at each other after hearing this, this person called Xiaozhi is indeed strong, but it seems that his brain is a little not very bright.

“Please tell me how to become a platform brother!”

Xiao Zhi sincerely asked Zhao Linger and Zhao Qian for advice.


The same goes for Pikachu.

“Ahem, Ash, if you want to become the first brother of the platform, you must first open a live broadcast account, and then attract viewers and fans.”

“When your popularity surpasses Xiaomao, you are the first brother of the platform.”

Zhao Linger explained.

“Like Xiao Mao?”

Ash commanded Xiao Mao, who was live broadcasting, and asked.

“That’s right.”

Zhao Linger nodded.

“Please help me open a live streaming account!”

Xiaozhi took out his mobile phone and handed it to Zhao Linger, asking Zhao Linger to help open a live broadcast platform.

After a while, Zhao Linger helped Xiaozhi open a live broadcast account.

“Okay, you come up with a new room name here.”

“Like challenging the Tekwondo gym or something.”

“Then click this to start the live stream.”

“Curious Guan 2.8 people will click in, and if they think it is interesting, they will give you a follow.”

“That’s the fan.”

Zhao Linger returned the phone to Xiaozhi and taught Xiaozhi some basic knowledge of live broadcasting.

“It’s so simple!”

“I see!”

“Pikachu from today, we will be the first brother of the platform!”

Ash called to Pikachu beside him, and then entered the room name to start the live broadcast.

Suddenly, the figures of Ash and Pikachu appeared in Ash’s mobile phone.

“After reading it, Pikachu, we appeared inside.”

Ash, who started the live broadcast for the first time, exclaimed excitedly as if he had discovered a new land.

“Pickup Pickup!”

Even Pikachu danced on Ash’s shoulders.

But after a long time, Ash fell into a damp.

There was no one in the live broadcast room.

“If you change the name of the room to Tekkendo Gym, I think it will attract some people.”

At this moment, Zhao Qian came up with a bad idea to make Ash a headline party “Huh?”

“Is that okay?”

“I’ll try!”

After hearing this, Ash regained his spirits and modified the room to “Hammer Iron Boxing Hall” as Zhao Qian said!”

Sure enough, many people were attracted by Ash’s title.

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