Chapter 101: Battle of the Heavenly Kings (Subscription Quest)

“But the admission score of five hundred and nine is too low for Evergreen College.”

“The two people in the whole world who know the characteristics of elves the most are in Evergreen Academy, and with the help of Principal Kong and Teacher Cheng Chen Xiaomao, the admission score is worth at least six hundred!”

“An academy that has just passed the review five hundred and nine is already a high score given by making an exception!”

The two people in the conference room argued endlessly over this ten admission points.

One side believes that Kong Xian’s reputation is worth at least six hundred points, while the other side believes that five hundred and ninety points for an academy that has just been approved is already out of the ordinary.

“Stop stop, the admission score of Evergreen College, wait for Principal Kong and other teachers from the academy to come tomorrow, let them negotiate together!”

At this moment, the secretary for education, Feng Ye, interrupted.

Be prepared to kick the contradiction of the problem to Kong Xian and let them solve it themselves.

Whether Kong Xian can win a high score depends on himself.

Very wonderful game, this is the Tekken badge, please put it away.

“I’m looking forward to the next showdown with you.”

On the other side, in the Tekwondo Hall, the owner of the pavilion, Tie Xin, has finished the competition with Xiao Mao and others.

Without the king-level elves, Xiao Mao and others easily won this game and received badges.

“Thank you very much for your advice, and we are also looking forward to the next duel with the Iron Heart Pavilion Owner.”

Xiao Mao and his group thanked Tie Xin.

Only then did he leave the dojo.

“Xiao Mao, you don’t know, it really scared me to death just now!”

After leaving the Taoist Hall, Ash still has some palpitations about what the Taoist practitioners persecuted him before.

“What are you afraid of, there is Pikachu anyway.”

Xiao Mao patted Ash’s shoulder and comforted.

With Pikachu there, if nothing else, Pikachu still has no problem protecting Ash’s safety.


Pikachu ran to Ash’s hat after hearing this, patting his chest with a smug look.

“By the way, is there a regional competition here?”

Ash asked the others.

In his original world, he traveled to collect badges and participate in regional league tournaments.

Now in a strange place, he didn’t know what to do.

I don’t know if there are any regional competitions here.

“If you want to talk about regional competitions, next year there will be a quadrennial Heavenly King Competition in the North China War Zone.”

“Sixteen badges are required to sign up.”

Hearing Xiao Zhi’s inquiry, Zhao Linger replied in silence for a moment.

The nearest competition is only half a year later, and the Heavenly King Tournament held in the North China War Zone will be held.

“Heavenly King Tournament?!”

“Sounds amazing!”

Hearing Zhao Linger’s story, Xiao Zhi immediately became interested.

The Tianyu Tournament was very powerful as soon as it heard it.

“Xiao Zhi, are you from our Yanhuang region, you don’t even know about the Heavenly King Tournament.”

Seeing Xiao Zhi so excited, Zhao Linger gave Xiao Zhi a blank look, as long as it is a person from the Yanhuang region, there is no one who does not know about the Heavenly King Competition.

Xiaozhi’s strength is so strong, he doesn’t even know it.

Zhao Linger was quite surprised.

“I’m so excited to forget about this.”


Ash scratched his head embarrassedly, he was not from this world, of course he had not heard of it.

But you can’t tell anyone else.

“Xiao Mao, what is this Heavenly Jade Tournament?”

Afterwards, Ash asked Xiao Mao to know what was going on in this Heavenly King Tournament.

It seems to be the most advanced event in the Yanhuang area, I don’t know the specifics, you check it on the Internet.

Xiao Mao said to Ash.

He had only heard of the Heavenly King Tournament and had not learned about it.

“I’ll take a look.”

Saying that, Ash took out his mobile phone and began to search for information about the Heavenly King Tournament.

After a while, Ash finally sorted out the relevant information of the Heavenly King Tournament.

The Yanhuang region is divided into five theaters, East China, West China, North China, and South China.

Each region has four kings, one champion and one president.

These people represent the highest level of trainers in the Yanhuang region.

In order to ensure that the trainer sitting in the Tianyu position was the strongest trainer in their Yanhuang region.

Therefore, every four years, the Heavenly King Tournament is held in various war zones.

The Tianyu Tournament is the highest event in the Yanhuang region.

The winner of this tournament will qualify for one challenge to the king.

If you win the position of Heavenly King, if you can defeat four Heavenly Kings in a row, you will qualify for the championship challenge.

Launch a Champions Challenge to the region.

And next year is the time when the North China Theater Heavenly King Challenge begins.

As long as the trainer has sixteen badges in the region and the junior trainer qualification certificate, they can participate in this Heavenly King Challenge.

“I have decided that I will participate in this Heavenly King Challenge!”

After reading the information of the Heavenly King Tournament, Ash exclaimed excitedly.

It was decided to go to the North China Theater to participate in the Heavenly King Tournament.

“Ash, you shouldn’t have a junior vocational certificate yet, if you want to participate in the Heavenly King Tournament, you must first obtain a junior vocational certificate.”

Hearing Ash’s voice, Zhao Linger reminded Ash.

Guess that Ash should be the same as Xiao Mao without a junior vocational certificate.

“Then let’s get a junior vocational certificate first!”


Ash picked Pikachu up and shouted excitedly.


“Toot toot.”

At this moment, Zhao Linger’s mobile phone rang.

It was no one else, it was Kong Xian who called.

Zhao Linger answered the phone, and Kong Xian’s voice passed through the mobile phone to Zhao Linger’s ears.

“Ling’er, I’m going to return to Suhang City, do you want to come back.”

Kong Xian asked Zhao Linger.

If they go back, then everyone goes back together.

If the few of them planned to stay in the magic capital for a while, Kong Xian was ready to let Lijia and Liu Bo accompany them and go back after a while.

Then go back to Suhang City alone.

“Back, I’ll go back!”

Hearing that Kong Xian was going back, Zhao Linger replied without hesitation.

“What about Ash?”

Kong Xian continued to ask.

“Wait, I’ll ask.”

“Something should have happened to Su Hang, Kong Xian is going back to Suhang today, are you going back?”

Zhao Linger asked Kong Xian.

With her current understanding of Kong Xian, Kong Xian is very organized and planned in doing things.

Now he suddenly wants to go back to Suhang, it must be because something happened in Suhang City that made him have to go back.

“Let’s go back together with the principal.”

The three of them replied in unison, deciding to go back with Kong Xian.

It didn’t take long for the four to return to the hotel.

At this time, Liu Bo and Lijia had already packed their luggage and waited for a few of them to return.

“You’re back, it’s just for you, go and pack your things.”

Seeing a few people coming back, Lijia smiled slightly, just send a few of them now, can they go?

“What about Xiao Gang and Big Brother Qinglu?”

“Aren’t they going together?”

Seeing that Qinglu and Xiaogang were not there, Ash asked curiously.

“Xiao Gang studied acupuncture from the Milan teacher, and he will not come back in a short time.”

And Qinglu is now estimated to be “exchanging with several heavenly kings in the East China War Zone”, and he will wait here for the people of the Elf Alliance to pick him up and go to the North China War Zone

“So they won’t come with us either.”

Kong Xian explained to everyone.

Counting today, they have only been in the magic capital for three days.

Even if Xiao Gang’s talent is high, if he wants to learn acupuncture, he will at least need to wait for the start of school.

And Qinglu, now a battle maniac, Kong Xian feels that he wants to develop into Crimson, a fighting person.

“Ah, Xiao Gang and Qing Lu are not coming back.”

Hearing Kong Xian’s explanation, Ash was a little lost.

He most wanted to see neither of them go back.

“By the way, Ash, Qinglu has a word for me to convey to you, do you want to listen to it.

Kong Xian suddenly remembered something and asked Ash.

“Of course you have to listen!”

Ash replied without hesitation, wondering what Green was going to say to him.

Everyone else also pricked up their ears, curious about what Qinglu was going to say to Ash.

“Qinglu let me convey to you, he is waiting for you in the North China Theater Heavenly King Tournament.”

Kong Xian said slowly.

Qinglu is looking forward to fighting Ash, but not Ash now.

It’s Ash, who carries his strongest elf.

To this end, he put the duel with Ash on the Heavenly King Tournament.

He believes that with Ash’s strength, they can definitely meet in the final.

“No problem, I will definitely not disappoint Big Brother Qinglu!”

Hearing Kong Xian’s words, Ash jumped up directly with excitement.

It just so happened that he was also preparing to travel to the North China Theater of Operations.

“In that case, let’s go back to Suhang first, wait until you have passed the junior trainer title, and then travel to the North China Theater.”

Kong Xian nodded and said to Ash.

“Kong Xian, I also want to participate.”

At this moment, Zhao Linger answered on the side.

She also wants to go to the North China War Zone to participate in the Heavenly King Tournament to meet more trainers and improve her strength.

“No, your strength is still too weak.”

Looking at the eager Zhao Linger, Kong Xian shook his head and refused.

The world is not as peaceful as the anime world imagined, but closer to the special chapter.

There is a conflict between the training in the wild, and the elves will really command the elves to attack each other, and the trainer dies in the wild, which is already commonplace for people in this world.

She believes that with Zhao 1.5 Linger’s appearance, it is difficult not to welcome the prying eyes of others0

Zhao Linger’s parents entrusted her to themselves, and they must ensure the safety of Zhao Linger’s life.

Before Zhao Linger’s Nine Tails was not promoted to the Heavenly King level, she would not let Zhao Linger travel.

“I’m already strong!”

Zhao Linger retorted like a rebellious child.

His Nine Tails already possessed the elite-level strength, and his progress was very fast.

Among his peers, in addition to these few perverts, there are few opponents.

“I said no, I can’t.”

“When will your strength be upgraded to the Heavenly King level, you can only go out!”

Kong Xian was very resolute and refused Zhao Linger’s request.

“Ling’er, then you should stay for a while longer, and it will never be too late to start again after raising your strength to the Heavenly King level.”

“It won’t be long.”

Looking at what Zhao Linger had to say, Liu Bo interrupted.

Zhao Linger’s talent is very good, and he wants to raise the strength of the Nine Tails to the level of a heavenly king.

It shouldn’t be too long.

“Okay then.”

Hearing Liu Bo also say this, Zhao Linger agreed to come down and decided to wait for his strength to go further before going to the North China Theater.

“In that case, let’s go back.”

Kong Xian gave an order, leaving only Xiao Gang and Qinglu here, and the others began to return to Suhang City.

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