Chapter 114: The Trail of the Frozen Bird (Subscription Request)

“Chirp” A birdsong sounded in the sky.

I saw a bird-shaped elf with a crystal clear body flapping its wings and soaring in the sky.

“It’s beautiful.”

“I’ve never seen such a beautiful elf.”

Looking at the mysterious elves soaring in the sky, Dr. Zhang Yang sighed.

After searching for so long, I finally found this mysterious elf in Antarctica.

He could guarantee that this was the most beautiful elf he had ever seen.

There is no one.

Everyone keep up, keep up.

See this mysterious elf flapping its wings and flying towards the distance.

Dr. Zhang Yang immediately beckoned a person beside him to follow.

Didn’t you come to Antarctica after working hard to investigate this mysterious elf?

He wanted to know more about the elf.

“Yes, Doctor.”

“Icefield bear, let’s catch up.”

After hearing this, the people around them commanded their elves to catch up.

“No comment.”

“No comment.”

For Kong Xian’s billion-dollar acquisition of Qingteng College, many principals have no opinion

They just want students and teachers from Lingy League.

As for Qingteng College, it is opposite Evergreen College.

Who dares to rob it.

Moreover, Kong Xian’s bids are also quite a lot.

One billion Union Coin is definitely a high price.

“Since everyone has no opinion, regarding the arrangement of Qingteng College, it is so decided, I will issue an announcement about Qingteng College later.”

Seeing that the matter of Qingteng Academy had been resolved, Feng Ye breathed a sigh of relief.

The most important thing today is solved, and the rest is easy to do.

“Then move on to the second meeting.”

“Before starting, please give a round of applause to President Kong of Evergreen College.

“It was Principal Kong who gave the elven characteristics to the alliance for free, which allowed us to open a new generation of elves!”

Feng Ye took the lead in standing up and taking the lead in applauding.

For Kong Xian, he admired it from the bottom of his heart.

With so much content on elf characteristics, Kong Xian contributed it without reservation.

And free live broadcast explanation.

As Kong Xian said in an interview with Bingbing, he is an educator, the debt is paid, and all that remains is to contribute to the education of the Yanhuang area.

This is the attitude that an educator and a principal should have.

A large part of the reason why he admires Evergreen Academy so much is Kong Xian’s attitude towards education.


Many principals stood up and applauded.

I have to say that they also admire Kong Xian very much at this point.

They asked themselves if they could give a piece of knowledge that could propel the trainers of the entire world to the Elven Alliance for free.

At the very least, you have to ask the Elf Alliance for benefits.

“I believe everyone also knows the importance that the Elf Alliance attaches to the characteristics of the Elves.”

“Summon everyone this time, in addition to discussing the affairs of Qingteng Academy.”

“Also, I want to ask Principal Kong to train the teachers of your schools in advance about the content of elf characteristics.”

“I don’t know what Principal Kong thinks.”

Feng Ye said slowly.

The elven characteristics were proposed by Kong Xian, and no one in this world knew the characteristics of elves better than him.

This is their advantage in Suhang City, there is no need to leave it alone.

“There’s no problem with that.”

“We happen to have no teachers in Evergreen College right now, so the principals can send teachers you trust, and we will discuss a time together to come to our Evergreen College for training and study.”

Kong Xian agreed without hesitation.

He also took advantage of this opportunity to give a training to the teacher he recruited.

“There’s something wrong with Evergreen Academy.”

A different opinion was soon raised.

They’re scared.

I am afraid that these teachers will not be able to come back when they enter the Evergreen Academy.

Bi Yi just offered Kong Xian’s price, and many of their teachers were impressed at that time.

Can this come back if he enters the Evergreen Academy? At that time, I don’t know who it was trained for.

“If you are afraid that the teachers in your school will be poached by Kong Xian.”

“I promise you that as many people as you go, you will come back.”

Hearing the rebuttal, Feng Ye immediately understood these people’s concerns.

Offer to vouch for them.

The purpose of the training is so that all learning has a teacher who can teach elven characteristics.

It is impossible for Kong Xian to be poached.

“With Director Feng’s words, we are relieved.”

Hearing Feng Ye’s guarantee, many principals also agreed to the matter.

“This matter is so decided, wait for me to pull a group, you can discuss a suitable time for training.”

“That’s all for today’s meeting, if you don’t have anything to do, let’s disperse.”

Feng Ye announced the end of the meeting.

He himself did not expect that today’s meeting would go so smoothly.

Except for the score line of Evergreen Academy, the other two things were solved so smoothly.

“Principal Kong, wait a minute.”

Just as Kong Xian was about to leave, Feng Ye called Kong Xian in time.

Kong Xian looked at Feng Ye suspiciously, not knowing what Feng Ye was looking for him.

Let’s go to eat first and talk while eating.

Feng Ye patted Kong Xian’s shoulder, led the way in front, and invited Kong Xian to eat together.

He did have something to talk about with Kong Xian.

In the canteen of the Suhang City Education Bureau, Kong Xian and Feng Ye sat opposite each other at the dining table.

“Kong Xian, what do you think of the education system in our Yanhuang region?”

At the dining table, Feng Ye asked Kong Xian.

Want to hear Kong Xian’s opinion on their education in the Yanhuang area.

“Do you really want to talk about it?”

Kong Xian took a bite of his meal and looked up and asked.

“Well, you can say whatever you want, don’t worry.”

Feng Ye nodded and asked Kong Xian to say something.

“Okay, then I’ll talk about my views on education in the Yanhuang area.”

“The first point, legally owning the first elf at the age of fourteen, I think this is too long.”

“You can have your first elf two years early, and you can have your first elf at the age of twelve!”

Kong Xian slowly said his first opinion.

Whether it is an anime or a manga special, the trainer travels ten years old.

And this world will legally own the first elf at the age of fourteen.

The middle four years were wasted.

Considering the base of the population of the Yanhuang region, Kong Xian believed that twelve years old was the best age.

Too early it is easy for ignorant trainers to cause criminal acts, and too late to delay their time.


“Won’t something go wrong so early?”

Feng Ye frowned.

The international legal age for possession of elves is fourteen, and the purpose is that the trainer of fourteen is basically mentally mature.

With the corresponding education, too many trainer crime incidents can be reduced.

And their Yanhuang region has always abided by this rule and regulation.

You can refer to the beautiful area, from the arrival of elves to this world, thermal weapons fail.

The hegemony of the beautiful region fell from the altar.

The fourteen states were in chaos, and they were separated.

It can be said that the beautiful area exists in name only.

And they who advocate freedom, no one obeys this system, and they have elves whenever they want.

There are often vicious incidents of elves attacking people, most of them are some ignorant bear children.


The Yanhuang region’s compliance with this system is a lesson learned from the beautiful region, which is why it abides by international rules and regulations to maintain domestic order.

Otherwise, with their status as the hegemon of the Yanhuang region, they can directly ignore these international rules and regulations.

“As far as I know, those children of rich families start touching the lens from a young age, and basically get their first elf from about ten years old.”

“By the time they are fourteen, they will start a lot higher than their peers.”

“Only by narrowing the legal age of possession of elves can we achieve the narrowing of the gap between rich and poor.”

“Let more trainers have more social resources.”

“Other than that, I don’t think there’s any difference between having an elf at the age of twelve and fourteen for the safety of society.”

Kong Xian slowly told his highlights.

The legal age for owning the first elf is fourteen.

But this is just a rule for civilians.

The rich are not affected at all.

Not only do they come into contact with elves from an early age, but they also get their first elves early to start cultivating.

You can go to other schools to see the so-called geniuses, 90% of whom are rich families.

Their genius was only earlier than ordinary people who came into contact with elves.

And the rest of the people are the real geniuses.


“I’ll think about it.”

Feng Ye nodded.

Kong Xian said this is the truth.

The harm is not visible now, but over time, the rich will have more resources at their disposal.

It is more difficult for civilian trainers to have a chance to turn over.

He really had to think carefully about it.

Not to mention letting civilian trainers surpass the rich.

At least close the gap between them.

“If Director Feng thinks about it well, our Evergreen Academy is willing to be the first experimental school.”

Kong Xian immediately continued.

I have to say that Feng Ye is indeed a good director.

I am dedicated to the education of Suhang City.

It is really a great blessing to have a director like Feng Ye in Suhang City.

“Well, if the above agrees, I will recommend the Evergreen Academy.”

Feng Ye nodded and said, Kong Xian’s proposal in the Yanhuang region has not been carried out at present.

This matter is not for him to decide, he needs to report to the alliance to see what the alliance means.

“Apart from this, does Principal Kong have anything else besides this?”

Feng Ye continued to ask.

“Abolish the elven hierarchy.”

“Elves do have strengths and weaknesses, but elves are very magical creatures that can often work miracles.”

“Even an entry-level elf can defeat a king-level or even a champion-level elf under certain conditions!”

Kong Xian made the same suggestion as Qinglu.

Trainers can be graded, but the elf hierarchy is really bad.

Hanging on the wall, Akin had just hatched Pokébi and kicked over Arceus.

“This.,,, how is this possible!”

Feng Ye looked at Kong Xian with wide eyes, hearing such remarks for the first time.

Entry-level elves can defeat king-level elves.

“Nothing impossible!”

“Because they themselves are synonymous with miracles!”

Kong Xian finished eating, stood up and stretched and sighed.

Whether it’s Ash, Little Red and Green Green.

Weak over strong, they don’t know how much they have done.

No matter what kind of strong people they face, they always believe in the elves in their hands.

As long as you believe in your partner, miracles often happen.

“Principal Kong’s meaning, I will convey it to the alliance.”

Seeing that Kong Xian didn’t want to joke, Feng Ye nodded solemnly and went up

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