Mr. Duck put his hands behind his back, and his huge head shook from side to side, which was somewhat naïve.

"Yes (I'm too 6). "

The power of this move is not bad.

The action was taught by Fang Han.


What is plagiarism?

Salute, salute, do you know?

"Now that I meet the previous armor bird again, I shouldn't have to get close and play with a duckbill bomb. Fang Han said happily.

Last time, it was purely unavoidable.

With the simplest electric shock alone, it is simply not possible to see any effective damage to the elite-level armor bird.

At most, it's a little crispy and numb.

In case you meet something that shakes the attributes.,It's okay to take this bite....

But once you increase the power of the output, you will face the danger of being uncontrollable!

When the time comes, not only will they not be able to attack the other party, but they will even be easy to injure Fang Han by mistake...

That's why Fang Han chose to throw the duck directly to the armor bird in the air, playing a melee self-detonation method.

Since the discharge is not accurate, then do not aim.

Full power output and that's it!

Anyway, ducks can always be elementalized, compared to attacks, the terrifying ability to avoid injury, is the biggest bug of ducks at this stage!

But now.

After mastering the duck wave qigong, he is finally no longer a duck duck who can only thunder in his palm.

Mr. Duck barely has the strength to take charge of himself!

Although there are still some disadvantages, such as the need for a certain amount of charging to be released accurately, if it is interrupted during the charging phase, the release of 100,000 volts is easy to fail.

But it's a good trend!

It's just that after a week of training, the strength of the duck has improved a lot.

At present, the total attributes of the duck have become:

Name: Mr. Duck

Race: Up to the Duck

Grade: 9

Combined combat power: 169

Constitution: 17

Strength: 34

Defense: ∞

Will: 49

Resistance: 34

Dexterity: 36

Special ability: Thunder Fruit

Skills: 100,000 volts, electric shock, discharge, staring...

After a week of exercise, the duck has increased its special attack by 4 points and speed by 2 points!

The combined combat power reached 169!

It's just that Fang Han glanced at his panel again.

Name: Fang Han

Race: Normal Human

Grade: 8

Combined combat power: 210

Constitution: 34

Strength: 37

Defense: 36

Will: 33

Resistance: 34

Dexterity: 34

Free Attribute Points: 16....

Through the efforts of the duck to fight monsters, and the system's automatic check-in and punch in every day, random attribute bonuses.

Before you know it....

has successfully helped Fang Han to upgrade to level 8, and his comprehensive combat power has even broken 200...

Not to mention taller than a duck.

He felt that his attributes were about to catch up with ordinary elite-level elves!

Secretly calculated, Fang Han found that if he followed the algorithm of the elven race value, he was not only a 6V war god with an individual value of 31, but even the six-dimensional race value was as high as 155!

Just looking at the race value, the sum is even more than 900!

This is still not counting the random bonus points for daily check-ins, and the 2 free attribute points bonus for each upgrade!

"What kind of panel is this, a humanoid beast..."

"Mewtwo Mage is only 780..."

Fang Han forcibly endured the temptation of the system, and constantly strengthened his determination to become the strongest elf trainer.

"Speaking of which, I've reached level 8, why are you still level 9 and there is no sign of upgrading at all?" Fang Han asked Mr. Duck.

Duck always tilted his head: "Keda (you ask me duck)?".

"Could it be because I'm patronizing the power of the Thunder Fruit and ignoring the cultivation of elven skills, so it can't be reflected in the growth level?"

Fang Han pondered: "What skills do you have now? Let me be healthy..."

"One hundred thousand volts, discharges, electric shocks... It's all the ability of the thunder fruit, skip it. "

"Staring, wagging tails, scratching, scratching? Well, it's all the instinct of the newborn elves, and it's standard. "

"Water gun? Normal, you won't need a water gun in your life. "

"It's gone..."

"Wait. "

Fang Han always felt that he was missing something.

", what about your mind, Duck?"

"Don't you tell me you don't know how to telepathize?!".

Mr. Duck looked dazed: "Keda (what is telekinesis)?".

"It's just your headache, don't you usually have a headache??"

Mr. Duck frowned and thought about it seriously.

"Dada, Dada!".

"You're saying that after eating that-like fruit, you never had a headache again?"

Fang Han slapped his head.

"It's over, it looks like something big has happened. "

"You really don't have a headache?".

Fang Han asked, "Do you want me to give you a punch to help you practice and see if it hurts?"

Mr. Duck took a step back and looked vigilant: "Keda (I'm just a melon, and I'm not stupid)." "

Fang Han gasped.

This duck duck is really not enough to reach the duck!

Generally up to ducks, how can you be so witty?!

There's even a special meow that will back the attribute restraint table!

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