As an elf without an evolutionary chain, Heracross's basic racial ability is itself much stronger than most rookie elves!

In this session, on a racial basis, it is comparable to Heracross....

There are only a handful of seeded players.

Someone in the crowd suddenly shouted: "I know him, he is King Kang of Elf One!"

"King Kang, isn't that the quarterfinals of the last Eagle Competition?"

"Wait, why are the top eight from the last edition still competing this time??".

"I heard that I was unwilling to finish the competition, and in order to win the championship, I applied for forced repetition..."

"That's ??? too."

"Look at the cultivation state of this Heracross, the traces of battle on its body... I'm afraid I've exercised a lot this year. "

"Someone else has just subdued the elves, he's been training for a year... Who can beat this!".

Race: Heracross

Grade: 9

Combined combat power: 131

Constitution: 21

Strength: 32

Defense: 20

Will: 14

Resistance: 23

Dexterity: 22

Skills: Random Strike, Push, Stare...

Although others can't see the specific attributes of Heraclos.

But through the cultivation state of this Heracross, it can still be clearly felt that this battle-hardened Heracross, with its momentum alone, is definitely not comparable to other rookie elves!

Coupled with King Kang's legendary experience, everyone immediately discussed.

"Today, I'm afraid it's the starting point of King Kang's blockbuster!"

"Report!How can you let this kind of person come to the Eagle Race to bully people!".

Some are for it, some are against.

But there is no doubt that there is at least one thing that everyone agrees on.

"We were able to win the quarterfinals last time. This time, I'm afraid it's really a rush to win the championship..."

Speaking of this, everyone couldn't help but feel a little distressed about Fang Han.

"His opponent is too unlucky, this is only the first game, and he met the quarterfinals of the last session. "

"Who's the opponent?".

"I don't know, a handsome guy with a duck. "

"How can this be beaten..."

"It's so pitiful, I met the favorite to win the Eagle Championship in the first game..."

The people around him had a lively discussion.

But without exception, they all have already tacitly acquiesced that Fang Han will definitely lose.

Even King Kang thinks so.

As a man who only has a champion in his eyes, he naturally will not take the opponent in the first audition, an unknown person, in his eyes.

"Heracross, insect + fighting. He looked up slightly, and said with some pride.

Fang Han drove the duck who was still looking around in the middle of the ring with his feet, leisurely as if he had come for a vacation, and said casually:

"Up to duck, electricity ..."

Why do you have to do such a stupid thing as reporting your home every time you fight...

Fang Han shook his head: "Forget it, it has nothing to do with you." "


What is the department that has nothing to do with you?

King Kang snorted coldly.

One can reach a duck only, what to pretend.

With the referee's order, King Kang took the lead in commanding!

"Heracross, use the glare!".

Heracross's resolute gaze suddenly met the wisdom of Mr. Duck.

"Mr. Duck, glare back. "

"Hera (what are you worried about)!".

"What are you doing?".

King Kang continued to shout, "Hit with all your might!"

Heracross's body was half-crouched, and in an instant, it flew out like a cannonball!

The smoke and dust are everywhere, and the sound is terrifying!

In the eyes of the audience, Da Duck seemed to be scared stupid, and he stayed in place in a daze!

But just as Herculos was about to attack Da Ya, he heard King Kang suddenly shout, "Stop, retreat!"

From extreme movement to sudden stop, it is only a moment!

Seeing Heracross, who was able to control his strength so accurately, everyone couldn't help but break out in a cold sweat!

Ordinary elves, I'm afraid that in the face of the attack just now, they have already been in a hurry.

When he reacts, he subconsciously uses a skill indiscriminately, and maybe it can have a certain impact on Heracross.

But King Kang's combat experience is undoubtedly extremely rich!

Don't even give the other party a chance to scratch themselves!

This step back is the pinnacle of wonder!

After the opponent fights back, the skill misses, and Heracrosse can take advantage of the gap between the release of the opponent's skill, and there is no room for reaction anymore, and attack instantly!

Win easily!

"That is, the other party's elf is a duck, I guess I haven't reacted at this time..."

"If it had been my elf, I'm afraid I would have panicked and been taken away by Heracross. "

"It's too strong!".

"King Kang, you are my god!".

The corners of King Kang's mouth rose and he continued to command:

"Quickly go around behind each other!".

The wings behind Heracross's back suddenly opened, and in a flash, the figure flashed around the duck and appeared behind the other party in an instant!

"Pick him off!Use the slash!".

Duck always turned his head in confusion, but saw Heracross's huge horn in front of his eyes, constantly enlarged!


This is another feint!

"Shoot and fly!".

Heracross's abrupt halt again, and with a flap of his wings, he took off flexibly and at a very fast speed, like a flying elf!

"Move quickly and look for the flaws in the other party!".

Heracross's eyes were like torches, flashing left and right in the air, looking up and down at the still dazed duck.

"Hera (all flawed)!".

"Fly down in the blind spot of the duck!".

"Use a push!".

A series of offensives that are almost dazzling!

The powerful Heracross, the sharp battle scenes, the weight is so light, as if it is playing the opponent!

All are declaring their own strength!


This move instantly made the audience around the ring boil with blood!

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