Wait until the final exams are all over...

After Fang Han received the first red and white ball in his life, he immediately went to the fat man's breeding house non-stop.

A quasi-rookie trainer like him, when choosing an elf, there are generally three choices.

One is to purchase elf eggs in advance and hatch them yourself.

Once you have the Poké Ball, you can take it directly.

Such an advantage is naturally that you can achieve a higher level of intimacy with the elves. Elves will treat the trainer as a family, and they will cooperate more tacitly in the future.

The downside is the time and effort spent... It's far more than directly subduing the elves.

And the second way is to directly subdue the elves.

However, the elves in the wild are aggressive, and the wandering elves in the city are somewhat problematic, so few people choose to accept them directly.

Of course, if it is a powerful second generation of elves, there are special channels or strong guards ...

It's another story.

The last one, and the one that newcomers choose the most...

It is to go to the breeding house that has been approved by the alliance and can legally trade elves, and go directly to buy the juvenile elves that have been cultivated!

Generally, the juvenile elves in the nursery house are at level 7-9.

For newcomers, it not only meets the requirements of the alliance, but also saves the cost of starting from scratch, and can quickly form combat power.

And it won't open the blind box like hatching eggs, and you can directly choose elves with better talents.

It's just that the price will be a little more expensive.

Even if it is an elf with relatively average talent, the market price is about 100,000 yuan!

If the talent or race potential is slightly higher, the price will be higher.

Like Ibu, not only is he cute, but he also has many evolutionary potential stocks, and the price has soared to 300,000!

One is equivalent to three ordinary elves!

The price of the elf world is actually not high, but once it is linked to the elf, the price takes off wildly.

The braised eggplant rice bowl that Fang Han ate at noon only costs 13 pieces a piece, which is good and inexpensive, and the amount is full.

But the price of a juvenile Eevee alone is enough for him to eat more than 23,000 meals!

If you eat three meals a day, you can eat for 23 years!

Thinking of this, Fang Han couldn't help but glance at his account balance.

"Only 70,000. "

This is already what he saved as an orphan and relying on the relief money subsidized by the alliance every month, saving money for 16 years!

But still, even the most ordinary juvenile elf can't afford it.

"We can only see if we can find some lower-level elves. Even if there is a slight problem with talent or character, as long as it is not too lethal, it is not unacceptable..."

A lower level meant that he was naturally a few steps slower than other rookie trainers.

He's going to have to spend more time training to make up for that initial gap.

And choosing an elf with little talent is undoubtedly a self-defeating way forward, and he has cut off the upper limit of his future!

But it doesn't matter.

Fang Han was not worried.

As the saying goes, there are no weak elves.

Only incompetent hanging!

With the strongest One Piece system, Lao Tzu is destined to become the world's number one trainer!

Arceus can't stop him when he comes, I said!

Who said that green caterpillars can't reverse the cracked empty seats?

If you go down in the form of a fish fruit, a phantom beast species, or a green dragon, your head will fly away!

Wait until you get to the breeding house.

I can already see the prospective newcomer trainers of each middle school, under the leadership of their parents, carefully selecting their first elves.

Race: Baby Fire Monkey

Level: Level 9

Comprehensive combat power: 92....

Race: Little Fire Horse

Level: Level 8

Comprehensive combat power: 86....

Race: Sonic bat

Level: Level 9

Comprehensive combat power: 95....

Fang Han glanced at it, and even the elves didn't see much.

I saw that there were more people in the breeding house than elves!

It's like the New Year!

But for these newcomers who are about to become trainers, receiving elves is tantamount to the New Year in itself.

"Hello, are you here to select the prospective rookie trainer of the elves?".

A young lady dressed as a shopping guide but with an unusually sweet appearance, after seeing Fang Han, her eyes suddenly lit up, and she hurriedly stepped forward and asked.

"Yes. Fang Han said, "May I ask if there are any juvenile elves of about 50,000 yuan?"

After all, you still have to keep some money for elf training, and daily or, it is impossible to directly empty the family foundation.


When the shopping guide lady heard this, her face was suddenly a little embarrassed, but she still patiently explained: "The fat master breeding house has always focused on high-quality products, and the cheapest elf also costs 90,008 each." "

"If you only have 50,000, I recommend that you buy elf eggs. "

"Elf eggs like Bobo, Green Caterpillar, and Little Lada, ranging from 30,000 to 50,000, should be able to meet your needs. "

Hatching eggs?

When is this going to be?

Two months may not even be able to catch up with the registration of new trainers at the beginning of the school year.

When you spend money to register in the future, you will have to spend a lot of money.

He was now so poor that all that was left was a handsome skin.

How can you afford to sign up for a trainer yourself?

Fang Han could only say, "Don't you have some discounted elves for sale here, it doesn't matter if your talent is almost or your level is low." "


Fang Han used coquettishness on the shopping guide lady.

The results are outstanding.

“...... Hey, we don't really have the kind of elf you said we have here. If we sell unqualified elves, it's our own sign. "


"There was indeed an elf recently, and the situation was a bit peculiar. "

"If you are interested, I can call the shots, and I can sell it to you for 50,000. "

I don't know if it was affected by his handsome face, but the shopping guide lady finally took him, bypassing the crowd in the hall and coming to the backyard where the elves were cultivated.

The spirits displayed in the normal lobby are all commodities.

But such a small place would definitely not be able to afford the need to cultivate elves.

Therefore, behind each breeding house, there will be a huge enough ecological garden, including various conditions for the elves to live, so as to better help the elves grow.

Soon, the shopping guide lady took Fang Han to a meadow.

There are a lot of elves in the meadow, and they are playing happily.

"If you could, I'd still like you could take that kid with you..."

As she spoke, the shopping guide pointed to a lump of yellow basking in the sun in the distance.

A fat body, a soft expression, wise eyes, and a wagging tail...

That's right.

It's a....

Up to the duck!

Fang Han slapped his thigh: "If only Pikachu would be perfect, it's a pity that it can't be replaced." "

The shopping guide lady blinked: "What did you say?".


Fang Han asked, "Is there anything wrong with this duck?"

Although he doesn't know much about elf breeding, he can also see that this duck is fat and strong, bright in color, and yellow...

It doesn't look like there's something unspeakable.

"This kid himself is not badly talented, and his growth level has reached level 9, so he should have been sold..."

The shopping guide lady was a little regretful: "But just last week, when it was swimming in the pond, it suddenly got entangled in aquatic weeds and almost drowned." Fortunately, it was discovered by the staff in time. "

But since then, he has suffered from psychological shadows and does not dare to go into the water again. "

"Even when you see water, you get scared!"

"Until now, not only can he no longer swim, he can't use water skills, he even feels uneasy about the wet environment... "

Fang Han was stunned: "So, this is still a landlubber?"

“...... The same can be said. "

As a water elf, don't dare to touch the water?

What hell is this joke?

But Fang Han felt a sigh in his heart.

He looked at the Devil Fruit in the system's backpack and swallowed.

A duck who is afraid of water...


It's a feeling of destiny.

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