After scanning the surroundings and making sure that there were no traces of other elves, Fang Han waved his hand and threw out the Poke Ball.

Catch this little Du'er with hidden characteristics!

As for the others, Fang Han thought about it, but still didn't accept it.

Xiao Du'er is not a common elf in Matsuba City, and even if there is, it is all imported from other alliance cities.

Extremely rare!

He's okay with one occasionally.

But if you shoot so much in one go, it is easy to be targeted by the authorities, wondering if you also have the key to this A-level secret realm.

Before he had gained enough benefits, Fang Han didn't want to be exposed so soon.

What if the key is confiscated!

After subduing Xiao Du'er, Fang Han found several tree fruits that had not yet been eaten in the surroundings.

Like coconut fruit, orange orange fruit... and some Fang Han also have some tree fruits that can't be named.

Collect them all!

This kind of tree fruit that can help elves cultivate, if you take too much, you can also subtly improve the ability of elves.

The price is not cheap!

Coupled with the immutable stone and a level 20 little Du'er, it can evolve into a trumpet at any time...

Add it up, at least 1 million can be earned!

It's a wave of fat!

"Great harvest, great harvest..."

Fang Han took stock of the harvest.

The teary-eyed lizard suddenly jumped onto Fang Han's shoulder, and shouted a little excitedly: "Hehe!!".

"In danger?".

Fang Han was stunned for a moment and looked in the direction that the tear-eyed lizard was pointing.

I saw the sky in the distance.

A small dark cloud flew towards him....

Fang Han squinted, looked and looked.

only to find out.

What kind of dark clouds are these?

This is all about the trumpet peck and the big beak!

There are also a lot of little Du'er leading the way in front!

Race: Gun-billed bird

Grade: 32

Combined combat power: 378

Species: Trumpet peck

Grade: 27

Combined combat power: 263

Race: Gun-billed bird

Grade: 31

Combined combat power: 368


"What the hell am I..."

Fang Han's dirty words blurted out.

With a sweep of his eyes, more than half of them are senior elves above level 30!

"I hit the small one and the old one, and I said it's not that simple!".

He scolded secretly, and he didn't care if there was anything missing, so he hurriedly ran away!

It would take time to open the Secret Realm Rift, at least 1 minute, before it could open a spatial rift that would allow Fang Han to pass through.

But the big flock of birds in the sky, it is obviously impossible to give him this time!

Before running away, Fang Han did not forget to call the duck back first.

"Mr. Duck, the wind is whining!".

In the middle of the dead forest.

A golden lightning bolt, overflowing with thunder, shot quickly towards Fang Han!

It's just that in the dazzling gold, for some reason, there is a faint black entangled...

"Mr. Duck?".

Looking at Mr. Duck, who seemed to have undergone some changes in front of him, Fang Han couldn't help but click on the attribute panel.

Name: Mr. Duck

Race: Up to the Duck

Grade: 9

Combined combat power: 177

Constitution: 17

Strength: 35

Defense: ∞

Will: 52

Resistance: 34

Dexterity: 38

"Hey, wasn't it 173 just now, why did it get to 177 in a blink of an eye?".

Looking at the specific six-dimensional attributes, in addition to HP, all attributes have an increase of 1 point.

It should have absorbed that special thunderbolt, which caused the bonus coefficient of the Thunder Fruit to the basic attribute to change again!

"If the original attribute was doubled, now it should be on the basis of 2 times, and it has increased by about 5%..."

"The A-level secret realm is really full of treasures, and when the crisis is over, you can find out if there are more lightning strikes, or other places that contain this unique thunder and lightning..."

Fang Han thought as he jumped onto the back of Mr. Duck.

The duck is about one meter old, carrying Fang Han who is one meter eight, how funny this scene looks like...

But there is no way, who made the duck always incarnate into thunder and lightning move at a much faster speed than Fang Han.

If he really let him run on two feet, it is impossible to run past the group of flying people in the sky!

Fly faster than run!

"Mr. Duck, the heart network is fully open, and the electric light moves!!".


"Akai, pay attention to the dangers around you, and find out if there are any opportunities by the way!".


The duck and the teary-eyed lizard cooperate with each other to avoid all the elves in their path, but there are inevitably some detours in the process.

In addition, the total basic level of the duck is too low after all, and it does not make good use of the speed of the Thunder Fruit.

Seeing the flock of big birds in the sky, it is also getting closer and closer!

The tear-eyed lizard's face changed slightly, and he said in Fang Han's ear: "Hee (over there), hee hee (there is the breath of the terrifying elf that once stayed)!"

"How terrifying are the horror elves?".

The tear-eyed lizard made the largest circle in front of him with both hands: "Hee hee (Great Terror)!"

Fang Han's face changed.

Generally, powerful elves have their own territory.

In the territory, other elves are not allowed to approach at will.

If you can enter a place with a strong elf aura, the big flock of gun-billed birds will definitely not dare to approach!

But correspondingly, if you meet this elf with great terror in the mouth of the teary-eyed lizard...

It is estimated that the ending is better than being caught up by a flock of gun-billed birds!

But now, he has to make a decision!

Too late to think about it.

Fang Han gritted his teeth: "Mr. Duck, rush over there!"

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