The terrifying ancestral sniper, condensed to the extreme, the water energy bullet penetrated through the body, directly penetrating Reib!

The huge force even knocked his body out with him!

Like garbage, it flew into the water covered by the electric field!

A moment later.

Reib's embarrassed figure slowly emerged from the water.

But apparently already in a coma and out of combat.


"Ding!defeat, gain XP*48!".

"Ding! Congratulations on reaching level 18! +4 for all stats and +2 for free stats!".

Everyone looked at the teary-eyed lizard, and the shock in their eyes was indescribable.


Goodbye Spike!

The newly debuted teary-eyed lizard not only continues the myth of the lightning demon duck's spike, but also brings a big surprise to everyone!

In the face of the seemingly unfavorable battle situation, not only did he not flinch in the slightest, but he made a decisive move!

And that's not all....

This series of attacks.

There is reality in the void, over and over again.

Every step was so unexpected!

Reversals that unexpected everyone, tactics beyond imagination, terrifying sniper marksmanship...

"One hit, one kill, win easily!".

"Let's congratulate Fang Han and his tear-eyed lizard on their victory and advance to the round of 16!".


In the defeat of Wang Li in succession Lei Yibu, a genius insect catcher boy who uses the Flying Mantis, a fighting boy who can play real doubles with Kuakusan.

and the unlucky superpower who was resurrected from the lower bracket again, but met Fang Han in the semifinals, Yu Xiaoxiaohou...

Fang Han finally stood out from the semifinals and advanced to the finals.

It's only one step away from the championship!

"The final is the day after tomorrow, so it looks like we can have another day off. "

Fang Han, who had just finished the competition, returned home happily after comforting the shy Yu Xiaoxiao.

It's as if the 10 million of the champion has already arrived.

"A senior-level elf hunter, after deducting taxes, should be able to get more than six million, plus the things scattered in his hand in the past few days, the deposit is close to 30 million, and the 10 million in the Eagle Race champion..."

"Almost half a small goal!".

If it had been before.

Fang Han, who has so much money in hand, must indulge in big consumption!

Not to mention anything else, first fill up the food for the two small ones, and then arrange all kinds of elf resources and trick learning experience!

Then I will find ten or eight professional-level trainers to be sparring partners.

Isn't this better than going to the secret realm to move bricks bitterly?

But since the system has updated the mall, Fang Han now even eats a bowl of instant noodles, which has to be divided into two meals in the morning and two in the evening!

I really don't have any money!

[Hormonal Elixir] was Fang Han's first goal.

Until you have saved enough money, you can't afford to spend any other big money for the time being.

"It's just going to rest tomorrow, and then I'll go to the secret realm to see if I can get anything good..."

Recently, Fang Han has almost explored this secret realm on the periphery.

Including the distribution of various elves, as well as the location of elven treasures, resources, and so on.

Except for the terrifying three evil dragons who didn't know why, they actually ran to the periphery.

At least in this area that Fang Han explored, there were no more elves with a level of more than 50. The highest is only forty levels.

He also thought about it, the collection of peripheral resources is almost over, should he go to the depths of the secret realm to have a look...

Maybe, you can even make a big pen!

But as soon as he went deeper, he saw a level 65 tyrannosaurus flying leisurely in the sky in the distance...

Excuse me, I'll go back.

"It's worthy of being an A-level secret realm. "

Fang Han shook his head.

A king-level elf above level 60, which is rare to see outside, can be met at every turn in the A-level secret realm!

Re-enter the secret realm.

Fang Han suddenly felt that something was not right about the atmosphere.

It's quiet all around.

Even the insect chirp seems to have been pressed the mute button.

Fang Han was very familiar with this, and quickly integrated into the strange atmosphere.

I found a thick dead tree trunk, hid behind it, and quietly looked at the hazy sky.

Not much later....

A hideous roar pierced through the heavens and the earth.

The huge figures of the three evil dragons flew leisurely across the sky and flew towards the depths of the secret realm.

When the surroundings gradually regained their vitality, Fang Han let go of his breath and summoned the duck and the teary-eyed lizard.

Just looking at the direction in which the three evil dragons left, his heart suddenly moved.

After this period of time, doing things under the noses of others.

Fang Han also basically figured out the work and rest of the three evil dragons.

Every once in a while, they go out to forage for food, and when they are full, they will go back to the roof of the dilapidated church and sleep.

The direction of his foraging has always been the depths of the secret realm, the core location.

The elves there are of a higher level, so the taste should be better.

I don't know why, though.

An existence that can be called an overlord in the A-level secret realm, would he run around the secret outside the secret country all the time?

But Fang Han didn't care at first, after all, his purpose had always been to train the two little ones, and sell some resources for money along the way, but he had never provoked this terrifying guy again.

However, after this period of observation, each time the three dragons went out to forage, it was as short as an hour and as long as three or four hours...

Fang Han's heart moved for no reason.

"He likes that dilapidated church so much, is there any difference?".

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