Quasi-god race, Heavenly King strength!

If it's really the cub of the three evil dragons...

This kind of powerful elf elf egg, this special meow is not 180 million, you don't even want to touch it!

If it's true....

I'm afraid to find a suitable opportunity to make a move, hundreds of millions are small amounts!

Fang Han's eyes lit up all of a sudden!

"It's worth it!".

A bare elf egg is enough for him to buy the hormone potion he has in his heart, and he is even rich!

He can also give the teary-eyed lizard and pick out some props that suit his agent-like fighting style!

For example, Blue Wave Ball, Vegapunk's technological equipment, and so on!

Fang Han hurriedly walked to the altar.

It's just that the altar is still a bit high, roughly estimated to be four or five meters tall.

But in the eyes of Fang Han, who was comparable to a humanoid divine beast cub, it was not a big deal.

A small jump, and I jumped on it.

It's just an eye, but it's not an elven egg of three evil dragons.


A strangely shaped black bead.

On the beads, there are also several special dents.

"This is?".

Fang Han's heart suddenly became disappointed.

But out of curiosity, I subconsciously reached out and touched it.

His fingertips had just touched the black beads.

Suddenly, I felt a sharp pain in my fingers, and I felt like I was being electrocuted by 100,000 volts!

Like the black thunder and lightning in the clouds outside the sky, there is also the same thunder and lightning entanglement around the beads at this time!

But this is not difficult for Fang Han.

"Mr. Duck, on. Fang Han waved his hand.

Although Fang Han couldn't recognize what kind of elven secret treasure this bead was.

But this does not prevent Qi Feng from discovering its preciousness!

After all, just by the black thunder and lightning wrapped around this bead, he knew that this thing was definitely not simple!

This black thunderbolt is almost the same as the thunder and lightning in the secret sky.

But in terms of power, it is even a little stronger!

After all, during the finals, Fang Han was promoted to level 18.

Not only has the comprehensive combat power reached an astonishing 438, but the six-dimensional attributes have all exceeded 70 points!

He even secretly asked Mr. Duck to give him a palm thunder, wanting to test his resistance.

As a result, the duck total with a special attack of up to 55 couldn't even break the defense...

After a blow, it can only be said that it is slightly numb and not spicy.

The tear-eyed lizard with three times the crit can barely scratch Fang Han's current skin...

But just now he hadn't even touched this mysterious black bead, he just approached.

The black thunder and lightning that wrapped around it had already made him feel a sharp pain that he had not felt for a long time!

It's just a bead!

From this, it can be seen that the power of thunder and lightning contained in this mysterious black bead, whether it is purity or energy power, is amazing!

The black thunder in the secret realm, lingering in the dark clouds in the sky, is suspected to be the culprit who caused the apocalyptic scene of this secret realm.

Mr. Duck has also absorbed two trees, which have been struck by black lightning, and there is a small amount of lightning power left.

His Thunder Fruit bonus has even increased a lot because of this!

But whether it's purity, or energy density...

The remnants of the lightning that struck the wood were far less powerful than the power contained in this bead!

Even Fang Han was suspicious for a while...

The reason why this mysterious bead is black is probably because it is made of pure black thunder and lightning!

It is the materialization of black lightning!

And the ones that the teary-eyed lizard heard, the sound of a suspicious murmur...

I'm afraid it's just the sound of black thunder and lightning condensing.

This mysterious black bead.

If the duck can always absorb it successfully, whether it is the ability development of the Thunder Fruit or its own attribute bonus.

I'm afraid it will bring about a drastic change!

Epic Enhancements!

Mr. Duck naturally understands this truth.

He stretched out his claws towards the mysterious black bead, and a surging thunderbolt suddenly appeared on the black bead, attacking Xiang Ya Zong!


Mr. Duck, but the owner of the Thunder Fruit!

It is the embodiment of thunder and lightning!

The black thunder and lightning not only failed to hurt Mr. Duck, but even charged him with energy and upgraded the performance of the thunderbolt...


Mr. Duck took the mysterious black bead in his hand with a look of enjoyment, feeling the baptism of thunder and lightning, and the improvement of attributes!

After only a short while, Fang Han saw that the total attributes of the duck had improved slightly!

Name: Mr. Duck

Race: Up to the Duck

Grade: 9

Combined combat power: 190

Constitution: 17

Strength: 37

Defense: ∞

Will: 57

Resistance: 36

Dexterity: 43....

The comprehensive combat power has finally reached the threshold of 190, approaching the teary-eyed lizard!

It is also about to break through the 200-point mark!

The duck's claws clenched, and the mysterious black beads suddenly seemed to melt into the duck's elementalized body!


The duck was always startled, and his two paws hurriedly groped up and down for his fat, as if to find out the mysterious black bead.

And in the ears of the teary-eyed lizard, he heard that the black bead also seemed to have found a hotbed, and made a home in the body of the duck total element.

Even the murmuring was much weaker.

It's like a silent black reef in a golden ocean.

It seems to be turbulent, but it is washed by the waves and does not move.

"Did I eat something dirty?".

"Should... You okay. "

Fang Han was also unsure.

But the teary-eyed lizard shook his head: "Hee hee (big problem)." "


Fang Han turned his head suspiciously, only to see the teary-eyed lizard pointing to the sky in the distance.

A dark shadow.

With monstrous anger, he is frantically rushing towards this side!

Far away.

Fang Han could feel the terrifying anger!

"Roar !!".

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