Many flame wheels flew towards the duck-billed fire beast.

In secret, the burning worm frowned and controlled several flame wheels to fly towards Chen Xuan. It was originally a duel between elves, and Zhijie was a taboo to rush towards the master. Qin Ze also felt strange. The flame wheel was about to hit Chen Xuan, and suddenly, it turned in a direction and moved to another place.


Chen Xuan smiled helplessly. This burning worm was quite temperamental. It seemed that he had never learned a lesson~.

Thinking of this, Chen Xuan waved his hand. This was the first time that Qin Ze saw Chen Xuan fighting with moves.

The duck-billed fire beast rushed towards the burning worm, and it seemed that both eyes were burning with flames. The flames submerged the burning worm. Qin Ze and Chen Xuan, who were standing outside, could not see clearly.

"He wants these two elves to fight alone."

Lin Lili said, Qin Ze turned around in panic and looked at the field.

No matter how the burning insects inside collided, they could not break through the flame barrier.

"It's no use. We have to decide the winner before we can go out. So, come on, Burning Bug, let me see what you can do."

The Duck-billed Fire Beast looked at the Burning Bug like an elder, speaking threateningly, as if the two of them were bound to decide the winner of life and death here.

""Big words exploded in flames."

The duck-billed fire beast suddenly changed its appearance, and its power gathered together. Even the burning bug in the distance could feel this power, which was extremely huge.

Could it be that this duck-billed fire beast has been hiding its strength? The burning bug shouted in its heart that it was not good.

Then, beams of flames flew towards the burning bug, and the burning bug could only dodge and had no chance to find a gap in the duck-billed fire beast. After a long time, the burning bug, which was fooled around, fell to the ground panting, looking at the duck-billed fire beast angrily.

""Flame chop!"

The burning insect jumped up, and a ball of fire burned on its tail. The flame turned into a knife and chopped at the duck-billed fire beast.

""A trifle"

The duck-billed fire beast looked at the burning bug with disdain, jumped up, and dodged easily.

After dodging, it found that the burning bug was not where it was supposed to be. It looked around.

"I'm here!"

A shout came into the ears of the duck-billed fire beast, and the duck-billed fire beast looked up. Above its head, the flaming blade had already touched the tip of its nose. It exerted force with its feet and waist, and pressed its body down to avoid the attack.


The Burning Bug pounced on nothing and looked angry. (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Now the Burning Bug is completely sure that although the guy in front of him is at the second stage of evolution, his strength has long surpassed the third stage. As for why he did not continue to evolve, the Burning Bug does not know

"Flame Kick, Flame Slash……"

The Burning Bug chose another path, choosing to overdraw its own strength and force the Duck-Billed Flame Beast to take advantage of the gap.

The Duck-Billed Flame Beast released skills one after another, standing still to block the Burning Bugs running around.[]

Damn, he had no chance to take advantage.

For a long time, the duck-billed fire beast was still like a fish in water, not having any difficulty, casually fiddling with the burning insect in front of it.

""The big word exploded."

The burning bug used the same skill as the duck-billed fire beast, but the power was weaker, and the duck-billed fire beast easily jumped away.

At this time, the burning bug was already feeling tired, and looked at the duck-billed fire beast in front of him, who was still full of energy, and fell to the ground.

"Why are you so durable? Hahahaha."

The burning worm said, jokingly, looking at the duck-billed fire beast that was getting closer and closer.

"Because you and I are at two completely different levels."

As he spoke, he pulled the duckbill fire to burn the insects.

"It's not time to rest yet, get up quickly." Said



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