Finally, Windy exerted its strength, and under the dual attack power of strength and fire, Tutai Turtle was defeated and fell to the ground, with its whole body turned over.

It was a very ugly scene.

Tutai Turtle was also defeated by Windy, but Windy was also seriously injured. It closed one eye and stood there with difficulty.

The countdown of ten seconds began again. The machine judges had no emotion and began to count down woodenly.

Ten seconds passed by one second after another, and gradually became zero.

"Two, six, seven."Windspeed Dog wins."

As soon as the words fell, Windspeed Dog fell down. Qin Ze took back Windspeed Dog, and Lu Xiaoqi took back Tortoise. The two of them politely left the stage.

"You are really strong!"

Lu Xiaoqi couldn't hold back her tears and burst into tears. Her face was almost covered with tears. She looked at Qin Ze

"Ah, are you okay?"

Seeing Lu Xiaoqi crying, Qin Ze was confused and panicked.

"No, I just think you are really strong, I...I like you so much."

Qin Ze didn't know what to say after hearing the sudden confession.

"I'm not gay……"

Qin Ze suddenly said something, and Lin Lili slowly walked over, laughing in the ears of both of them.

"He should be saying that he likes your style of play. What is he thinking?"

Lin Lili said, and Lu Xiaoqi saw Lin Lili and swallowed his snot.

""Beautiful sister! Beautiful sister! You are so beautiful."

Lu Xiaoqi is obviously 18 years old, but she looks less mature than Bai Mumu. As

Lu Xiaoqi said this, he wanted to reach out and pull Lin Lili, but Qin Ze blocked her.

"There is nothing wrong with your playing style, it's just a little reckless."

Qin Ze changed the subject. Seeing Qin Ze, Lu Xiaoqi wanted to cry again.

Why do you want to cry when you see me?

Finally, Lu Xiaoqi persuaded Qin Ze to go to dinner with them.

"Lin Tao wants to compete with Shi Li."

Lin Lili said, Shi Li is the person she is observing and cannot leave.

"Shi Li, is that the one who defeated Wang Miao twice? I know!"

Lu Xiaoqi couldn't keep his mouth shut, saying that he would also follow the two of them to watch the game.

"Then we can watch the game first and then go."

Qin Ze said as he came to the court.

"Miss Wuhua is not here." (To read the exciting novels, go to Flylu Novel Network!)

After reading around, Qin Ze muttered

"She has nothing to do with Lin Tao, so why must she come?"

Lin Lili thought for a while and said lightly. At this time, Li Wuhua quietly came behind Lin Lili, stretched out his hands, wanting to scare the two of them. When he heard what Lin Lili said, his hands in the air stopped.......

Qin Ze nodded without saying anything more. Li Wuhua took his hand back and quietly left, walking out of the venue.

Yes, I have nothing to do with him.[]

Thinking of this, Li Wuhua walked towards the Magic Forest.

Lin Tao and Shi Li stood opposite each other. Looking at Shi Li's expression, Lin Tao was frightened.

""We just need to maximize the weaknesses of Shi Li."

Lin Lili's voice rang in his ears, and Lin Tao clenched his fists.

Lin Tao released his Blastoise, and Shi Li released his Earth Turtle. In the duel between the two turtles, the earth system and the water system, Shi Li was not dominant. Looking at Shi Li, Lin Tao kept thinking of Li Wuhua in his mind. He didn't know why.

"Will you come to watch me play?"


Lin Tao was still thinking about the conversation last night. He looked up and saw that there was no sign of 3.8 Li Wuhua around. He couldn't help but feel disappointed.

She must be busy. If she didn't have a competition, she must have something else to do.

Lin Tao comforted himself in this way. He didn't continue thinking and focused on his own competition. Shi Li looked at Lin Tao and was very cautious. He felt that he could win, but Lin Tao was unpredictable. After watching his game with Li Wuhua, he was not afraid of losing, but that Lin Tao would expose his shortcomings.

That was fatal and terrifying.


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