"What's going on?"

Emperor Yan asked the Phoenix King in his heart.

"He is the Elf King Yin, the sapphire is the evidence, and the fact that he sealed Arceus is also evidence. I didn't expect that the Elf King Yin was reincarnated."

The Phoenix King replied, and the Entei was not familiar with this name, with some doubts on his face.

"Elf King Yin, he is the only one who is qualified to make me submit, but it seems that he has a lot of room for growth now."

At this point, the Phoenix King stopped talking in Yong Xinsheng and said

"Qin Ze, are you willing to duel with Emperor Yan, pass the test of Emperor Yan, and then possess Emperor Yan."

The King of Phoenix said, looking at Emperor Yan with a smile.

Emperor Yan knew what the King of Phoenix meant, and did not say anything back, but looked at Qin Ze, wanting to see what Qin Ze thought.

"I do."

Qin Ze said without thinking, but Emperor Yan laughed first.


Lin Lili wanted to stop Qin Ze, but she also knew that Qin Ze wanted to see the difference in their abilities through this duel.

Moreover, Qin Ze was not a man who liked to retreat.

"Okay, Qin Ze, I allow you to send out several elves, and use your moves to fight me as much as you want."

Yan Di said with a smile on his face, as if he was amused and curious.


Qin Ze released the Windspeed. The Windspeed's eyes were firm. Yan Di looked at those eyes and was stunned for a moment. He recalled a Caterpie with the same eyes three years ago, so small and so firm.

This made Yan Di laugh out loud, like a sneer and a self-mockery.

I remember you, Caterpie, your bite hurts so much.

""Big character explosion."

Qin Ze took the lead, he wanted to beat Yan Di with speed to make him confident of his ability.

The big character explosion of the wind speed dog was very powerful, but in front of Yan Di, it was just a palm, and he didn't take it seriously.

""High speed operation."

Qin Ze shouted quickly, with his hands behind his back, as if he wanted to release something.

""Lights! Go!"

Qin Ze shouted, releasing the ghost of lights. Emperor Yan was confused. He had never seen such a combination before.

"There is one more."

Vulcan Moth.

Qin Ze released three elves, all with some fire attributes. (To read the exciting novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

""Sun beam, big words burst into flames."

Qin Ze shouted, and the Light Ghost released a beam of sun beams, and the Vulcan Moth spit out a ball of flames, tightly surrounding the beam of sun beams and rushing towards Emperor Yan.

Is that all?

Emperor Yan was completely disdainful of that tiny beam of sun beams, but there was more to it. The wind speed dog jumped along the beam of sun beams and rushed straight towards Emperor Yan.[]


Yan Di was shocked. The three elves who were completely out of touch with each other actually helped each other and helped the wind speed dog.

The wind speed dog still had that determined look in his eyes and rushed towards Yan Di.

""Did you get hit?"

Qin Ze looked delighted, but Emperor Yan just waved his hand and patted away the clouds and mist, and nothing happened.

This made Qin Ze extremely disappointed.

"You have passed my test."

Yan Di said with a doting look on his face.


Qin Ze hasn't reacted yet

"Now I belong to you, Qin Ze, my master."

Yan Di said, bowing down to show respect.

Qin Ze was stunned, with a puzzled look on his face.

"Why am I so... so weak?"

"No, Qin Ze, you are very aggressive, believe me, I will train you to be stronger and stronger." Yandi said, laughing.


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