In the mayor's office.

Because it was just a preliminary discussion.

So after chatting for a while, Zhang

Ze was ready to leave. Alexei naturally politely tried to keep him.

The governor was not in Irkut today, so Alexei also asked Zhang Ze if he wanted to go to the state economic and trade department.

Being able to get some information, plus Zhang Ze intended for him to introduce some local companies, this was enough to make Alexei happy.

If it can be successfully won over in the end, and Irkut local companies come to cooperate, Alexei can also be regarded as earning a mouthful of soup, and the fat water will not flow to outsiders!

However, the neighbor is the superior after all, and the development of the gold mine is not a trivial matter. After Alexei contacted and got the benefits in advance, he naturally did not dare to really cover it up and let the superiors know.

Zhang Ze thought about it, but he didn't have much intention to go there.

After all, there was nothing to do for the time being, so Zhang Ze simply declined the invitation and told Alexei clearly that he would come again when the joint venture development company was established next time.

Alexey"Four Seven Three" nodded happily when he heard this. After sending Zhang Ze out of the office, he hurriedly called his superiors to talk.

After Zhang Ze left the mayor's office.

Just now, Roman and Sheva had finished the meeting and were still waiting.

The two of them sent Zhang Ze all the way out of the city office building. After getting in the car, Oleg was really moved.

"Sukabulie, following the big boss out, felt like he was so awesome!"

"I never expected that the person who I could only see on TV would come to meet us today!"

"Things went really smoothly today!"

After all, Zhang Ze is a Long countryman, and they have been together for a long time. Oleg can even say Chinese words like"Niu Bi".

Of course, this credit should be attributed to the great director Quentin.

Even Oleg has seen the funny short video of"twisting the coin".

Zhang Ze waved his hand and smiled:"There is a saying in Long country that it is easy to hide from the King of Hell but difficult to deal with the little devils."

"If you ask an important person to do something for you, you have to work around the clock to get him to do it. Of course, that's much more efficient."

"There will be plenty of days like this in the future, just get used to it"

"Let's go and buy two cars for the company first."

Oleg nodded and smiled, then started the car and drove towards the Hongqi 4S car store.

He parked the car at the door and got out.

The salesperson in the store soon noticed the Aston Martin.

Several salespeople walked to the door without stopping and greeted him with a smile.

Zhang Ze looked at the door and saw that all the salespeople were from Longguo.

After thinking about it, he was not surprised.

The weather in Maoxi is cold, and the locals have become old hands. They are too lazy to even open the store for service.

And just looking at the enthusiasm of these salespeople, they can beat the locals in Maoxi by several streets.

"We are compatriots! Should we speak Russian or Chinese?"

"Didn’t you see? The one driving the car was that tall fat bear!"

"I guess the owner of the car is the bear guy! The two young men are dressed quite formally, but they don't look like business people!"

"So, speak Russian?"

"Well, I think it will work."

The group quickly came to an agreement.

When Zhang Ze and Oleg walked to the door, several salesmen greeted them enthusiastically in Russian.

"Gentlemen, please come in."

Zhang Ze was stunned when he heard this,"Speak Chinese."

After thinking about it, he felt that it was not right,"Forget it, let's speak Russian, this guy can't understand Chinese."

Several salesmen were stunned when they heard this. After these two sentences, they finally understood. It is the compatriots in front of them who will decide when buying a car!

After Zhang Ze finished speaking, he complained to Oleg beside him:"Brother, you should be the general manager. To be honest, there is a very big problem"

"What?!" Oleg was shocked.

Zhang Ze smiled and said,"My uncle’s Russian is just so-so. During the previous live broadcast, didn’t a few fans say that they wanted to cooperate with us and import wood from here?"

"In the future, the timber of the forestry company will be exported to Longguo. You don’t understand Chinese. Do you think it’s troublesome or not?"

Oleg was sweating when he heard it:"I will learn it as soon as possible?" (To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Zhang Ze waved his hand and said:"Forget it! You think you have the same Chinese foundation and talent as Anna!"

"Let's ask for an interpreter later."

Oleg could tell that Zhang Ze was just joking.

He grinned and said,"I know people, and you must know them too. They are basically from the Longguo study abroad circle of our school."

Zhang Ze:"How about Zhao Han? She majored in Russian, so there will be no problem."[]

"Find a man?!"

Zhang Ze rolled his eyes,"You are a henpecked husband. You are not an assistant or anything."

"Let's go with Chen Yongxu. His professional skills are definitely not as good as Zhao Han's, but he is also a good person."

"But his family does business here, so he may not be willing to be your translator."

Oleg thought for a while and said,"Okay! I'll ask him. If he doesn't want to, I'll post a job posting online."

Zhang Ze raised his hand and made an OK gesture.

After talking about this, he looked at the salesmen and said,"Take us to see H9 and H 9"

"The company is buying a car."

The salesmen were immediately upset when they heard this.

As expected, even the store manager came out of the store to entertain the customers.

Of course, although the store manager came to entertain the customers in person, the salesmen still followed behind him as little tails. The atmosphere was definitely much more lively than that of ordinary car stores.....

"Mr. Zhang, Mr. Oleg, this way please!"

Zhang Ze nodded.

Because they were compatriots, Zhang Ze also said a few more words.

"I just found out about the Hongqi store here when I was talking to him about buying a car for the company today."

The store manager laughed and said,"Oh! Then I have to settle accounts with the advertising department. The advertising is not selling well!"

"Our Hongqi is owned by FAW Group, and the factory is in the Northeast, so it is close. Mosque and St. Petersburg opened earlier, but this one is just opened not long ago."

Zhang Ze smiled and said,"How about you come back and ask me to shoot an advertisement? I still have quite a lot of fans locally."

"This matter is under the jurisdiction of my wife."

As soon as he said this, a salesperson actually recognized Zhang Zelai:"Hiss - it turns out to be the rag picker Brother Ze!"

"Nice to meet you! I just saw you and you looked familiar, but you didn’t start the live broadcast, so I asked you!"

"Manager! What Brother Ze said is indeed true. He has several live broadcast and video platforms, with hundreds of thousands of fans!"

"I found gold and arms before! Many local compatriots are paying attention to it, and there are also quite a lot of Russians!"

The store manager was also stunned when he heard it. He had heard about the arms in the newspaper, but he never thought that the person in front of him was the real owner. For a while, the store manager really took it seriously.

Recently, Hongqi has sold well in both Camel and Russia. One reason is that they are really rich, even police cars use Hongqi's HS9 SUV. One reason is that the manufacturing talent is poor, and the high-end luxury cars produced by Oumeng are generally not available.

The store manager thought about it and really wanted to say something to the headquarters.

Of course, for now, we still have to take care of the sales first before talking about 2.1.

The store manager laughed and said,"Mr. Zhang is really young and promising! Nowadays, self-media is developed. If you really appear on the camera every day, the exposure will be very high!"

Zhang Ze joked,"Store manager, if you are a long-term sponsor, you should at least give me one!"

"We are here today to buy a car for the company, and we may appear on camera at any time."

The store manager's eyebrows jumped when he heard this, and he was also puzzled for a moment. He asked a salesperson beside him to explain it, and called the subordinate who recognized Zhang Ze.

When he heard that Zhang Ze not only had 2,000 hectares of forest land in Irku, but also a gold mine!

The store manager was stunned! Where did this Monkey King suddenly jump out of nowhere!

Even though there are many Dragon people in Irku, they can actually know each other in different circles. How come I haven't heard any news before?

However, after getting to know Zhang Ze better, the store manager hurriedly came forward, and his enthusiastic attitude became even more exaggerated than before.


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