Zhang Ze looked at the rather domineering HS9.

He smiled and nodded, saying,"It does look pretty good."

"But that Mercedes is for my wife, she is quite frugal, if I really want to change it for her, I guess she will be heartbroken."

"And that's a tram, right? It's also quite expensive. I heard that it was doubled a while ago."

The store manager smiled and said,"That's mainly due to the exchange rate fluctuations a while ago. If you buy it with local currency, the price will definitely not be so exaggerated."

"Charging is easy! We can arrange for someone to provide you with a charging station at your home or in the village."

"Moreover, I heard that the city of Irkut has recently planned to increase subsidies and support for electric vehicles and charging."

Zhang Ze smiled dumbly:"Manager Wang, don't bluff me, I will ask the city later, it will be no fun if it is exposed."

Manager Wang smiled awkwardly:"That can't be! The channel I heard is quite reliable!"

Zhang Ze couldn't help but smile, and didn't take it too seriously,"Let's not consider it for now."

"We'll talk about it later."

Manager Wang thought about it and tried���"Mr. Zhang, I just heard from my subordinates that your forest company will be opened and there will be leaders from Irkut to meet with you. Can you tell me more?"

Zhang Ze thought about it and said directly,"Yes. The economic and trade department and the mayor will be present."

Since Manager Wang asked about it and it will be on the news later, it is no big deal for Zhang Ze to say it.

This matter was just finalized.

Originally, according to the specifications of the forest company, Luo Meng's presence was appropriate.

As for Alexei's arrival, Zhang Ze thought that he valued the gold mine affairs in the future, so he wanted to show a good attitude to Zhang Ze.

Of course, this kind of open visit and report is good for Zhang Ze's development in Irkut. Alexei is willing to come, and Zhang Ze has no reason to refuse.

Manager Wang couldn't help but take a deep breath when he heard it.

This kind of thing can't help but brag!

He was skeptical about Zhang Ze's gold mine, but the mayor would attend the opening of Zhang Ze's company?

Manager Wang believed it now!

After a few rounds of discussion, Manager Wang soon came up with an idea.

In fact, when his subordinates went to get the documents, Manager Wang had already had a brief discussion with his superiors and obtained some authority.

He said with a big smile on his face,"Mr. Zhang, how about this!""

"Since you like this HS9 and mentioned the advertisement just now, I might as well confirm it with my superiors!"

"If you think the conditions are suitable, you can drive this HS9 SUV away today!"

Zhang Ze couldn't help but smile,"If it's free, that would be great!"

After saying that, he waved his hand and signaled Manager Wang to communicate and confirm.

As for Manager Wang's thoughts, Zhang Ze knew it clearly.

The display cars in this 4S store usually have complete procedures, and some will be test-driven.

This type of car will not be sold in the car store.

If the model has been produced for a long time, the car is probably sold as a used car.

Of course, if it is really given away for free as advertising fee, Zhang Ze is also happy to take it. Zhang Ze would take Anna back to Kurt Village every now and then. It is very convenient to have a large SUV. What's more, the performance of HS9 is very good.

But this high-end SUV is much higher-end than the GLC.

Zhang Ze will move to a villa soon, so he won't have to worry about having no place to park.

After a while, Manager Wang came back again.

In fact, after hearing Zhang Ze say that the mayor would attend, he could have finalized it.

But this extra communication is just to show that he has worked hard on this matter.

Not to mention earning favors from Zhang Ze, at least he can gain some goodwill!

This is a rich man! He is going to take care of the business in the future!

After Manager Wang came back, he hurriedly said:"Mr. Zhang! Everything goes well!"

"You can drive this HS9 away today!"

"Of course, since this is a commercial advertisement, we will also sign a two-year contract with you."

"During this period, you need to ensure a certain exposure. If you use the car on weekends, you must use this HS9. If you use other brands of cars, you need to cover up the car logo. After the expiration, the ownership of the car can be transferred to your name." (To read the violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"And if the effect is ideal, we will also provide an H5 sedan, which is young and fashionable."

"As for the vehicles used by the forestry company, if there is a media advertisement, the H9 is mainly used."


Zhang Ze frowned slightly when he heard this and said unhappily,"Manager Wang, we shouldn't bother with the relationship between compatriots and domestic products when it comes to this advertisement!"

"In this kind of situation, we have to talk business, don't you think this makes sense?"[]

Manager Wang felt that it was not good.

After all, Zhang Ze looked too young. He subconsciously raised the conditions from the headquarters. He thought that if he could negotiate better conditions, it would be called an achievement when he told the headquarters! It was a win-win situation!

Manager Wang smiled and apologized,"Yes, yes! Mr. Zhang, what you said makes sense!"

"If you are not satisfied with the conditions, we can talk about it!"

Zhang Ze waved his hand and said,"In fact, if the car is really well driven, let alone used for two years, can there be any problems with the car for three to five years?"

"Honestly, I don't mind the income from this advertisement. My wife thinks it's good and wants to take the advertisement. It's also a happy thing for us to get a car for free."

"But from the perspective of my accounts on several platforms, two years of keeping me under control is really too long and boring.

Manager Wang nodded quickly:"Okay!"

"How about that year? I will definitely fight for you!"

Zhang Ze smiled,"Half a year. If you think this time is suitable, we can continue to discuss"

"Also, let alone the exposure of the forest farm company."

"Do you want to talk to me about advertising or to my company?"

"You don’t talk business like this."

Manager Wang immediately broke into a sweat,"Okay, okay!"

"you say���It is also reasonable"

"However, if your company has an event and Irkut local leaders are in attendance and there is media exposure, I wonder if Mr. Zhang would be inconvenient to disclose the time and place."

From the headquarters' point of view, they actually value Zhang Ze's fans and exposure in Russia more.

For example, once local news comes out, they will buy TV ads for a period of time. The main thing is to build a reputation among the fighting nation.

It's not an endorsement, it's just a short-term advertisement. Nowadays, various self-media in China are quite developed, and many car companies have begun to cooperate with anchors and video hosts of Bilibili and Kuaishou.

Especially for models like Hongqi H5, which also focuses on young people and cost-effectiveness, the headquarters itself also wants to try something new.

Zhang Ze thought about it and smiled,"That's fine. He is the general manager of the company, leave a contact number (De Nuo Zhao)"

"However, this matter has nothing to do with my personal advertising. You have to give me more discounts when you buy a car in the future."After this, Manager Wang finally understood.

The man in front of him was not someone who could be fooled easily. He nodded and bowed, turned around and called the headquarters.

Because the appearance was only for half a year, Manager Wang spent a lot of time talking.

Finally, the deal was made, and he quickly drafted the contract and returned to the reception room.

"Mr. Zhang, your request has been approved by the headquarters. We are very happy to cooperate with you!"

""Here, here are the car keys. After the contract is signed, the car can be driven away!"

Zhang Ze took the keys, signed the contract simply, and raised a smile on his face.

Even though he is now wealthy, getting one or two cars for free is something worth being happy about.

Of course, more importantly, he will drive over to pick up the girl later. After all, this was earned from the live broadcast, right? He told her that it was earned by both of them! She would probably be very happy.


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