At the same time, when Zhang Ze left school,

Oleg was driving a brand new Hongqi H9. Because it was a new car, and the H9's car shape was low-key and luxurious, Oleg's driving attracted a lot of attention along the way.


"Comfortable, so this is what it feels like to drive a luxury car around campus!"

Oleg couldn't help but grin, thinking that the car he was sitting in would be the car provided by his future company, and he was so happy.

He was slowly patrolling the campus, and it was Daria who called to urge him in the end. He was supposed to have classes this afternoon, but because of work, Oleg and Zhang Ze skipped one or two classes.

After all, he was a senior, and the teachers usually turned a blind eye.

Soon, Oleg drove to the Business School.

Daria had been waiting for a long time, and she looked around but didn't see her own nine-handed Lada. Nameless She got angry immediately.

She and Oleg had an appointment for June 4th today, and they were also rushing to catch a supermarket promotion!

The light industrial products in the Russian bear market were in short supply, and if they were a little later, they might not be able to get any cheap goods.

But at this moment, a luxury car of unknown make suddenly stopped in the parking space next to Daria.

Although the make was not visible, the car's domineering appearance and aura were quite impressive. Daria could also tell that it was an expensive car.

She didn't think she knew the owner of the car. Among her friends, the richest Zhang Ze didn't drive this car. model car.

And she also knew very well that Zhang Ze must have gone to pick up Anna.

She glanced at the car unhappily, but thought to herself: Is being rich such a big deal?! But don't flirt with me, I have a boyfriend.

Darya cares about money, but she is not the kind of person who is greedy for money, otherwise she would not fall for a poor boy like Oleg.

Although Oleg is tall and fat and a bit ugly, they are childhood sweethearts after all. They have been dating for so many years and they both plan to get married after graduation.

Especially since Oleg is now an employee in Zhang Ze's company. Now The salary during the probation period is 70,000 rubles, which is better than many young people of the fighting nation who have worked for many years!

Moreover, it is a forest company with 2,000 hectares. In the future, I will have to manage a few subordinates! The future is definitely bright.

Of course, Daria pursed her lips and stepped aside.

At the same time, students from the Institute of Technology were also coming and going in the teaching building.

The appearance of Hongqi H9 is still quite eye-catching. When everyone saw this car, they all looked at it curiously.

There are mostly girls in the Business School, and they started to discuss it.

"What kind of car is this? It looks really nice! It must be expensive!"

"I don't know, it should be a foreign brand"

"I saw the Dragon people driving past Huaxia City!"

"It seems to be a brand of Longguo, and it seems to be a brand used for state guests’ cars!"

"Isn't that expensive? Tens of millions of rubles?"

"I guess so!"

"I often see Zhang Ze driving luxury cars recently. Did he buy a new car again?"

"That's too rich!"

Of course, the girls also noticed Daria next to the car.

They were from the same college, although they had different majors, but they had taken classes together in the past, and they also recognized the relationship between Daria and Oleg.

Naturally, they did not connect Daria with this luxury car.

After all, the car Oleg drove was a second-hand little broken car. The girls in the class looked down on it, so naturally they looked down on Daria as well.

It is said that birds of a feather flock together, and Daria didn't get along well with the girls in the industrial management circle.

However, these girls obviously have a very short memory.

Maybe it was because Zhang Ze drove an Aston Martin to school several times, they all forgot that the Lada driven by Oleg was bought from Zhang Ze.

Just as the car door opened.

Oleg got out of the car and waved to Daria:"Dear!"


All the business school students, including Dariya, were stunned.

The girls from the industrial management department felt as if they were slapped on the face several times, and the sound of slapping continued.

Even a poor boy like Oleg can afford a luxury car worth tens of millions of rubles?

Everyone began to doubt whether there was something wrong with the world!

Only Dariya quickly turned from being stunned to being happy. (To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

She was smart and immediately thought of the forest company.

Otherwise, with Oleg's ability, how could he afford a new luxury car!

Facing the envy and jealousy of the girls from the industrial management department, Dariya felt happy.

People's sorrows and joys are not the same. Sometimes, your own happiness has to be built on the pain of others.

However, Dariya didn't think there was anything wrong with this at all.[]

She thought to herself: I told you guys to look down on me! Look at how capable my man is! You little sluts want to be with a rich man?! It's in my dream!

Daria walked to the car and got in happily.

After getting in the car, she still couldn't help but be surprised.

"Oh my god, this car is so nice!"

"It looks upscale on the outside and even more luxurious on the inside!"

The bright yellow hue is matched with a lot of wooden decorations, which is also quite appealing to the aesthetic tastes of the Mao Zedong people. After all, Mao Zedong people have a lot of wood, and their homes have a lot of wooden furniture. They naturally have a good impression of it.

Oleg grinned:"Hehe! A car worth tens of millions of rubles, of course it's good!"

"God, I can't believe it!" Dahlia took a deep breath........

"Is this the car used by the forestry company? Oh my god, Zhang Ze is so nice to you."

Oleg smiled and said,"He is a man who says one thing and does another!"

"I also said that I was afraid that my old car would be embarrassing to the city leaders, so I reluctantly bought two cars for your company."

"He said, I can follow him���Of course I am angry!"

Dahlia smiled unhappily:"I can't say anything about the way you two get along."

"But you have to pay attention to the company's affairs in the future! Do you want to meet the city leaders?"

Oleg said proudly:"Of course!"

"You know, today, there was a general leader, and even the mayor of Irku met with him! After the company opens, the mayor will have to show up, and I will have the opportunity to be on the news and in the newspapers!"

Daria's heart was pounding when she heard this.

From childhood sweethearts to now, she knows her man's background too well.

Does Oleg's family have connections and abilities? Definitely not!

If he does, it can only be the influence of Zhang Ze.

After all, on weekends, even Vladimir, the mayor of Shere Town, came to Anna's house!

However, even after thinking it through, Daria was still very happy.

Because Zhang Ze and Oleg have a special relationship, when Zhang Ze was not showing off, the two often worked together to make some extra money.

Although it cannot be said that a friend in need is a friend indeed, Oleg and Zhang Ze get along the best in the class! Now he works in Zhang Ze's forestry company, so what future do he have to worry about! Even if the car in front of him is not for Oleg, as long as Oleg keeps working in the forestry company, things will be almost the same!

Daria smiled and said,"That's great!!"

"Honey, I think I should buy you another suit. It seems like you have to go through a lot of formalities every day lately?"

"Hehe... didn't you say before that you could just iron it for me tonight?"

"Tsk! That's different! You will represent the forest company in the future. You drive such a good car. You should dress more decently when you go out to do business!"

Oleg listened and felt very proud.

Of course, Oleg was not stupid because he could play with Zhang Ze.

Oleg knew very well that he was lucky to meet Zhang Ze as a friend. Without Zhang Ze, how could he have turned his life around?

Without Zhang Ze's help, he would probably have to worry about his job.

After thinking about it, Oleg talked to Daria about buying gifts. Zhang Ze and Anna had to hold an engagement ceremony soon.

After thinking about it, the two decided to spend more money and put more thought into it.


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