Zhang Ze smiled dumbly. After all, they are like -minded and tend to get into the same pot. Their personalities are pretty similar.

Zhang Ze has known Chen Yongxu for a long time and has a good understanding of him.

He is perceptive and a bit of a bootlicker, but he is the kind of person who knows everything about what he says and does.

Of course, he has his shortcomings as well.

He is really good at playing around with women.

He can't be called a scumbag, but he changes girlfriends as quickly as Yulia changes boyfriends.

However, Zhang Ze is not going to pick the saintly bitch Cheng Xin who protects the earth and the universe.

Friends know each other well and can get things done and be useful.

Zhang Ze:"My makeshift team is just for show.

The forest farm business is not that big of a deal.


"He is the vice president, but he is mainly responsible for translation. You can do something that Oleg can't do. A boss in China was interested in the wood from the forest farm."

"Of course, if they can't do it well, I've already said it in advance, so I can just ask someone else to do it."

"You know my temper. I can make jokes casually, but you can't be careless when it comes to serious matters." Chen Yongxu laughed on the phone:"Brother Ze, you are joking. If you invest in a makeshift team, many of my compatriots' companies will cry in the toilet!"

"If you work with Brother Ze, your life will be very good!"

"Don't worry! I have a plan for doing things with Brother Ze! I will definitely not mess around!"

It is said that the ways of the world are like drinking water, only the person who drinks it knows whether it is hot or cold.

Although Chen Yongxu helped his uncle, he might not stay here for a year.

Because his uncle's family is only engaged in trade. To put it bluntly, it is a mixture of money and money, and the company itself does not produce anything.

The salary is a little higher than that in China, but it is really not much higher. Originally, he planned to go back after graduation, and the 650 business would still be trade with Russia. With his uncle here, it would be easier to get by.

But to say that he can get a salary of 10,000 after graduation?!

Chen Yongxu felt that it would be extremely difficult to find one for himself!

Companies that recruit for border trade with Russia are generally concentrated in the Northeast, and private enterprises are not that dynamic and are even less developed.

As for civil engineering? Chen Yongxu felt that his understanding of this industry was what he understood in high school and what he is now a senior. It has never changed!

Zhang Ze smiled and said,"Okay, stop talking nonsense to me."

"Tell me about your uncle's company."

Chen Yongxu quickly explained the situation to Zhang Ze.

After listening to him, Zhang Ze felt that the matter was not difficult.

So he called Oleg and asked him to take Chen Yongxu to find Sheva.

Of course, he could find Luo Meng, but this would be like using a cannon to kill a mosquito, and he would still owe a favor.

"Okay, I told Oleg"

"You go find him now. When you're done, we can meet at noon and find a place to have lunch."

""Okay! Thank you,

Brother Ze! You go ahead and do your work. I'll go find Brother Ao!""Brother Ao (ahcj)..." Zhang Ze shook his head and smiled, then hung up the phone.

Since he was looking for someone to have lunch with, Zhang Ze also sent a message to the girl.

Being idle for the time being, Zhang Ze simply took out the gold mine information given by the system.

After all, this mine belongs to him, and he will have to find someone to set up a joint venture company to carry out the first phase of development.

Zhang Ze is still quite concerned about this matter.

In the future, Zhang Ze will naturally not look for the management personnel of this company from his relatives and friends.

This is different from a forest farm. Although mining is also a resource production, it also involves a series of industrial processes such as ore dressing and even refining, which is itself a very subdivided industry profession. For this matter, Zhang Ze is going to select people from the other two companies that are cooperating with him.

But Zhang Even if Ze doesn't take care of things on weekdays, he still has to know what he should know to avoid making mistakes.

It was almost noon.

Zhang Ze put away the information, went out and drove.

He went to a Chinese restaurant called Huang Ji where he had agreed to meet.

After a while, Zhang Ze arrived at the restaurant.

This is a relatively affordable Chinese restaurant, of course, it is still more expensive than domestic restaurants.

The boss is from Northeast China, and some dishes are more in line with Zhang Ze's taste.

Zhang Ze, Oleg, Chen Yongxu and others have been here many times before.

After wandering around the restaurant on the first floor, Zhang Ze found Oleg and Chen Yongxu who had arrived early.

Chen Yongxu is a tall and thin man, wearing black-framed glasses and looks gentle. From the outside, he doesn't look like a"scum.""

"Brother Ze is here! Sit down, sit down." Chen Yongxu greeted him. Oleg grinned and said,"Sukabulie, I am really impressed by this guy's face."

"When there is something going on, we call them brothers and sisters, and on weekdays we call them by nicknames." (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Zhang Ze smiled and said,"You don't understand. We Long people call this politeness."

"If you go to Longguo in the future, people in the north will also like to call you brother or sister. In the capital, it's even more exaggerated. You have to call me"Master" as soon as you open your mouth, and you have to be humble enough to admit that you are three generations younger than me."

"If you go to the south, you will see beautiful boys and girls, just say nice things."

"Of course, we don't need to say anything about Chen Yongxu. If there is something good, he will be eager to call you his real daddy when he is affectionate."

Chen Yongxu grinned,"Hey! Brother Ze still understands me"[]

"You are a bear man, you say some humor is so cold, but your brain is frozen, you can't get around this."

Oleg smiled and said,"If I knew your tricks, I wouldn't ask you to come to work as a deputy manager."

Chen Yongxu put his arms on the back of the chair and said,"Old Oleg, we have to think about this carefully."

"First come first served, you can be the general manager! I accept it!"

"But from now on, everything will be judged by results, is that okay?"

Oleg couldn't help but smile,"Hey - don't worry, I have enough weight and tonnage, so why worry that I can't control you?"

Zhang Ze waved his hand and smiled,"Okay, okay, don't do those new officials' three fires when they take office."

"The one who went home to act wild, and Miss Zhao who went to see a prostitute, flirted with each other and was quite angry."

When the two heard this, they all rolled their eyes and couldn't help laughing.

Men chatting and joking, it won't get started without some meaty things, and they are all young people and familiar with each other.

After ordering the dishes, Chen Yongxu asked Zhang Ze if he wanted to drink.

Zhang Ze saw that the atmosphere was good, and Oleg had been craving for wine recently. So he just ordered some beer.

It's close to the school, so at worst he can just walk back and drive tomorrow.

As for drinking in broad daylight?

In the Russian bear, drinking beer is the same as drinking water.

It's not uncommon for white-collar workers to walk on the street with a bottle of wine.

Of course, carrying vodka in the daytime is another matter, usually it's the old drunkards who don't have a job. Before the dishes were served, the three of them started drinking while cracking peanuts.

Zhang Ze asked,"Yongxu, your uncle doesn't mind you coming to my place, right?"

Chen Yongxu hurriedly said:"Oh, I have to tell you this."

"I think some things need to be handed over, so I can't ask you for salary this month."

"How could my uncle have any objection? When he heard about the 2,000-hectare forestry company, he was so shocked that he dared not block his nephew's future!"

"Maybe he'll have to find us for some business in the future."

Zhang Ze nodded and smiled:"Okay, one month, right? It's not a big problem."

"But let's be clear. Those who do business here know that it is inevitable that there will be some gray and white mixed in."

"If you have any connection with your uncle's business, don't even think about asking for favors from him in the future."

Chen Yongxu waved his hand and said,"No!"

"If my uncle was really brave, he wouldn't have come here in the 1990s and still run a modest business."

"It is said that in those days, the bold ones died of overeating and the timid ones died of starvation. My uncle was born in the year of the rat and is very timid. Hey - in fact, I am the same! Very honest!"

Zhang Ze couldn't help laughing when he heard it.

As for a person, you can't just listen to what he says, you have to see what he does to know what kind of person he is.

Chen Yongxu is a man of many tricks, but he is still relatively reliable and honest.

Zhang Ze didn't expect to make much money on the forestry company.

It's nothing more than enclosing a large piece of land.

Didn't they dig out mushrooms, wild ginseng and hemp roots before!

Zhang Ze can go over and dig when he's free.

If a little bit adds up and the critical hit rate is high, it's not a small amount of money.

As for the serious forestry development, Zhang Ze only hopes that it will be stable and not go wrong.

Of course, if he can help his relatives and friends, Zhang Ze is also happy.

After all, it doesn't matter how close they are, so why not do it.

Nodding, Zhang Ze picked up the bottle of wine and clinked it with Oleg and Chen Yongxu.


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