"How is this possible! Why would my Fireball Mouse be defeated by a fire-attribute move?"

Lin Yin exclaimed in disbelief.

"Idiot, do you think the Flame Wheel is just a fire attack?"

Qin Ze couldn't help laughing when he heard this question.

"The essence of the Flame Wheel is to use the body to impact. Although the flames from Growlithe cannot cause much damage to the Pokémon with the pyrotechnic property, the powerful impact cannot be ignored, and it is not something that the weak Flame Mouse can withstand after overheating."

Qin Ze explained patiently.

After hearing Qin Ze's words, Lin Yin remembered this and his face suddenly turned ugly.

He thought that the opponent was just a novice and was very weak, but he didn't expect that he, a veteran, would fall into the trap. It was really embarrassing!

【"Caterpie defeated the Cerberus and gained 150 experience points"】

【"After doubling, it is 300 experience points"】

【"Congratulations, Growlithe has reached level 13."

The system notification sounded.

Qin Ze was a little happy when he heard that Growlithe had reached level 13.

He had been desperately challenging wild Pokémons these past two days to gain enough experience points to reach level 13. He didn't expect that he would get the experience points he needed this time.

""Catti! Hurry up and eat all the purple flame fruits!"

Qin Ze ordered immediately at this time. He did not forget the biggest goal of this time.

After hearing the order, Catti immediately ran towards the purple flame fruits scattered on the ground, and ate one after another in big mouthfuls, without chewing them, and swallowed them directly.

At this moment, Catti burst out with a strong ability to eat. During this period, Qin Ze trained Catti to exhaustion every time, and then gave it food, so that Catti was afraid of being hungry and eating non-stop.

This cultivated Catti's ability to eat like a whirlwind, which came in handy here!

In just a blink of an eye, Catti ate several

""Oh my god!"

Seeing this scene, Lin Yin couldn't help but shout out in shock.

How come this Katie eats the fruit so fast!

"Fireball Mouse! Hurry up and grab it!"

This made Lin Yin anxiously order the Fireball Mouse to follow him to grab the fruit to eat.

But now the Fireball Mouse is in a dying state and has no ability to grab it.

Seeing Caterpie frantically eating the purple flame fruit that he had been waiting for so hard, Lin Yin's heart seemed to be bleeding non-stop.

""Yongjira! Magneto! Go stop that damn dog!"

Lin Yin yelled in exasperation.

After receiving the order, Yongjira and Magneto rushed out immediately!

One used the illusion beam, and the other used 100,000 volts to attack Growlithe.

At this time, Growlithe had eaten 16 purple flame fruits, and there were still 4 lying on the ground.

""Swish, swish, swish!"

Just when the two attacks were about to hit Growlithe,

Scyther flew to Growlithe first and lifted it into the sky to avoid the two attacks.

"It's time to run away!"

Qin Ze immediately turned around and ran away

""Don't even think about running away! You bastard, I can't get rid of my hatred if I don't kill you!"

Lin Yin would not let Qin Ze escape!

He spent countless energy and time to get the Purple Flame Fruit, just to monopolize all the Purple Flame Fruits so that he could use them to train the Fireball Rat and push it to level 20 in one go.

But in the end, more than half of them were taken away by someone else!

How could Lin Yin not be so angry that he wanted to vomit blood!

"Why is there an explosion here??"

"What a big fire! What happened?"

At this time, there were many voices and footsteps coming from all around. Many people were coming here.

"Not good!"

Lin Yin turned around anxiously when he heard the noise.

Sure enough, when the purple flame fruit tree fell, it broke through the reflective wall, causing the noise here to spread out.

The trainers outside who were attracted by the fake purple flame fruit tree were very angry after discovering that it was a fake.

They paid so much and finally got a fake. This kind of thing is so infuriating!

Now that large group of trainers are leaving here cursing.

As a result, they were attracted by the noise of Qin Ze and Lin Yin fighting.

After noticing someone coming, Qin Ze immediately had an idea!

"The Purple Flame Fruit is here! This bastard wants to monopolize it! He deceived us!"

Qin Ze shouted as loudly as he could, trying to make sure everyone could hear him.

Sure enough, after hearing this, the trainers not far away quickened their pace.

"There really is a Purple Flame Fruit!"

Some sharp-eyed trainer saw the Purple Flame Fruit falling to the ground and shouted anxiously.

"It's fallen to the ground! Go grab it!"

Once the Purple Flame Fruit falls to the ground, it will lose its effect if it is not eaten quickly.

So the trainers are all crazy at this moment! They were already upset about being cheated before and needed to vent. Now seeing the Purple Flame Fruit that is about to lose its effect, how can they not go even crazier and grab it!

At this moment, all the trainers and Pokémons rushed towards this side like locusts.

"Damn it!"

Lin Yin never expected that things would develop to this point. His face suddenly became as ugly as it could be. He could no longer care about Qin Ze and quickly ordered Brave and Magneto to fight for the two purple flame fruits!

However, other trainers also reacted and immediately sent out level 30 Pokémon to stop Brave and Magneto.

The crowd swarmed here and fell into chaos.

Lin Yin was submerged in the crowd and panicked.

"Damn it! Where is that bastard! Where is my Purple Flame Fruit!"

Lin Yin was looking for Qin Ze in a rage. Even if he couldn't get the Purple Flame Fruit, he would make Qin Ze pay a heavy price for ruining his plans!

However, there were too many people here, pushing and shoving, almost knocking Lin Yin to the ground. He was lucky to be able to stand still.

He couldn't find Qin Ze at all!

Lin Yin could only curse and swear.

Then he���He checked his pocket and suddenly his expression turned ugly.

The treasure in his pocket was gone?

""Who! Who stole my things!!!"

The fact that his things were stolen made Lin Yin even more furious, and he almost fainted from anger....

""Huh, this crowd is so scary, I almost couldn't get out."

Qin Ze walked out of the woods exhausted.

It took him a lot of effort to squeeze out of the crowd.

He looked at the Scyther and Caterpie falling from the sky, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

"This is a great harvest."

After Qin Ze finished speaking, he looked at his hand. In his hand, there was a light purple, crystal clear, and particularly beautiful gem.

He took it out of Lin Yin's pocket. It must be worth a lot of money if it is sold.

"That guy caused me so much trouble, so I'll charge you some interest as compensation."

Qin Ze smiled and played with the gem in his hand. When he got tired of playing with it, he was willing to put it in his backpack and check on the condition of the Caterpie.

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