After reading the information of the Kapok Ball with his eyes of appreciation, Qin Ze had to open his mouth wide, shocked!

This is actually an elf with the quasi-king qualifications?!

I don’t know how to describe this. It is obvious that elves with quasi-king qualifications are particularly difficult to appear, even in the secret realm. Especially in the D-level secret realm, it is the best to meet elite-level ones, but there is actually a quasi-king qualification here?!

And this Kapok Ball is not simple. It can actually study the technique of increasing the movement speed according to the wind of the attack! This seems incredible.

"No wonder Kapok Ball's movements are so light, it turns out that's why!"

Qin Ze shouted with a look of sudden enlightenment.

Kapok Ball is very light, no different from cotton, and it will take off as long as the wind blows, so its race value is quite outstanding in terms of speed.

When Kartik used the Flame Wheel to attack just now, the strong wind it stirred up was not small, which in disguise provided convenience for Kapok Ball, allowing it to move along with the strong wind, so that it could avoid Kartik every time.���Attack.

Although it is a wild Pokémon, it can use its own wisdom to research such a fighting method, which is really worthy of the quasi-king qualification!

"I didn't expect my luck to be so good, I must get this Kapok Ball!"

Qin Ze made up his mind to conquer Kapok Ball!

He originally thought that he would not meet the elves he wanted here, but he did not expect to meet him. What good luck.

He is now waiting for Growlithe and Kapok Ball to be defeated before going down. Although it seems to be hurtful to do so, there is no other way, because Growlithe is running wild.

At this time, Growlithe and Kapok Ball are still fighting fiercely.

Growlithe kept attacking Kapok Ball with sparks and flame wheels.

They were all blocked by Kapok Ball with Fairy Wind and Flying Leaf Knife, and then quickly moved to avoid.

During this period, Kapok Ball actually It also let itself be swept up in the fairy wind, flying a long distance along the fairy wind, so that Growlithe spent most of its time chasing.

The advantage of one is that its movements are light and fast.

The advantage of the other is that it is in a state of rampage, knows no fatigue, and attacks fiercely.

The two sides are evenly matched, and no one knows how it will turn out.

After fighting for more than an hour, the situation finally changed completely.

Kapok sat on the ground with a tired face, and Growlithe was also out of breath.

His expression no longer looked as fierce as before, and his body was no longer on fire, as if he was returning to normal.

""Ah, woo, woo!"

Caterpie roared, using a long howl to strengthen its own strength, and then spit out sparks to attack the cotton ball.

The cotton ball also released a flying leaf knife to resist.

The attacks of both sides canceled each other out, and they were still evenly matched.

However, they no longer had the strength to fight, and fell to the ground exhausted at the same time.

""Catti, you finally feel tired. I thought you were going to fight all day."

Qin Ze descended from the sky with Scyther on his back, looking at Catti helplessly.


Katie didn't even have the strength to bark now. He could only barely raise his eyelids to look at Qin Ze, his eyes full of guilt. It seemed that he still remembered what had happened just now.

【"After eating 16 Purple Flame Fruits, Caterpie's level will be greatly increased to level 18, and its physical fitness and flame energy will be further enhanced. The same fire attribute moves will be more powerful than the same attribute Pokémon"】

【"Congratulations to Catie Dog for learning to help!"】...

At this time, the system prompt sounded.

After hearing this prompt, Qin Ze smiled. He didn't expect that the Purple Flame Fruit was so powerful. 16 Purple Flame Fruits allowed Growlithe to level up 5 times, and it could also strengthen its flames and physical fitness. This undoubtedly made Growlithe stronger than the same level of Pokémon.

However, after Qin Ze was happy for a while, he became thoughtful.

Although it is a good thing to greatly improve strength, it is easy to cause the foundation to be unstable if it is too fast, and it will be difficult to continue to become stronger in the future.

So in order to be stable, strict basic training must be carried out in the next period of time.

"Have a good rest, Growlithe, we'll have a snack tonight."

After Qin Ze finished speaking, he put Growlithe into the Poké Ball and looked at Kapok.

Kapok was relieved to see Growlithe was taken away, thinking that he didn't have to fight anymore.

Then he barely stood up and jumped, wanting to leave.

"Hey, Kapok Ball, don't go."

At this moment, Qin Ze suddenly called Kapok Ball.

Kapok Ball had to turn around in confusion, and saw a red and white ball coming towards him, hitting his forehead.

Then the red and white ball opened, and a red light came out of it, taking Kapok Ball into it.

Kapok Ball was successfully captured!

Seeing that he had successfully captured an elf for the first time, Qin Ze instantly felt great joy and satisfaction. It turned out that this was how it felt to capture an elf for the first time.

"I got the Kapok Ball!"

Qin Ze excitedly raised the Poké Ball and shouted like Xiaozhi.

But he felt like something was missing.

Then he immediately turned around and looked at Scyther.

"Hey, cheer for me!"


After hearing this, Scyther looked puzzled, and then Qin Ze immediately explained what he meant, and then did it again.

"I got the kapok ball!"


This time, Scyther cooperated well and raised his two swords to help cheer.

Although in my previous life, when I watched the Pokémon anime, I felt embarrassed every time I saw Shadouxi doing this.

It was really too second-year.

But this thing really happened to me....

Woohoo! It's pretty cool, huh?!


Qin Ze looked at the Poké Ball in his hand. The more he looked at it, the more he liked it.

Although the Kapok Ball was weak, and the racial value of the Wind Fairy it evolved into was not that strong, the key was that it had the qualifications of a quasi-king, and more importantly, its characteristic was the heart of mischief!

Pokémon with the heart of mischief would be faster when using transformation-type moves.

Even if the opponent used moves like a flash of lightning, they could take the lead in using weather-controlling transformation moves like a sunny day.

This led to the Wind Fairy having a nickname, called Black Heart Cotton.

When advancing, they could release poison powder, paralysis powder, and parasitic seeds to disgust people, and when retreating, they could use cotton spores to slow down the opponent. They could even control the weather first and assist the Fire and Grass Pokémon to increase their power.

Even if there was only one drop of blood, they could use photosynthesis first to restore their physical strength.

In short, the Kapok Ball with the heart of mischief had a lot of uses and was the strongest assistant in the team!

【"Congratulations to the host for successfully taming a spirit for the first time! Reward: Ear of Translation"】

【"The ears of translation can understand the words of the elves, allowing the host to communicate with the elves without obstacles"】

"This is good!"

After hearing this reward, Qin Ze's eyes lit up.

This is a good reward. With this, he can understand what the elves are thinking and what they need, so as to avoid blind guessing, leading to misunderstandings and causing trouble.

For the purpose of the experiment, Qin Ze looked at the Scyther behind him.

"Scyther, do you think I'm handsome?"


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