When Principal Saint Ann Fox arrived, everyone on the playground stopped talking.

They were all silent, waiting for the school to arrange the distribution of the initial elves.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, the Huaxia Alliance will give every young person over the age of 18 a free initial elf."

"Your initial Pokémon is behind me."

The staff began to lift the shelves.

These shelves loaded with Poké Balls were divided into 19 columns.

They were placed at the front of the playground....There were nearly a thousand Poké Balls in total. After seeing so many Poké Balls, the freshmen at the scene were all excited.

"Dear students, please be patient. I will tell you about the relevant matters below."

"First of all, according to the rules of the Huaxia Alliance, once you get your initial Pokémon, you can register to become a Pokémon trainer. But please remember, after getting your initial Pokémon, it is strictly forbidden to beat, scold, harm, or release Pokémon. These are not allowed by the Alliance."

"Secondly, you must think about what attributes of the elves you want to cultivate before choosing them."

"Behind me, there are nineteen shelves in total, eighteen of which are filled with Poké Balls of eighteen different Pokémon attributes."

"Later...There will be a random draw on site, and students will come up to randomly select an elf according to the order of the draw. The attributes of the selected elf are chosen by you. The type of elf...Everything depends on fate."

After hearing what Principal Sheng Anhu said,

Qin Ze was stunned.

He didn't expect that the way Pengcheng University selected the initial elves would be so dramatic?

In addition to being able to choose the attributes by oneself, the type of elves was actually random?

That is to say,...The potential and qualifications of the elves...Is it random too? Do you really want to play such a big game?

Just as Qin Ze was still thinking.

Principal Sheng Anhu said again:"I'm sure you must be curious, why there are 18 attributes, but 19 shelves?"

"Hahahaha… On this nineteenth shelf, there are elves of various attributes, including potential. The potential of the elves on the first eighteen shelves is very average, basically elite or gym level."

"And the potential of the elves on the nineteenth shelf ranges from the general level to the king level! It all depends on your luck!"

Hearing the slightly playful smile of Principal Saint Ann Fox, all the freshmen on the playground sighed.

What a guy?

What a guy!

This is clearly...The school gives you a choice.

Either choose mediocrity, choose the attributes you like, but you don't know what kind of fixed qualifications the elves are.

Or choose adventure, choose an elf with no attributes, qualifications, or types?

This is a complete gamble.

"Qin Ze, how should we choose this?"

An Tongyue asked Qin Ze in a somewhat tangled manner.

Qin Ze was about to answer.

But he found that a mechanical sound suddenly sounded in his mind?

Hmm? Is it an illusion?

Qin Ze was slightly stunned.

The mechanical sound suddenly became clear.

【Ding! The system is loading……】

【Ding! The system has been loaded successfully!】

【Ding! The Elf Future System has been activated!】

【Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting the initial gift pack!】

【Ding! The initial gift pack has been unlocked for the host. Congratulations to the host for obtaining the Eye of Appreciation of Talent Skills! Congratulations to the host for obtaining the Talent Skill Reminder function!】

【Eye of Appreciation: The host can use the Eye of Appreciation to view the specific information of the elves on the data panel.】

【Prompt function: The host can detect valuable treasures (including high-potential elves) within a radius of one kilometer by turning on the prompt function. 】

After the system's prompt sound fell,

Qin Ze quickly shook his head to make sure he was not dreaming.


This is the standard configuration of a time traveler.

A golden finger?


Qin Ze opened his eyes of appreciation.

At a glance, there were nearly a thousand elf balls on the nineteen shelves in front of the playground.

The specific information of each elf was listed on the information panel.

Looking at the dazzling array of elf data,

Qin Ze felt a little dizzy for a moment.

"Qin Ze!"

An Tongyue tapped Qin Ze's shoulder.

Seeing that Qin Ze didn't respond no matter how she called, An Tongyue was a little worried about Qin Ze's condition.


Qin Ze came to his senses.

An Tongyue asked in confusion,"Qin Ze, what's wrong with you? Your eyes were dull just now, and you didn't respond no matter how I called you."

"I'm fine...I was just thinking about which Elf on the Shelf to choose, and I was so engrossed in thinking about it.

Qin Ze scratched his head and explained to An Tongyue:

"Too...Nineteen shelves, nearly a thousand Pokémons, the possibility of choosing the Pokémon you like is not that great."

An Tongyue did not make a fuss about Qin Ze's daze.

Instead, she looked up and looked forward.

At this time, the first freshman whose name was called had walked to the front of the playground.

After being asked by the school leaders, the freshman chose to take a risk and walked directly to the front of the nineteenth shelf.

Then, under the gaze of the audience, the freshman took one of the Poké Balls.

According to the regulations, freshmen need to release the Poké Ball after getting the initial Poké Ball and have a close contact with it. This student also released the Poké Ball in a mood full of expectation and worry.



As the red light of the Poké Ball flashed, a bird chirped, followed by a few scattered feathers.

When the freshmen at the scene finally saw the Pokémon clearly, the whole audience burst into laughter.��

"Hahahaha… I am dying of laughter! This guy chose to take a gamble and actually won a Popo?!"

"This luck...It's absolutely amazing!"

"However, we still have to thank this classmate for helping us clear the mines. At least we can confirm that the elves with the potential of the king level on the 19th shelf are still there, and the elves with low potential have been eliminated."

"Bird Food...When I draw an elf with king-level potential later, I will definitely thank this brother Bobo!"

"Wait? What do you mean? You look down on us Popovich, right? Where are the Popovich fans?!"

"Here I come! I am a Popo fan, I must speak for Popo, our Popo's final evolution, Pidgeot, regardless of whether it is handsome or not, at least he can work part-time as a food delivery man, can your Pokémon do that?"


After hearing the speech of this Pidgeot lover, the whole audience burst into laughter again.

The freshman who drew the Pidgeot directly put the Pidgeot back into the Poké Ball and ran away in disgrace.


PS: Dear benefactors, thank you for all the ball values!

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