""Ah? Is there something wrong with me?"

Yin Zheng swallowed his saliva and asked in confusion. He didn't understand what he had done wrong.

"When the Flame Wheel rushed over, why didn't you let the Fire Monkey dodge?"

Yin Yanshan asked coldly.

"Ah? At that time, the Fire Monkey's legs were already injured, and it was difficult for him to move around."

Yin Zheng quickly answered, and at the same time he was more and more puzzled. In this situation, Yin Yanshan should have seen it clearly at the beginning, so why did he still ask?

"Then let me ask you, do you have to walk on your legs when you are hiding?"

Yin Yanshan suddenly said this


Yin Zheng was stunned by these words, but then he immediately understood what Yin Yanshan meant.

"I can let the little fire monkey roll to the side to avoid it, so even if it gets hit, it won't be hurt too badly."

When Yin Zheng said this, he couldn't help but lower his head, as if he was a child who had done something wrong.

"If you had done that at the time, you might have won. Caterpie was already seriously injured, and it couldn't hold out for long after using such a high-powered Flame Wheel."

"If you can find a way to make the Fire Monkey roll around and dodge, delaying the game, you will be the winner in the end, instead of a tie."

When accepting Yin Yanshan's guidance, Yin Zheng kept his head down, not daring to look up at him.

"You, your fighting style is a bit rigid, and you don't adapt immediately. This problem is very obvious in a crisis situation."

Yin Yanshan said this with a bit of helplessness in his tone.

"Although you have a high talent in training and cultivating spirits, fighting does not only rely on training, but also requires flexibility. Qin Ze did a good job in this regard, otherwise he would not have thought of such a strange trick that triggered the fire."

When Yin Yanshan said this, he also specially praised Qin Ze

"So you must overcome this problem and be flexible in battle, understand?"

"I understand, Master, I will definitely train more!"

Yin Zheng immediately patted his chest and promised

"Very good."

Yin Yanshan nodded with satisfaction and left...

This week, Qin Ze has been staying in the Chiyan Dojo to learn the technique of compressing and then exploding flames.

It sounds simple, but it is actually very difficult.

At the beginning, because the compression time is too long, it will not be able to attack quickly, leading to defeat.

Or it is difficult to move when compressing the flame.

Even if it is used successfully, it will not be powerful enough because of insufficient compression.

In short, it is not that easy to master this technique.

According to Yin Yanshan, many students took more than half a month to learn it.

Qin Ze said that it was not possible. He would participate in the Rookie Cup in a week, and it was impossible to spend another half a month to learn.

So he trained day and night every day, and even asked the students here to besiege Growlithe with elves to stimulate Growlithe's potential.

Of course, he did not forget to cultivate Kapok Ball. In the atmosphere of so many fire attribute elves, it is most suitable to hone Kapok Ball's ability to resist flames!

Of course, doing so caused Kapok Ball to curse every day.

Kapok Ball:"Are you kidding me? You let me get burned by fire every day and you say it's training me! Do you want to kill me? I think you hold a grudge against me just because I scold you every day and eat a few more bites of your elf food!"

Qin Ze didn't think much of anything at first, but after hearing the latter part of the sentence, veins popped out of his forehead.

"Yes, I really do hold a grudge."

So he asked a few students every day to use fire-attribute moves to besiege Kapok Ball.

Kapok Ball scolded Qin Ze every minute, so Qin Ze also increased the intensity of training, making it a boring vicious circle.

In short, Qin Ze did benefit a lot this week, especially Yin Yanshan's lectures, which allowed Qin Ze to learn a lot of knowledge that he could not learn in school.

Every time Yin Yanshan gave a lecture, he would take a lot of notes, study them carefully later, and combine them with training on Growlithe.

In this way, a week passed quickly, making Qin Ze think that only one day had passed.

Qin Ze gained a lot of knowledge this week.

Growlithe reached level 20, and Kapok Ball reached level 18.

"All right, Kapok Ball, you've really worked hard during this period. I'll treat you to a big dinner tonight to make up for your hard work."

Qin Ze stroked Kapok Ball's head helplessly, trying to calm its grumpy mood.

There was nothing he could do, because he was Kapok Ball's poop scooper.

Kapok Ball:"Okay, since you're so sincere, I won't bother with you about what happened in the past few days, but you must not fool me with the big dinner!"

""Okay, okay, no problem, no problem."

Qin Ze said helplessly. It seems that he will have to bleed tonight.

"Qin Ze, I wish you an outstanding performance in the Rookie Cup. I will also be there as a guest to watch."

Yin Yanshan looked at Qin Ze and said

"Okay, wait for my performance!"

Qin Ze said confidently

"Goodbye everyone!"

Qin Ze waved goodbye to everyone and left. He got along well with them during this period and developed a good relationship with them.

When the students saw Qin Ze leaving like this, they all waved goodbye reluctantly.

"Qin Ze, let me see how well you can do in the Rookie Cup."

Yin Yanshan looked at Qin Ze's back with expectation.

When Qin Ze returned to school, it was already evening.

Tomorrow was the day when the Rookie Cup would begin.

This evening, many students who were practicing outside came back one after another.

Discussions about tomorrow's Rookie Cup could be heard everywhere.

The Rookie Cup was undoubtedly the biggest event of Pengcheng University at present.

"Come! Eat more! Tomorrow is the competition!"

Qin Ze spent a lot of money to buy a lot of elf food for Caterpie and Kapok Ball.



After seeing so much food, the two elves immediately ate it with big mouthfuls, looking happy and satisfied.

Seeing them like this, Qin Ze's originally painful heart was slightly relieved.

Then he looked at the burning insect eggs in the elf breeding device next to him.

I don't know how long it will take for them to be born, and I don't know what their qualifications will be.

When he thought of this, Qin Ze couldn't help but worry.

"Qin Ze!"

At this moment, a familiar and sweet voice came.

An Tongyue slowly walked towards Qin Ze.

After nearly a month, An Tongyue was still as beautiful and dignified as ever.

""Yueyue, it's been a long time since we last met. Seeing that I'm back, would you like to treat me to a meal and welcome me?"

Qin Ze smiled and looked at An Tongyue and joked.

"Ha, shouldn't you be the one treating me to a meal?"

An Tongyue smiled and joked in return.

Then she looked at the kapok ball.

"Wow! What a cute kapok ball!"

After seeing the kapok ball, An Tongyue couldn't help but walk over and touch it gently.


Then the kapok ball cooperated and made a humming sound, which made An Tongyue's girlish heart explode. She couldn't help but say it was so cute!


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