
Those unqualified students originally thought that if they could find a way to improve their level, they would have a chance to compete.

They didn't expect it to be like this!

"Nonsense, if even you can do this, then it will be a mess! Think about what you usually do!"As soon as these words came out, the group of people were speechless.

"Slowpoke, level 17, elite qualification, not bad, passed!"

"Nidoran. Level 13? What a joke! Didn’t you hear what I just said?"

After being scolded, the adventurous student looked very unhappy and his body couldn’t help shaking, but he still took a deep breath and answered:

"My Nidoran is very strong. It can fight against level 14 head-on. It is an elite qualification. It will be upgraded after winning the game. Please give me a chance!"

"What a joke! If everyone is like you, where is the fairness! If you don't want to repeat the grade, get out now!"

The student was scolded severely and finally walked away with tears in his eyes.

People like him who tried to fool the teacher with their eloquence were severely reprimanded and driven away.

Some people even dared to say that they were the teacher's nephew, hoping to get away with it by relying on their relationship.

Others hinted that they could pay privately.

The teachers were very angry!

How could such a bastard appear among the new students in this class!

So there was no need to repeat the grade, and they were expelled on the spot.

The security guards and Hao Li immediately came up and carried away the students who violated the rules seriously.

Seeing such a strong scene, many students who had their own plans left voluntarily.

In the end, there were less than 60 people left for the test.

Such a gap made the principal on the podium unable to bear it. He sighed helplessly and shook his head.

He could only hope that there would be a dark horse-level student among them, so as to give him some face.

"Dalubi, level 19! Elite qualification!"

"Coal Turtle, level 19! Quasi-king qualification!"

This sudden appearance of data attracted everyone's attention, and at the same time, everyone's eyes moved to the trainer with the high data.

It was a man wearing gold-rimmed glasses and looked like a top student.

After seeing the results of his Pokémon and feeling the gazes from all around, he immediately raised his nose with a smug look on his face.

It seemed that he enjoyed such attention!

""The dark horse has appeared!"

I don't know who said this, and everyone couldn't help but look at that person in an uproar.

His name is Bai Yu, a well-known top student at Pengcheng University. No matter which subject he ranked, he was always ranked second.

As for who ranked first, it was of course Qin Ze.

"Bai Yu, this kid, really didn't disappoint me!"

Seeing this result, the principal nodded with satisfaction.

Currently, more than 40 people have been tested, and the highest level is level 17.

It is far worse than the level of the previous class.

Just when the principal was disappointed, he suddenly saw such an outstanding student, and naturally he was overjoyed.

"Oh my god, Bai Yu is so awesome! He actually has two level 19 elves! My lobster soldier is also elite, but he can only reach level 17. It's amazing!"

"I remember that Bai Yu got Dalubi at the beginning, and he even subdued the Coal Turtle that was qualified for a gym. This is too amazing!"

"I heard that this was a gift that Bai Yu's family had prepared long ago. Because he was a top student and had a good family background, his parents spent a lot of money to buy this coal turtle."

"Comparing yourself to others is frustrating! Why don’t I have such good parents?"

"Don't let your parents hear you saying this."

When everyone was talking, they looked at Bai Yu who was walking away with all kinds of envious eyes.

Now Bai Yu almost pointed his nose to the sky.

When he passed Qin Ze, he suddenly looked at Qin Ze with a provocative look.

Then he shook his head vigorously.

This moment immediately attracted many onlookers, and even the media took pictures, and they didn't know what they would say.

"Hahaha! That's amazing! Two top students from Pengcheng University are fierce rivals, tit for tat! It will definitely be news if it gets out!"

Lin Tao said, patting Qin Ze on the shoulder with a smile.

"Who is his rival? That is his one-sided fantasy."

Qin Ze rolled his eyes speechlessly.

Because Qin Ze ranked first and Bai Yu ranked second,

Bai Yu always regarded Qin Ze as his enemy and wanted to surpass Qin Ze in grades.

But he has not been able to do it over the years.

Therefore, Bai Yu's resentment towards Qin Ze is particularly deep.

This time, he may want to fight to get back his face!

Prove that he, Bai Yu, is the best!

"Hey, troublesome guy."

Qin Ze really didn't know what to say to this guy who came to his door for no reason.

"Next one, Lin Tao!"

The teacher then called out to Lin Tao


Lin Tao immediately went over and handed over his two Poké Balls.

"Double-edged Maru, level 19, quasi-king qualification!"

"Thunder beast, level 18, elite qualification!"

""Not bad!"

The teacher nodded in satisfaction when he saw how good Lin Tao's elves were.

He was Lin Tao's head teacher, and he loved and hated Lin Tao. His grades were not that good, just barely average.

As a responsible head teacher, he was very worried about Lin Tao's situation.

Now that he saw that Lin Tao had trained his elves so well, he was undoubtedly very happy, and finally he didn't have to worry about him anymore.

"Good luck in the next game!"


Lin Tao replied and walked to Qin Ze and patted his shoulder hard.

"How is it, my elf is awesome!"

Lin Tao said with a smile on his face

"It's OK, but it's still a little short of beating me."

Qin Ze said with a smile and walked towards the machine.

Seeing Qin Ze coming forward, it attracted everyone's attention at once.

This is the top student in Pengcheng University! How far has the Caterpie, who has the talent of a king, grown now?

This is undoubtedly everyone's doubts. At that moment, everyone, even the teachers, put down their things and looked at Qin Ze in unison.

"Kapok Ball, level 18, quasi-king qualification!"

"Growlithe, level 20! ? Elite Pokémon!"

Originally, the teacher was surprised when she saw Kapok's data. She didn't expect Qin Ze to be so lucky to get a Pokémon with quasi-elite qualities.

However, she was even more shocked when she saw Growlithe. In just one month, it actually reached level 20!

This is undoubtedly a very scary progress, and it is hard to explain even if it has Elite Pokémon qualities.

After all, the experience points required to level up from level 19 to level 20 are very high. Even if you fight and practice hard every day, it will take more than half a month for an Elite Pokémon to level up from level 19 to level 20.

But Qin Ze has only been a trainer for a month, and he has already gone from level 5 to level 20. This is undoubtedly very scary!

He has become the most outstanding among all the players.

The whole audience was shocked!......

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