Kapok Ball:"You're not going to ask me to train to withstand fire damage tonight!"

Qin Ze:"That's right!"

Kapok Ball:"I protest! Isn't the competition tomorrow? Why do you have to deal with so many things at night? What if I get seriously injured and affect tomorrow's competition?!"

Even after many special trainings to resist fire damage, Kapok Ball is still unwilling to do it and is very resistant to this kind of self-abuse.

"I can't help it either, you are a squishy, there are two fire-attribute Pokémons on the opposite side, if you are hit by their fire-attribute moves, you will be in trouble, so you must do everything you can to improve your resistance."

Qin Ze said helplessly.

Kapok Ball:"I don't care! I won't listen! If you want me to train together, Growlithe will also train to resist water attributes!"

Growlithe:"Why are you dragging me down? I don't want it either!"

"Hey, there's really no need for Growlithe. Our main enemy tomorrow will only be the Fire type, so there's no need for Growlithe to train specially against the Water type."

Qin Ze shrugged, interrupting Kapok's idea of dragging Growlithe into the water.

Kapok:"I won't listen! I won't listen! You must be looking for an opportunity to take revenge on me, because some time ago, I enjoyed the hug of that beautiful lady, and you didn't get one, so you're jealous, right!"

Qin Ze couldn't help but get veins popping out on his forehead when he heard this. It would have been better if Kapok didn't say anything, because if she did, Qin Ze would really want to take advantage of this opportunity to settle personal grudges.

"Kapok Ball, you have to be good. As long as you train well, I will give you a snack tomorrow."

Qin Ze calmed himself down and said with a kind smile.

Kapok Ball:"Don't scare me with such an ugly smile!"

"Forget it, you don’t want to accept my toast, right? Houndoo, just burn it!"


After receiving the order, Growlithe immediately spit out sparks and continuously sprayed Kapok Ball.

Kapok Ball:"I hate you!"

Kapok Ball would never surrender, and immediately ran away.

Growlithe immediately chased and burned, looking particularly happy, as if he thought it was fun to do so.

When Qin Ze was training Growlithe and Kapok Ball, someone was watching him secretly, and that person was Bai Yu.

Bai Yu stood in the stairwell and secretly looked at Qin Ze's back

"Sure enough, he is not simple. He is still in special training at this time. He is worthy of being my opponent."

Bai Yu thought coldly.

"But no matter how much you struggle, it's useless. I have already formulated a complete strategy to defeat you."

Bai Yu said coldly and left here....

The next day, the fourth round of the game began.

There were still a lot of people watching the game today, and many people were discussing what the result of today's game would be.

"Lin Tao will definitely win, his opponent is only a level 17 Psyduck, so there is no way they can play doubles."

"No way, then I can only admit defeat."

"The other group has some strength and is worth watching."

"I think the most exciting match is definitely the group of Qin Ze and Bai Yu. I wonder who will win, the first and second genius!"

The discussion this time was much more heated than the previous matches.

Because at this point in the competition, the remaining players are all very strong, and it is definitely more interesting than the previous matches, which naturally brings more expectations.

This time, unlike the previous ones, four games were held at the same time, but one game at a time, so as to save the visual fatigue of watching the games back and forth.

This made the students very happy. Not only could they concentrate on watching a game, but they could also delay the class time. If all the games were finished within one day, they would not be able to continue to be so cool! After the time was up, the first group of games started soon.

It was Lin Tao and a player with only one Pokémon.

The opponent only had a level 17 Psyduck, and it was obviously impossible to deal with two at the same time. The only ones with higher levels than him were Double-Edged Maru and Thundermon.

But he still wanted to fight to the death, and let himself lose in a decent manner.

Lin Tao respected his opponent, so he naturally went all out!

Everyone thought that this match would be decided soon.

But unexpectedly, the opponent was so tenacious that he persisted for more than ten minutes before being defeated in an extremely unfavorable situation of two against one.

Such a tenacious spirit is worthy of everyone's admiration.

Lin Tao had to applaud this opponent with great perseverance.

The next second group was a very serious doubles match, with both elves on both sides being level seventeen.

The fight was very intense, with both sides going back and forth, and neither side could take advantage, which made the audience very fascinated.

After half an hour, the winner was finally decided.

"The third group, Qin Ze and Bai Yu!"

After the referee read out their names, Bai Yu immediately walked out with a proud look on his face and stood on the other side of the battlefield.

In contrast, Qin Ze walked out as if he was taking a stroll. Compared with Bai Yu, he was much calmer.

"Qin Ze! You are so handsome! Come on!"

"Qin Ze! I want to give birth to a baby for you!"

""Baby Qin Ze, I love you!"

At this time, many enthusiastic girls couldn't help but cheer for Qin Ze.

First of all, Qin Ze was handsome, had good grades, and was very strong. He almost killed everyone in one move.

Such strong strength, coupled with his outstanding appearance, naturally attracted many girls.

In contrast, no one cheered for Bai Yu.

This made Bai Yu feel very unhappy.

""Tsk, a bunch of superficial Mu Ren, when you see Qin Ze being stepped on by me, you will know how much you have misjudged him."

Bai Yu sneered disdainfully

"Now, both of you send out your handheld elves!" the referee ordered.

Because of the qualification test, basically everyone knew what the only two elves they had were, so there was no need to play rock-paper-scissors to decide the order in which to send out the elves.

"Come on! Dalubi! Coal Turtle!"

""Catti! Kapok! Get ready for battle!"

Qin Ze and Bai Yu threw out their Poké Balls at the same time, releasing their Pokémons.

After the four Pokémons landed at the same time, they stared at each other's opponents. Their eyes alone were enough to show their fighting spirit.

However, Kapok was the only one who


The kapok ball looked at Qin Ze with dead fish eyes. It didn't say anything, expressing its dissatisfaction with silence.

"Don't look at me like that, I can't help it! It's not something I can control!"

Qin Ze saw what Kapok Ball was thinking at a glance, and could only comfort Kapok Ball.

"I'll have more food later!"

"OK, two more bags."

"Four bags!"

"You'll be stuffed to death!"

After a brief quarrel with Qin Ze, Kapok Ball immediately got into shape. Although it always looks like it wants to play badly, it will not be careless when it comes to taking action.

"Lin Tao, this situation is not good for Kapok Ball."

An Tongyue said with a worried look on her face.

"Yes, Kapok Ball is a grass type, and there are two fire types on the opposite side. I bet Bai Yu will definitely fire bomb Kapok Ball first!"

When Lin Tao said this, sweat kept flowing down his face.......

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