""Coal Turtle! Turbid Mist!"

Bai Yu quickly gave the order.

After receiving the order, Coal Turtle and Dalubi immediately spit out a particularly strong purple mist at the same time, colliding with the Fairy Wind.


The mist and the Fairy Wind actually resisted each other and decomposed each other. The two skills were evaporating at the same time.

When the turbid mist evaporated completely, there was only a little Fairy Wind left, and it was impossible to cause any damage.

""They actually used this move to resolve it!"

Qin Ze thought in surprise.

Turbid Mist is a poisonous move that restrains the Fairy type.

So Bai Yu's strategy is quite wise.

"Coal Turtle spins at high speed towards Growlithe!"

"Dalubi hit the Coal Turtle with all his strength!"

Bai Yu gave the order.

The Coal Turtle immediately looked towards the Caterpillar, then put his head into his shell, stood it up and spun at high speed.

At the same time, Dalubi immediately used all his strength to hit the Coal Turtle, speeding up the Coal Turtle.

The Coal Turtle burst out at a speed that was inconsistent with its racial value and rushed towards the Caterpillar!

At this time, the Caterpillar had just recovered from its dizzy state, and when it saw the Coal Turtle spinning and rushing towards it, it quickly rolled to the side to avoid it.

""Press it down!"

Bai Yu shouted at this time.

Then he saw Coal Turtle standing next to Gorilla, spinning like a top to dissipate the force of the forward rush, and then pressing down towards Gorilla!

Gorilla quickly jumped up to avoid Coal Turtle's attack.


Bai Yu ordered immediately.

The coal turtle immediately stretched out its head and spit out fog at the dog.

The dog smelled a strong stench and corrosive smell and tried to hide, but it was too late. The whole body was covered by the fog and looked very uncomfortable.

""Woo woo woo!!"

The dog's hair turned purple and it looked like it was in agony. It was obvious that it had been poisoned!

""Not good! Kapok Ball, go support Caterpie!"

Qin Ze immediately ordered Kapok Ball.

Kapok Ball immediately turned around and spit out the Fairy Wind as a propulsion force.

""Surprise attack!"

At this moment, Bai Yu gave another order!

Dalubi rushed to the Kapok Ball at a faster speed and bumped into it, forcibly interrupting the Kapok Ball's support.

The biggest trouble with the surprise attack is that no matter who the opponent's attack is aimed at, it will be used first anyway.


The evil-attributed move shell could not do anything to the Kapok Ball.

What Bai Yu really wanted was to take this opportunity to close the distance between him and the Kapok Ball, and then use sparks to attack, leaving the Kapok Ball with no escape!


Dellubi kept spitting out sparks from his mouth and spraying the kapok ball.

This time the kapok ball really had no way to dodge and was bombarded. It was beaten back step by step and screamed continuously.

Seeing that such a cute kapok ball was finally bombarded by flames, many girls who liked kapok balls couldn't help but cover their eyes.



With the last explosion, the kapok ball was blown away.

However, the kapok ball still held on with its willpower, flying upwards along the remaining blast wind, trying to distance itself from Dalubi as much as possible.

"It can still hold on!"

Bai Yu said in surprise.

Qin Ze breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, he had been training Kapok Ball to resist fire. He had let Growlithe bombard Kapok Ball with sparks all day long, and finally there was some reward.

However, Kapok Ball might not be able to withstand the second injury.

Qin Ze quickly looked at Growlithe. He found that Growlithe had actually been bitten by the Coal Turtle on one of its legs, and then the Coal Turtle pulled that leg back into its shell!

""Coal turtle, just spin at high speed!"

Bai Yu ordered immediately.

Qin Ze heard what he meant.

He saw the coal turtle erect its shell again, and then spin like a tire. Because the feet of the caterpillar were stuck in it, it also spun along and was repeatedly hit on the ground. There were pieces of fierce blows.

The coal turtle kept spinning and walking on the ring, hitting the caterpillar everywhere! The ground was covered with the blood left by the caterpillar.

If this continues, the caterpillar, which was already in a bad condition due to poisoning, will sooner or later be on the verge of death!

As for the Kapok Ball, it is now seriously injured and does not need fire attacks. Any collision may make it on the verge of death. The current situation seems to be quite unfavorable to Qin Ze.

Almost everyone thinks so now. The audience talked about it and felt that Qin Ze could not hold on for long.

"I told you, Qin Ze will definitely lose. How can he beat multiple grass-types who are holding him back?"

"That's right, it seems that Qin Ze really lost this time"

"Bai Yu is indeed the real talent. He can finally be the first."

"Come on, Qin Ze!"

Among the many discussions that belittled Qin Ze, only An Tongyue still tried hard to cheer for Qin Ze.

"Saint An Fox Three Stars, do you think Qin Ze will lose?"

Yin Yanshan suddenly asked

"Well, it's hard to say. If it was any other Pokémon, I would think they would definitely lose, but that Caterpie..."

Saint Ann Fox looked at the Caterpie being thrown around with a complicated look in his eyes.

""We can't make a conclusion until the last moment."

Liu Kun said slowly.

The big guys all agreed and watched the next situation.

Qin Ze didn't get too anxious at this critical moment, but took a breath and calmed down.

He first looked at the kapok ball.

Now the kapok ball was floating high in the sky, keeping a distance from the ground, and seemed to be trying to catch up with the coal turtle.

But Dalubi was also watching from below, so it didn't dare to go down casually.

""Catti Dog! Pick your throat!"

Just then Qin Ze thought of a way and gave the order.

The tortured Catti Dog, who was about to lose consciousness, stretched out the claws bitten by the coal turtle in his mouth after hearing Qin Ze's voice. At this moment, the coal turtle suddenly stopped spinning.

Then the coal turtle's head appeared, looking very uncomfortable, opened its mouth, and kept shaking the Catti Dog, as if trying to shake it off.

""Woo woo!"

The coal turtle cried out in pain, shook its head vigorously, and finally threw the Caterpie out.

But a pile of blood spurted out of its mouth.

Now the coal turtle's mouth was bleeding continuously, and it looked quite scary.


Bai Yu, who had a smug smile on his face, couldn't help but scream in shock after seeing this scene.

The reason why the coal turtle was like this was because the claws of the cat dog scratched its mouth and throat, causing the coal turtle to be in great pain and had to spit out the cat dog.

Fortunately, the cat dog is very weak now, otherwise, if it was scratched a little deeper, it would be a big trouble!

"There is actually such a solution!"

Bai Yu's face looked very ugly. He never expected that Qin Ze could think of this method to escape at such a critical moment!


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