
The voice of the Kapok Ball was full of joy.

After getting the new instructions, it showed a lovely smile.

At this time, it was close to the Thunder Beast, so it slightly changed the angle, got under the Thunder Beast, and then pushed it hard to push the Thunder Beast upwards, and then jumped hard at the falling Thunder Beast, using the impact! The Thunder Beast was directly knocked to continue flying upwards.

This is not over yet, the Kapok Ball will not fall because of this, it can float in the air, and then it uses the impact again to chase the Thunder Beast, so that the Thunder Beast is knocked to fly higher in the sky. The third time, the Kapok Ball directly blew out the fairy wind to speed up its own ascent and strengthen the power of the impact.

The Thunder Beast was knocked to fly higher and higher in the sky.

"Help! I'm afraid of heights!"

The Thunder Beast kept screaming at this time. It wanted to resist very much, but it couldn't use any strength in the air, and it was afraid of heights. Its mentality exploded all of a sudden.

""Falling Thunder Beast!"

Lin Tao saw the Falling Thunder Beast being knocked into the air and couldn't help but shout out in shock. He didn't expect Qin Ze to have such an operation.

This distracted Shuangbianwan and he couldn't help but look at the situation of the Falling Thunder Beast.

"Now! Charge forward and knock off the shell of the Double-Edged Pill!"

Qin Ze took the opportunity when Lin Tao looked away and immediately ordered Caterpie to


After receiving the order, Growlithe immediately cut out of the high-speed movement state and used the self-sacrifice collision to hit the wrist of Shuangbianmaru!

Although Growlithe stopped the high-speed movement, the inertial speed was still there, integrated into the self-sacrifice collision, making the power of the self-sacrifice collision even higher!


This not only knocked the shell of Shuangrenwan away, but also broke the bones of his hand.

Shuangrenwan screamed in pain.

"Bite Shuangren Wan's hand!"

Qin Ze continued to give the order!

Caterpillar immediately bit Shuangren Wan's hand tightly.

This made Shuangren, whose hand bones were already broken, even more painful. He anxiously slapped Caterpillar to let it go!

""Use the Flame Wheel just like that!"

Qin Ze ordered again.

Caterpie bit the double-edged pill, and flames appeared all over her body, and her body started to spin like a tire.

"Bang, bang, bang!!!"

The Double-Edged Maru was carried by Caterpie and rotated from top to bottom.

Every time it rotated, it would be hit hard on the ground.

After several rounds, the Double-Edged Maru was hit several times.

It was hit so hard that it was dizzy and could no longer tell the directions.

Using the Flame Wheel with an elf in this way will undoubtedly result in a very slow rotation speed.

But Qin Ze wanted this effect, to continuously hit the enemy!

This is a brand new way to use the Flame Wheel he invented!

It is used to deal with opponents who are not very effective with fire attributes!

"" Shuangbianwan! Use the water gun quickly!"

Lin Tao gave the order anxiously.

But Shuangbianwan's head was hit so hard that he was dizzy and it seemed difficult for him to hear his master's order.

So Lin Tao took a deep breath, used all his lung capacity, and yelled:"Hurry up and use the water gun!!!!"

Lin Tao's voice was so loud that the audience couldn't help but cover their ears and step back, feeling that their ears were about to be shaken off.

Finally, with Lin Tao's efforts, Shuangbianwan heard the master's order, spit out the water gun, and collided with the flames of Caterpillar


Qin Ze immediately gave the order.

The moment Caterpie was hit by the water gun, the long-compressed flames immediately burst out, causing a strong explosion!


Karti Dog and Double-Edged Maru were blown away at the same time and fell heavily to the ground.

Although Karti Dog was injured, it was not a big problem. It immediately stood up and continued to fight.

Double-Edged Maru stood up with burns all over his body and a lot of bruises.

However, not long after he stood up, he walked back and forth weakly, and his eyes rolled around.

It seemed that he had not recovered from the dizziness just now.


The Thunder Beast fell from the sky at this time. This time, the Kapok Ball did not continue to push it up to the sky, but fell directly down. It landed heavily on the head of the Double-Edged Maru.


The sound of the head colliding was painful.

Shuangrenmaru and Luolei Beast fell to the ground at the same time, looking extremely uncomfortable, their eyes turned into a bunch of stars, and they were almost in a state of dying.

"Kapok Ball, use the Flying Leaf Knife to kill them."

Qin Ze ordered as he looked at the Kapok Ball that was grinning in the air.


After receiving the order, the Kapok Ball immediately fired flying leaf knives to sweep the double-edged balls and thunder beasts below.

""Get out of the way!"

Lin Tao immediately gave the order, but the Thunder Beast and Double-edged Pill were too dizzy to hear anything. They were shot at like a target and finally fell into a dying state.

The elves on Qin Ze's side did not suffer much damage.

"Shuangrenwan and Luolei Beast lost their ability to fight, Qin Ze won!"

The referee immediately reported the result.

Seeing the game end so quickly, the audience around felt unsatisfied.

"Ah, I lost again."

Lin Tao saw that he lost to Qin Ze again, and he had to sigh helplessly.

This time the loss was even worse than the last time. This time he couldn't even touch the opponent's hair, and he didn't even have a chance for the Thunder Beast to use its second move. It was really too embarrassing.

"Don't lose heart."

Just then Qin Ze came over and patted Lin Tao on the shoulder.

"I'm too strong, not too weak."

Hearing Qin Ze say this, Lin Tao wanted to roll his eyes instantly.

If you don't know how to comfort people, you don't have to comfort them!

"But, Lin Tao, to be honest, your strength is far inferior to Bai Yu's, you still need to practice more."

Qin Ze said helplessly

"Okay, I'll do my best! I'll definitely beat you next time!"

Lin Tao raised his fist to cheer himself up, and soon got over the disappointment just now!

Now the result is obvious, the championship match is Qin Ze vs. Wang Jiang, which will be held tomorrow.

Wang Jiang's strength is obvious to all. They are both level 23 elves. Can Qin Ze beat him?

"I advise you to admit defeat. You, a so-called genius, are no match for me."

Wang Jiang said coldly and walked away, as if he didn't take Qin Ze seriously at all.

"When did this guy become so annoying? But Qin Ze, you really have to be careful. His elves are particularly ruthless. Every one of his opponents has been seriously injured and has not recovered yet."

Lin Tao reminded

"Well, I will."

Qin Ze said and looked at Growlithe and Kapok.

Now they haven't fully mastered the new skills yet, it seems that they need to do more special training today!

It's not even noon yet, there's still plenty of time.

So Qin Ze chose to take them for special training. Under the guidance of the class teacher, time passed quickly. Growlithe finally learned how to dig holes, and Kapok also learned how to mysteriously guard.


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