When Qin Ze spoke, he raised his voice so that people nearby could hear him.

Now this place has become the focus of many people, and they are all wondering what is going on.

"Don't worry, we are in the underground battlefield, we can afford to start and lose, a few hundred million is nothing."

The man with the scorpion tattoo said indifferently.

Qin Ze pursed his lips after hearing this, a few hundred million is nothing, it's really generous, who knows if it's true or not

"Our boss admires your ability and wants to meet you. Let's go."

The man with the scorpion tattoo said in an unquestionable tone.


Qin Ze had no choice but to agree. This was the other party's home court, so he couldn't do anything rash. He could only act according to circumstances and see what the boss here wanted him to do.

Qin Ze followed a group of people into a room. The decoration here was quite good, which formed a clear contrast with the dirty and messy environment outside.

A man with silver hair, fat body, and wearing a mink coat was leaning on the sofa, holding a cigar in his hand and puffing out clouds of smoke. He looked like a gangster boss in a movie.

"Boss, we have brought the people here."

The man with the scorpion tattoo approached Boss Dai and said

"Well, this is the boy A who took off his mask."

After the man in the mink coat finished speaking, a man next to Qin Ze immediately took off Qin Ze's mask.

This made Qin Ze quite unhappy, but he couldn't say anything.

"You look very young. I have seen you before, Qin Ze, the champion of the Pengcheng University Rookie Cup. You are not bad. No wonder you can win 600 million from me. My last name is Dai, so you can just call me Dai Boss."

The man in the mink coat stood up and looked Qin Ze up and down and commented.

"Why did you ask me to come here? You don't want me to cough up 600 million, do you?"

Qin Ze stared at the other person coldly and asked

"Haha, I'm not that stingy. It's just 600 million. It's nothing to me. I'm a very trustworthy person and I won't do anything that will ruin my reputation."

Boss Dai looked down at Qin Ze and said

"But instead, you have to help me win back all this money."


Qin Ze was puzzled when he heard this.

"In our circle, every year, the bosses of each underground battlefield will hold a cruise ship party. Our party is not as simple as eating, drinking and having fun. Instead, we will lead the powerful trainers from our respective territories to fight without rules and restrictions, and then we will gamble."

"Every time I attend this party, I lose more than I win. This time, I want to win back my money with interest, so you have to help me compete and win a lot of money."

When Dai Laoda said this, his eyes revealed a bit of ferocity.

"Huh? No way, you think too highly of me. I am just a newbie now. How can I help you so much?"

Qin Ze refused immediately after hearing this. He didn't want to get too deep into this underground force.

"Don't worry, there will be restrictions on the competition. The elves you can bring cannot exceed level 35, and it will only start in two months. It shouldn't be difficult for you, a genius, to train your elves to level 30 to 35 in this time."

Qin Ze wanted to say something when he heard this.

But unexpectedly,

Dai Lao added:"Don't worry, I have always been a generous person. You help me do things, I will not treat you badly."

As he said that, he glanced at the younger brother next to him.

The younger brother took out a box directly.

When he opened it, it turned out to be a piece of top-grade charcoal?

"This is the commission I pay you in advance. There will be a balance when the time comes!"

Boss Dai said solemnly.

"good...Then I will come to you in two months."

Qin Ze originally wanted to think about it.

But...Boss Dai is really generous!

Just treat it as an experience.

"You don't have to come here. Two months later, on July 13th, at 7pm, you can go directly to the First Harbor of Nanhai City. I will be waiting for you there."

"Try to improve your strength as much as possible before then."

After saying this, Boss Dai walked out, leaving Qin Ze alone.

"Phew~ This boss Dai is really oppressive!"

"but...There is money to be made, and the strength of the elves can be improved. There are also benefits to be gained. It would be a waste if not to do this good thing."

Qin Ze laughed.

He had already accepted this matter.

""Bang, bang, bang!"

Just then, bursts of gunfire were heard outside, scaring Qin Ze and the others so much that they almost jumped up.

"What's going on! Is it the police?"

Boss Dai shouted anxiously


At this moment, a younger brother ran in anxiously from outside, panting and pointing at the door.

"The two groups of guests in Room 3 had problems with their transaction and started fighting!"

"Damn it! One is the United States, and the other is Japan! I've given them enough space to do business, but they still dare to act wildly here! They're courting death!"

Boss Dai roared in rage, and immediately gave his younger brothers a look.

"Grab your weapons, get your firearms! Go check what's going on!"

Boss Dai said as he walked out aggressively.

"It's not suitable to stay here for long, let's go!"

Qin Ze didn't expect that there would be a gang fight here, so he walked out immediately.

During this time, he heard someone cursing in dog Mandarin.

It should be the Americans mentioned by Boss Dai.

Qin Ze's foreign language is good, and he understood a little bit of the meaning.

It seems to be saying that the good things are gone, what could it be?

Forget it, never mind, it's none of his business.

The sudden fight made the scene particularly chaotic, and many people ran outside to avoid being involved in huge troubles.

Qin Ze squeezed out among so many people, and it took a lot of effort to run outside the bar.

"Ha! It's really too dangerous. As expected, it's better not to come to such a place in the future."

Qin Ze thought breathlessly

【Congratulations to the host, you have achieved outstanding results in your first underground battle. Now I will issue you a reward.】

At this moment, the system's voice suddenly sounded.

"Hmm? There is a reward for this, too!"

Qin Ze was a little surprised after hearing this, and he really wanted to know what kind of reward the system would give him.

【Reward host, the best elf ration recipe】

【"Elf rations are not only used to solve the problem of elves' hunger, but also have different benefits for elves. After long-term consumption, they can improve the physical fitness and increase the effort value. Some increase defense, some increase speed, and some increase resistance to poisoning or burns."】

【"The top-grade elf ration formula awarded by this system can improve physical fitness little by little after being used every day for a few months, while increasing six types of effort values and improving resistance to all negative buffs. Only a small number of negative buffs cannot enhance resistance."】

【"If you eat it for a whole year, the elf's physique will undergo a huge change!"】

After listening to the system's explanation, Qin Ze suddenly had a piece of kraft paper in his hand, which was filled with densely packed formulas.

"This is good!"

Qin Ze smiled.

There are indeed a lot of elf rations on the market now, and many of them are very beneficial to elves.

But the improvement effect is single or two or three.

Either just increase defense, or just increase anti-poison ability, rarely can increase two or three benefits at the same time. (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

And the strengthening formula in Qin Ze's hand is all-round!

This completely crushes all the strengthening rations on the market!

With this thing, Qin Ze's strength in cultivating elves will once again lead others.

After calming down,

Qin Ze glanced at the content above again.[]

The materials above include tree fruits, Chinese medicinal herbs, and even chemical molecular formulas.

Each one is quite expensive.

If you put together so many formulas to make one pound of elf rations, the cost price will be hundreds of thousands!

No wonder those top elf rations are so expensive. The materials are so difficult to get. It would be strange if they are not expensive.

"Two kilograms of elf rations are enough for six elves to eat three meals a day. If I do this every day for a month, hiss, hiss, hiss..."

Qin Ze calculated and couldn't help but take a deep breath.

That means the cost for a month will be more than 30 million!

My God, no wonder some people say that the higher the level of the trainer, the more money he spends. The top rations alone cost tens of millions. Who can afford it?

"Alas, it seems that my hundreds of millions will not last long."

Originally, Qin Ze was very happy that he made so much money, but now it seems that he may spend all these hundreds of millions within a year.

He must find a way to make more money.

"Forget it, let's eat for a year first!"

Qin Ze will not give up like this. It's not easy to get such a good formula. How can I not use it! It's expensive, so what?

At most, I can participate in a few more underground gambling competitions!

"This is a huge treasure, we can't lose it."

Qin Ze immediately put the recipe away. If it spread out, it would definitely cause countless people to scramble for it.........

Qin Ze doesn't have the strength to defend it now.

He must not let anyone know

"Let's go to the Elf Center to heal the two elves first."

Qin Ze yawned when he thought of this.

"I'm so sleepy. I'm exhausted tonight. Let's spend the night at the Pokémon Center.

Qin Ze walked towards the Pokémon Center with great effort.

Just like in the Pokémon animation, trainers can spend the night at the Pokémon Center, but they have to pay.

After arriving at the Pokémon Center, Qin Ze handed the two Pokémon to the nurse for treatment and leaned back in a chair to sleep.

"Strange, I usually train very late, but I've never been this sleepy, why am I so sleepy today?"

Qin Ze became more and more confused as he thought about it, and finally his eyes couldn't take it anymore, so he leaned against the chair and fell asleep.

After sleeping for an unknown amount of time, Qin Ze was shaken awake, and when he opened his eyes tiredly, he saw...���The nurse looked concerned.

"Sir, are you okay? You look very tired. Your elf has been cured. Go to the guest room and sleep.

The nurse handed two elf balls to Qin Ze.

"Thank you~"

After Qin Ze thanked him, he yawned uncontrollably. After taking the Poké Ball, he staggered towards the guest room.

He now felt that the road ahead seemed to be shaky and he couldn't walk straight at all. He didn't know if it was an illusion, but he seemed to take one step forward and then two steps back. Anyway, it took a lot of effort to move forward.

In the end, he didn't know how he got into the guest room. Anyway, when he came to his senses, he was already lying on the bed.

"Oh my god, what happened to me? Why am I so tired today?"

Qin Ze was puzzled. He was fine when he was talking to Boss Dai. How could he be so tired all of a sudden?

Never mind, let's go to sleep first.

""Hehe, this is fun. You are so stupid. You haven't found it yet?"

While he was in a daze, Qin Ze seemed to hear a child's laughter.

He thought he was dreaming, but this sound kept coming to his ears.

"I thought this person was so interesting, but it turns out he died so soon. What a pity!"

"Hmm, then what should I do, should I just leave like this, or just suck his life out?"

Qin Ze didn't want to pay attention to this dream, but when he heard the latter part, he quickly opened his exhausted eyes!

"No! This is not a dream! Something is really talking!"

Qin Ze immediately jumped up and looked around anxiously!

"Who! Who is talking!"

Qin Ze looked around and shouted, trying to find the person hiding in his room.

""Oh, I was discovered? How did you know?"

Qin Ze heard the child-like voice.

This weird situation scared him so much that his whole body couldn't help shaking.

It was like encountering a haunted incident!

"Damn, there won't be a ghost in 1.6."

Qin Ze's forehead was covered with cold sweat, and he looked around anxiously.

He came to a world where Pokémon and the city merged, not the Grudge!

Don't let a Toshio suddenly appear!


Eh? It seems that it's not impossible, it's not right!

"What's going on? How could this place be haunted?...Wait, ghost."

Just then Qin Ze suddenly thought of something. The Pokémon world might indeed be haunted, and the reason is probably...

"Windy Dog!"

Qin Ze immediately released the Windy Dog.

"Wind Speed Dog, smell it immediately to see if there is anything else here besides us!"

Qin Ze immediately ordered


After receiving the order, the wind speed dog immediately moved its nose to observe the surroundings. As a result, it actually lay on Qin Ze's back and kept sniffing Qin Ze's neck.

Then it barked at Qin Ze's neck.

"Huh? No way...."

Qin Ze thought so in his heart. Strangely, the voice like a child said the same thing to him.

Wind Speed Dog:"Come out! What's hiding in the owner's neck!"

Wind Speed Dog roared very loudly, trying to scare the thing out!

"In my neck?"

After hearing this, Qin Ze took a deep breath, then slowly turned his head and saw a thing with a small flame on its head, a pale body, and yellow eyes, looking at him.

""Wow! What the hell is that?!"

Qin Ze slapped his neck anxiously to drive the thing down. After the thing landed, it was about to jump out. Fortunately, the wind speed dog was quick-eyed and quick-handed, and immediately pounced on it and slapped the thing with one claw!


Say goodbye: Bất Hủ

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