Qin Ze couldn't help but laugh at himself when he saw the current environment.

Now this place is still under the influence of the earthquake, and rocks are constantly collapsing and falling. It is unknown how long the ground nearby can hold out before it continues to collapse.

Anyway, no matter what, Qin Ze seems to have no way to escape.

""Windspeed, Wind Fairy, Candlelight, I'm sorry that I couldn't lead you to the end, and you followed me, your stupid master, and died here."

Qin Ze's words were full of apology. Maybe he shouldn't have come down just for the treasures, or he should have been fully prepared.

Now, he was trapped in a place like this, and no one would know if he died.

"You three must survive."

Qin Ze suddenly said this, then he took out the Poké Ball and immediately put the three Pokémons into the Poké Ball.

Through the Poké Ball, Qin Ze saw that the three Pokémons were hitting the Poké Ball, and they seemed to be confused about what Qin Ze wanted to do.

"Listen, it's better for one person to die than for everyone to die together. As a trainer, I have the responsibility to protect you. Staying in the Poké Ball may help avoid this disaster."

After Qin Ze finished speaking, he was hit hard on the back by a falling rock.

He had to spit out a mouthful of blood, feeling like he was about to die.

Qin Ze immediately used his body to hold down the three Poké Balls, using himself as a shield to protect them. He tried his best not to destroy the Poké Balls at any time.

"Speaking of which, this is underground, right? When they stop here, can they run out smoothly? Ah, they still fail."

After Qin Ze thought about it with self-mockery, he was hit by several pieces of gravel again.

He felt that his consciousness was particularly blurred and he seemed to be dying soon.

His only thought now was to protect his elves no matter what!

""Swish, swish, swish!"

Just as Qin Ze was half conscious, he suddenly heard several strong sounds of breaking wind, followed by explosions.

Was it an illusion?

Qin Ze was now exhausted and covered in wounds, unable to check the surroundings. He could only feel that the darkness in front of him was getting darker and darker, and he could not think about anything.

He didn't know if it was a dream, but Qin Ze felt as if he was carried on someone's back and his body was flying.

"Human, I ask you, why did you save...Onix as an enemy?"

Not sure if it was an illusion or reality, Qin Ze felt as if someone was asking him questions, and it sounded like a female voice. Was it his inner self asking? Why was it a female voice?

"Maybe it's because I like elves. Besides, it's not a life-and-death feud, so I can't just watch it die like that."

Qin Ze didn't know how he answered. Was he saying it or thinking it?

"You just used your body to protect the elf, aren't you afraid of death? Why would you sacrifice your life for the elf?"

The question came again, and it was the same voice again.

"As a trainer, if I can't protect my own Pokémon, I don't deserve to be a trainer. Moreover, it was my carelessness that put them in danger. Naturally, I must protect them at all costs."

"It's a pity, I don't know if they can return to the ground. I hope they can have a better life...."

Qin Ze felt bitter. The only thing he felt sorry for was the handheld elves. As their master, they died like this and left them underground. It was too much.

The voice never appeared again. Qin Ze was also overwhelmed by the fainting feeling and completely lost consciousness.


Qin Ze, who was in the darkness, felt as if he had suddenly fallen into the water, but he could not wake up. He just opened his eyes a little.

He could not tell what was above and what was below.

"This hot spring is very helpful for healing injuries. Stay with your elf. I hope you will continue to love elves in the future."

The voice came to Qin Ze's ears again.

This time he seemed to have a little strength and slowly turned his head.

He saw a green back like a goat, gradually going away.

Then he couldn't hold on any longer and closed his eyes uncontrollably.

As time went by, Qin Ze felt that his whole body was getting hotter and hotter, as if he was thrown into the flames. His whole body was extremely hot!


Qin Ze was awakened by the scalding. He opened his eyes suddenly and found himself in the water.

He quickly swam up and emerged from the water.

He saw that he was in a small hot spring.

And then there was no gravel or cracks around him, but an intact cave.

"What's going on?"

Qin Ze looked around in confusion. Why was he taking a hot spring bath here? Is this hell? Is this the oil pan hell?

He is also a good person, why was he sent to hell! It's so unfair!



""Hey hey!!"

Just then, a very familiar voice came to Qin Ze's ears.

He turned his head and saw that there were also Windy Dog, Wind Fairy and Candlelight Spirit in the hot spring.

They all looked at Qin Ze with tears in their eyes and looked very worried.


Finally, the wind speed dog couldn't stand it anymore, it went up and hugged Qin Ze, rubbing its big head up and down Qin Ze's body.

"Ah! Okay, okay! Don’t do this, Wind Speed Dog, you are so heavy!"

Qin Ze felt uncomfortable being hugged by Wind Speed Dog, and quickly let it go.

Wind Speed Dog:"Master, I thought I would never see you again!"

Wind Fairy:"Shit shoveler! Who will take care of me if you die, who will give me good food and drink! Who will be bullied by me!"

Candlelight Spirit:"Woo woo, I don’t want the master to die!"

The three elves cried with a sincere look on their faces, which moved Qin Ze very much.

He automatically ignored the words of the Wind Fairy.

""I'm sorry to have worried you. How are you?"

Qin Ze immediately checked everyone's injuries and found that the injuries caused by the rubble had healed!

He also had no injuries on his body.

"What happened?"

Qin Ze asked in surprise after finding that no one was injured.

He remembered that he and the Elf Gate were seriously injured because of the earthquake.

How come they recovered all of a sudden? Was it because of the hot spring?

"Eh? Hot spring! Oh, why am I here?"

Qin Ze realized this and looked around.

When was he brought here?

At this moment, Qin Ze remembered that someone had talked to him before. Wasn't that a dream?

Did someone really save him?

Qin Ze thought about this question carefully and recalled the details.

But he was in a coma at the time, and his eyes were dark. He didn't see who saved him.

""Wait! I remember the back!"

Qin Ze opened his eyes wide, remembering what he saw when he opened his eyes for the last time.

A green back like a goat.

What was that?

Then he suddenly remembered what Lily had told him, about the legend that Biligion had appeared here. Could it be that Biligion was the one who saved Qin Ze?

Impossible, that is a mythical beast, is it that easy to encounter? (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

"Did you see who saved us?

Qin Ze looked at the three elves and asked


The three elves shook their heads at the same time.

They were also seriously injured at the time.[]

And being locked in the Poké Ball, he couldn't see the outside at all.

This made Qin Ze even more confused about what was going on.

Wind Fairy:"Master, let's not talk about this anymore. I found a way out!"

At this time, the wind fairy suddenly said this, pointing to the top of his head.

Qin Ze immediately raised his head after hearing this, and saw that there was a big hole above, connecting to the outside.

"Really! As long as you climb out from above, you can return to the ground!"

Qin Ze shouted in surprise and joy after seeing the hole.

Wind Fairy:"Yes, I went up to see, and it is indeed possible to return to the ground, but I don't know why, there are dark clouds outside and constant thunder, and there are earthquakes in several places."

"What! There are earthquakes in other places too!"

Qin Ze cried out in surprise after hearing this.

What is going on now? I haven't heard of earthquakes in secret realms?

Forget it, never mind, let's go up first.

After Qin Ze thought of this, he climbed out of the hot spring.

Then he changed his clothes first.

Otherwise, it would be too uncomfortable to walk out with his whole body wet.

The hole on the top is very high.

It is unrealistic to expect the wind fairy to take him up.

Fortunately, there are long and strong vines everywhere here, and Qin Ze can climb up by grabbing the vines.

After spending a lot of effort, Qin Ze finally reached the top of the cave.

As soon as he opened his mouth, he breathed in the fresh air that was not available below.

It felt so good to be back on the ground!

"Boom boom boom!!!"

However, before Qin Ze could finish his sigh, the dark clouds in the sky suddenly flashed with lightning and thunder, making thunderous sounds like countless missile explosions.

Qin Ze was so scared that he almost fell back into the cave.

"What's going on?"

Qin Ze finally saw the surrounding environment clearly.

He was now in a valley. The sky of the secret realm was now covered with dark clouds and thunder was everywhere.

And if you look closely, you will find that the ground visible to the naked eye has been devastated by the earthquake.

"What on earth is going on?"

Qin Ze looked puzzled. What on earth had happened outside during the time he had been underground?


Just then, Qin Ze's cell phone rang. The government had set up many signal stations in the secret realm.

So you can make calls in many places in the secret realm.

As soon as Qin Ze took out his cell phone, he saw that it was Lin Lili calling, and there were hundreds of Lin Lili's missed calls in the call log.

"Hello, Lily."

Qin Ze answered the phone immediately and asked what happened.

""Hello! Where have you been? How come you disappeared all of a sudden?"

Lin Lili yelled anxiously. She almost yelled at Qin Ze through the phone.

This made Qin Ze quickly keep a distance from the phone.

After Lin Lili finished yelling, he leaned forward and replied:"I'm really sorry, I was trapped underground before. Let's not talk about this. What's going on now?"

Lin Lili:"Come out quickly! The Ultimate Beast is coming!"

Qin Ze couldn't help but be stunned after hearing Lin Lili's words. Ultimate Beast?

Why did it involve the Ultimate Beast?

"Ah! That's right!"

The next second, Qin Ze immediately remembered the historical knowledge in the textbook.

Many years ago, the 810 that entered this world were not just elves, but also a group of creatures called Ultra Beasts.

Unlike elves, they will plunder many resources for their own survival, which will have a devastating impact on the ecological environment of humans and elves.

Many years ago, a large number of Ultra Beasts invaded various parts of the world, plundered resources, and slaughtered all life except them.

Human technology is simply unable to resist the powerful Ultra Beasts.

The elves can't get any advantage either.

Therefore, humans and elves reached a cooperation for the first time and joined forces to fight against the Ultra Beasts. , it took a year to finally drive all the Ultra Beasts in the world back to their world.

After that year, humans and elves officially formed a friendly relationship, and later trainers, the Elf Alliance, and various professions appeared one after another.

It can be said to be a milestone of great significance.

However, the invasion of Ultra Beasts did not end like that.

Sometimes Ultra Beasts will appear suddenly, and when they appear, the official will have to lead a powerful force to fight, protect the world, and expel the Ultra Beasts.

It has been a year since the last Ultra Beast appeared, and the place is remote, and there are many things happening recently.

So Qin Ze gradually forgot this knowledge���

I didn’t expect to meet him now!

"Ultra Beast Invasion...Oh my god! I actually encountered such a thing."

Qin Ze's expression was quite ugly, and sweat kept flowing down his forehead.

He knew something about the Ultimate Beasts. In their own world, they might be elves that can be seen everywhere, but in this world, they are very catastrophic.

Because their purpose is to rob resources, if left alone, it will definitely cause a devastating blow to the ecology of humans and elves.

"However, I remember that the Ultra Beasts seemed to be related to Necrozma. I wonder what the Ultra Beast invasion of this world has to do with Necrozma."

Qin Ze suddenly thought of this question.

Then he shook his head and stopped thinking about it.

What he had to do now was to leave here quickly, so as not to be affected by a greater disaster.

So he immediately got on the wind speed dog and ran up and down.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

At this time, the sound of thunder continued to sound, and the sky continued to tremble, as if the whole sky was about to collapse.

Then an even more incredible scene appeared. The dark clouds that covered the entire sky were spinning wildly like a whirlpool.

The center of the rotation exuded a strange energy, as if something was about to come out.

As the vortex grew larger, the dark clouds in the middle gradually changed, emitting a very conspicuous black light.

When the black light appeared, the sky trembled even more strongly!


This is my mother: I am a man Tôn

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