"Cough, cough, cough!"

Qin Ze coughed hard several times to calm his physiological condition and felt a little better.

"As a human being, being able to keep up with my fight is already pretty good."

Biligeon glanced at Qin Ze on his back and praised him.

"Ahem, thanks for the compliment, but it's still too lame."

Qin Ze patted his chest, and then stroked up and down from his stomach to his chest to make himself feel better.

When Biligion wanted to say something, suddenly, his eyes became sharp, and he raised his head to look at the sky!

Qin Ze immediately sensed Biligion's emotional changes, and looked up at the sky.

He saw a black hole in the sky, constantly emitting black lightning, and every time there was lightning, it would shake violently, as if it was about to fall at any time, which was particularly weird!

"What's going on?"

Qin Ze looked at the black hole and felt very bad.

"There are more dangerous enemies coming out."

Biligion seemed to have predicted something and showed a serious expression.

Seeing Biligion so serious, Qin Ze had to guess how terrible the enemy that would appear later would be.

"Then let's prepare for the sword dance now. As soon as the enemy appears, we will attack with sharp stones immediately."

Qin Ze immediately thought of a strategy.

Waiting foolishly for the enemy to appear is not a good idea.

"By the way, your holy sword should be the most powerful trick, right? Why don't you use it immediately when it appears?"

Qin Ze has not forgotten the signature trick of the Three Sword Saints, which is the holy sword.

Ignoring any changes in the opponent's abilities, the damage is determined directly based on the original attribute values. It is a powerful trick!

"No, it's not that simple. If you don't grasp the timing of"330", it will only waste your strength."

Biligion has his own ideas.

Qin Ze did not refute this idea. Indeed, the strongest trick must be used at the best time to achieve the greatest effect.

"However, it is a good idea to prepare for the sword dance in advance, but before that."

When Biligion said this, he looked at the group of clowns lying on the ground.

They were all dying.

Facing Biligion at level 100, the attribute suppression attack, even a random attack, would cause huge damage.

They would not be able to stand up for a while.

But we can't just leave it alone, we have to finish them off.

"Don't worry about them, leave them to my elves, don't waste time on such small characters."

However, Qin Ze had other ideas.

After hearing this, Bilijian knew what Qin Ze meant, otherwise he would have lived in vain for many years.

""Then I'll leave it to you."

After Biligion finished speaking, he immediately jumped up and left the spot, looking for a suitable place to perform sword dance.

At this time, the Bang-Head Clowns who were knocked to the ground by Biligion finally began to recover some strength and slowly stood up.

But at this moment, the ground under the two level 70 Bang-Head Clowns suddenly exploded, and two thick red-haired dog paws stretched out from it, pulling the two of them into the ground!


The next second, there were continuous and extremely strong explosions from the ground.

After a few seconds, it finally calmed down.

But then this happened again and again.

The ground under each Bang-Head Clown kept blowing holes from the bottom, and then dog paws came out to pull them in one by one.

Then there were continuous explosions from the ground, and no one knew what was happening below.

After Biligion jumped onto a valley, he let Qin Ze come down first, and then started to use sword dance.

I don't know if it's because Biligion is a holy swordsman, the sword dance it uses has another unique charm.

It feels like a swordsman who has experienced many battles is dancing with a sword, and people can't help but indulge in it.

""Buzz buzz buzz buzz!!!"

Just then the black hole in the sky made a particularly strange buzzing sound, and the whole sky seemed to be shaking wildly.

Then a big hand stretched out from the black hole, followed by a tiny corpse that was not tired at all, and then a large spherical joint.

Another bang-head clown was crossing the black hole and traveling from another world!

However, this bang-head clown was completely different from the ones that appeared before. It was more than ten meters tall and was wrapped in strange black flames.

Combined with the already weird appearance of the bang-head clown, people would be more and more chilled at a glance.

"This bang-headed clown..."

When Qin Ze saw the clown, he immediately observed it with his eyes of appreciation.

The result he got made his pupils shrink instantly, and his eyelids widened so wide that his eyeballs almost fell out!

The level of this clown was the same as that of Biligion, also level 100! A level 100 Ultimate Beast, this is no joke!

Seeing such a powerful clown appear, Qin Ze couldn't help but break out in a cold sweat and became nervous.

"This guy, I feel, he is the boss of the Ultra Beasts that invaded this time!"

Biligion stared at the Boomhead Clown with extremely solemn eyes.

Facing an opponent of the same level, it began to feel pressure and had to be on high alert.

"You stay here. If you get involved again, you might die."

Biligion looked at Qin Ze and said.

Qin Ze smiled and shook his head after hearing this.

"You underestimated me too much. Since we have agreed to fight side by side, I will never leave you. Moreover, the more this happens, the more you need me to be your eyes."

Qin Ze smiled and said, and immediately sat on Bilijian's back.

"Let's go together! Biligion!"

Qin Ze said with a fighting spirit.

"Humph, you are such a fearless human being. I don’t care what happens to you!"

After hearing this, Biligion immediately rushed towards the clown.

While running, Biligion looked around.

"Why haven't those two guys come yet?"

Biligion couldn't help but complain in a low voice.

"Are you talking about Gopalion and Delakion? Why did you act alone? I always thought you acted together.

Qin Ze asked in confusion.

"We don't always work together. Sometimes we separate to accomplish more things. They already know about the invasion of the Ultra Beasts and are on their way. It seems that we can't count on their support."

Biligion replied.

"Then we have to rely on ourselves."

Qin Ze looked at the Bang Head Clown who was getting closer and closer.

The ten-meter-tall Bang Head Clown also noticed Biligion rushing over.

Compared with the Bang Head Clown, Biligion was like a toy. The contrast was huge!

"Biligion! Use sharp stones to attack!"

Qin Ze immediately gave the order.

After Biligion received the order, hundreds of sharp stones gathered in front of him, and then bombarded the clown like a missile rain!

Seeing so many sharp stones coming towards him, a lot of flames appeared in front of him, and then gathered together and gushed out like a waterfall!

Spraying flames!

The flames and sharp stones collided with each other, forming an extremely violent explosion!

In this round, the attacks of both sides were evenly matched, and no one could take advantage!

Then this clown gathered a lot of shadow balls around him, and then fell towards Biligion like a meteor shower!

Countless black shadow balls fell down like a blanket, and the picture looked very impactful! (To read the violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

""Biligion! Use lightning to dodge!"

Qin Ze ordered immediately.

The next second, Biligion turned into a beam of light and rushed through the attack range of the shadow ball.

However, the pile of shadow balls did not explode directly when they fell to the ground.

The clown flipped his hand and[]

The shadow balls, as if they had their own consciousness, immediately turned a corner and chased after Biligion!

Even if Biligion was in a very fast moving state with a flash of lightning, the shadow balls could still hold on tightly and follow Biligion no matter how fast he ran!

""Swish, swish, swish!"

Then Bang-Head Clown threw out many more shadow balls, forming an encirclement formation from all directions to besiege Biligion!

"Biligion! Run at full speed to the left front! Use the leaf blade to cut through the shadow balls that are blocking the way!"

After a quick glance, Qin Ze found the weakest position in the siege.

As long as he could quickly break into that place, the number of shadow balls he would encounter would be the least.

After hearing this, Biligion ran directly in the direction indicated by Qin Ze without thinking.

The leaves on both sides of his neck became particularly sharp and turned into extremely sharp blades.

As Biligion swung his neck, he cut through the air and cut through the shadow balls that were blocking the way in front of him!


However, there was still a fish that slipped through the net, and a shadow ball hit Biligion before it could be cut open.

However, Biligion would not stop because of this, and still rushed out of the explosion circle at the highest speed.........

"Attack the sharp stones at the back, and use them as stepping stones!"

Qin Ze continued to order.

Biligion immediately used sharp stones to attack the pile of shadow balls at the back, trying to clear them all out to avoid being entangled.

While releasing a large number of sharp stones, it immediately jumped up, stepped on the sharp stones that had just flown out with all four limbs, used them as stepping stones, and used a flash of lightning to rush towards the Bang Head Clown floating in the air.

The distance between the two sides had long been shortened, and this time, Biligion directly came in front of Bang Head Clown in an instant.

Bang Head Clown saw Biligion rushing in front of him, and immediately slapped him, trying to use his palm full of black flames and his own strength to knock Biligion down.

However, Biligion was not so easy to be hit, and he turned over in the air.

At the same time, he stepped hard on the arm.

Smashed the Bang Head Clown's arm down, and used it as a stepping stone to jump in front of Bang Head Clown.


But then Biligion let out a painful sound. He looked at his feet and saw that they were a little burned, but he didn't care.

"Spin, double kick! Then use the leaf blade!"

Qin Ze immediately gave the order.

Biligion was in front of the clown's head, spinning like a top, swinging his front and back legs at the same time.

Double kicks are a common move in the fighting department, but it's just two legs kicking in turn.

Qin Ze added the skill of spinning on this basis, using the inertia of spinning to increase the power of the kick!

It was just a blink of an eye! Biligion first kicked the clown's head with his front leg, and then kicked it with his back leg, like a top! The clown's head was kicked and spun 360 degrees.

Then its head swung hard as it spun, and it used the leaf blade, which slashed at the clown's head, directly cutting the flames on its head and leaving injuries.

""Sharp stone attack!"

Qin Ze would not give up this great opportunity, and immediately ordered Bilijian to use his special skill to restrain the fire system!

Bilijian naturally understood what this meant, and immediately condensed hundreds of sharp stones and madly bombarded the clown!

Countless huge explosions were set off, and the lime smoke and dust were tangled together to block the view.

"Don't stop, keep attacking!"

Qin Ze immediately told Bilijian to continue attacking with the sharp stone.

But at this time, he found that Bilijian's face was quite ugly. After a closer look, he found that Bilijian's neck had a serious burn.


Qin Ze asked in confusion.

But it was this delay that caused the clown on the opposite side to emit a strong momentum.

The smoke and dust suddenly dissipated, and the flames on the clown's body surged wildly, gathering together to attack.


Qin Ze didn't care about that and told Biligion to defend!

After hearing this, Biligion immediately gathered a protective shield.

The next second, the flames gathered by Bangtou Clown turned into a big word and slammed towards Biligion!

This is a big word explosion!

The big word explosion directly pushed Biligion down from the sky to the ground, and then like a meteorite hitting the earth, it set off an extremely violent explosion.

"Boom boom boom!!!

This terrifying explosion created a huge mushroom cloud. Everything within a radius of a thousand meters was reduced to a sea of purgatory and fire. Countless screams could be heard.

""Ahem! Biligion, are you okay?"

Qin Ze helped Biligion up with a distressed look on his face. Although Biligion opened his defense to resist, he was still hit.

"The flames on that guy are very strange. If you touch them, you will be burned immediately."

After Biligion stood up, he looked at the clown seriously.

"And it's not just burns, it's life force that will be taken away, its flames can directly absorb life force!"

Biligion looked at the Boomhead Clown floating in the air solemnly.

Although the Boomhead Clown had injuries on his body, it didn't hinder him.

He looked at Biligion's slightly embarrassed appearance and let out a series of creepy weird laughs.

""Lulululu! Wuhahaha!"

Hearing the laughter of the clown, Biligion felt very unhappy.

"That means, if you want to defeat this guy, you have to put out the flames on him first?"

Qin Ze asked hurriedly.

"Theoretically, yes, but its flame cannot be extinguished by ordinary water."


This is my mother: I am a man Tôn

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