
Qin Ze looked at Lily in shock.

Lily's last name was Lin, and he didn't think of going in the direction of Lin Meidie.

After all, there are so many people with the last name Lin in the world, but he didn't expect it to be such a coincidence!

Lin Lili is actually Lin Meidie's niece, this is too dreamy!

It is impossible to connect the sexy, calm and mature Lin Meidie with the neurotic woman in front of him!

"It's hard to believe, right? No one would believe me if I told them."

Lily looked at Qin Ze's expression and nodded in agreement.

Qin Ze didn't know what to say after hearing this.

He suddenly understood why Lily, who was incompatible with the atmosphere of the gym, could continue to study in the gym.

It turned out that it was because of this relationship.

There are so many things in the world.

"By the way, do you know what the situation is like in the secret realm now?"

At this time, Lily changed the subject, smiling, obviously knowing something.

"Say what you want to say, if you don't want to say it, I can wait and watch the news."

Qin Ze was too lazy to play this game with her, and pretended to turn around and leave without saying anything.

"Hey, hey, hey! Don't go, can't I just tell you directly?"

Seeing this, Lily quickly grabbed Qin Ze and seemed to really want to share this matter.

"Let me tell you, the situation in the secret realm has been suppressed. The group of Ultra Beasts have either died or been captured and brought back to the Elf Alliance for research and experiments.

I also heard that Gopalion, Delakion and Biligion appeared to fight against the Ultra Beasts. Now many official people are in the secret realm, looking for the three of them, but unfortunately they returned empty-handed and couldn't find them at all."

Lily briefly explained the current situation in the secret realm.

Qin Ze was not too surprised that the Elf Alliance could not find the Three Holy Swords.

Those three were old hands who came and went without a trace, how could they be found so easily?

"What do the legendary beasts look like? I have only seen their portraits. It would be great if I could see them up close. I can use them as material for a short film."

Lily said with a yearning look on her face.

Qin Ze curled his lips after hearing this. If Lily knew that he was sitting on Biligion's back and fighting side by side with Biligion, what would her reaction be?

Forget it, let's not talk about it, lest this woman wants to mess around again.

What's more, Qin Ze is probably the only one who fought side by side with the beasts, which gave him an inexplicable sense of superiority and felt very proud.

""Buzz buzz buzz!"

At this time, there were many planes coming to Huadu.

At the same time, there were also planes leaving Huadu.

Those planes leaving were all transport planes, and it was unknown whether they were carrying the clown.

As for those coming in, they were probably responsible for disaster relief.

"By the way, why would an ultimate beast appear in the secret realm?"

Qin Ze asked in confusion.

"No one knows this. Under what circumstances will the Ultimate Hole that connects to the Ultimate Beasts appear, where will it appear, and how long will the interval be? Many scientists are unable to study it."

"The only thing we know is that when the Ultimate Hole appears, it will cause a large-scale space vibration."

After hearing Lily's explanation, Qin Ze immediately remembered the earthquake and the vibration of the sky. It was really a doomsday scene.

"Therefore, the authorities can only react when the Ultimate Hole appears. There are space detection facilities in every city, even in rural counties, and in secret realms across the country. As long as the signs of the Ultimate Hole appear, the Elf Alliance and the military will send powerful trainers, elves and troops to the scene to fight."

"This time, we were lucky enough to have the help of the divine beast, otherwise there would have been heavy casualties."

When Lily said this, she felt very cold and had to touch her arm.

"It's really a disaster."

Qin Ze now has a new understanding of this world.

Now the only thing he can do is to improve his strength with all his strength so as to deal with more crises in the future.

At least when facing the Ultimate Beast, he will not be so helpless to wait for others to rescue him.

After chatting with Lily for a while, Qin Ze said goodbye to Lily.

Today is really too tiring, I have to rest well.

At night, Qin Ze slept very soundly.

Almost as soon as he got on the bed, he couldn't control himself and fell asleep directly.

When fighting in the secret realm, the whole body was in a state of tension, so he ignored the injuries and fatigue.

Now that everything is over, relax, the fatigue surged up like a river, just close your eyes and fall asleep.

In the middle of the night, both Qin Ze and his Pokémon slept soundly.

I don't know when the three of them, Wind Speed Dog, came out of the Poké Ball to sleep.

"Click, click..."

At this moment, there were bursts of very slight cracking sounds in the room. I didn't know what was breaking.


The shattering sound continued, and it seemed particularly loud in this silent room.


The wind speed dog, who had very sensitive hearing, was awakened by the sound. He stood up and looked around with a puzzled look on his face, wondering what was breaking.

Then he saw the elf egg breeding machine that Qin Ze had placed on the table.

After staring at the machine for a while, his expression gradually showed shock.

""Ah, woo, woo!"

Windy Dog suddenly roared in excitement.

The sound was so loud that it woke up the Candlelight Spirit and the Wind Fairy who were originally sleeping very soundly.

""Woo woo woo!"

Candlelight glared at Windspeed with dissatisfaction, not understanding why it was making so much noise in the middle of the night when it was sleeping soundly!

""Eh!! Eh!!!"

The Wind Fairy was also dissatisfied and slapped the Windy Dog.

""Ah, ah, ah!"

However, Windy Hound didn't care about that and kept barking, pointing at the elf egg breeding device.

Wind Fairy and Candlelight looked over and showed shocked expressions.

Because they saw that the elf egg was cracking!

Doesn't this mean that an elf is about to hatch!

"Hey hey!"

""Awoo, awoo!"

The wind fairy and the candlelight fairy shouted excitedly when they saw that the elf egg was about to hatch.


Then the wind speed dog immediately looked at Qin Ze.

Qin Ze was still sleeping very soundly at this time, and was not awakened by their movements.

"Ah! Ah!"

The wind speed dog hurried over to shake Qin Ze's body to wake him up.

However, he failed to wake Qin Ze up. Instead, Qin Ze turned over and continued to sleep.

""Woo woo?"

Candlelight walked to the side of the elf egg breeding device with a curious look on her face, and leaned on the glass cover to look at the elf eggs inside.

Then she smiled evilly, and the flames on her head gradually expanded.


The wind fairy seemed to see through what the candlelight spirit was going to do, so he ran over and slapped the candlelight spirit on the back of the head to stop it from doing anything!

"Ah woo woo..."

Seeing his master sleeping so soundly and unable to get up, the wind speed dog felt very depressed.

Then he sighed helplessly.

In this case, he could only use the final method.

The wind speed dog slowly raised his paw and patted Qin Ze's belly!


Qin Ze was originally immersed in sleep.

Suddenly, he felt an extremely strong pain in his stomach, which made him burst out swearing and wake up instantly.

The whole person bounced up like a spring!

Then he covered his stomach with a painful look on his face.

He felt like his stomach was going to rot.

"Windy Dog! What are you doing? Why did you hit me all of a sudden?" (To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!) When

Qin Ze saw Windy Dog next to him, he immediately realized that it was the one who did it, and immediately roared in dissatisfaction.

Windy Dog:"Master! The egg is cracked!"

"Nonsense, you hit me like that, how can my balls not crack!"

Qin Ze retorted with dissatisfaction, and then he immediately checked under his pants.

Well, it was a close call, it didn't crack.[]

Windy Dog: (cgej) It's not your egg! It's the egg of the burning worm!"


After Qin Ze understood, he immediately looked at the elf breeding device.

He saw that the burning insect eggs inside were already full of cracks, and seemed to be completely shattered at any time.

"It's about to hatch!"

Qin Ze saw this and ran over to watch.

He stared at the elf egg that was about to break completely.

The other three elves were also watching with great excitement.

It was the first time for them to see the process of elf eggs hatching, so naturally they didn't want to miss it!



With a cracking sound, the elf egg completely shattered, and a furry creature crawled out of it. It had white fur, five red hairs like branches and leaves, forming a sun inserted in its fur, a one-meter-tall body, light blue pupils, and a dark face. The

Burning Bug was born successfully!

"This is the process of hatching, and there are burning worms!"

Qin Ze couldn't help but take a deep breath, unable to forget the appearance of the burning worm.

At this moment, he witnessed the miracle of the birth of life!

Qin Ze quickly took away the glass cover and looked at the burning worm.

At this time, the burning worm looked at the unfamiliar environment with a blank face.

Just born in this world, it didn't know many things, and could only lie there stupidly.

"Hello, Burning Bug, I am your trainer, Qin Ze, please teach me."

Qin Ze tried his best to keep his eyes level with Burning Bug, and introduced himself in a gentle voice. He even stretched out his hand and made a gesture to shake hands.

Burning Bug looked at Qin Ze's palm blankly, he first sniffed Qin Ze's hand with his nose, and then carefully put it on Qin Ze's hand.


"Hey hey!"


Seeing this, the Windy Dog, the Wind Fairy and the Candlelight Spirit all greeted him enthusiastically, which made the Burning Bug at a loss.

"Are you three idiots? Come one by one to greet each other. Look how scared the Burning Bug is."

Seeing the three elves being so reckless, Qin Ze sighed helplessly, tapped their heads lightly, and then looked at the Burning Bug with a kind smile.

"Burning insects, don't be afraid, they are all your predecessors, they are your brothers and sisters"

"This is the wind speed dog"

"This is the Wind Fairy"

"This is the Candlelight Spirit."

Qin Ze introduced his three handheld spirits to the Burning Bug one by one.

Every time he introduced them, the corresponding spirit would greet him quietly.


Burning Worm:"You...People...good..."

The burning bug barely spoke to greet everyone.

Qin Ze and the others immediately responded with a smile.

It was finally the first step to build a good bridge.

"Oh, let me see your situation."

Qin Ze said, and then he looked at the burning insect with an appreciative eye.

【Elves: Burning Bugs ()】

【Level: 12】

【Attribute: Insect+】

【Features: Flame Body】

【Individual stats: HP (31), Attack (31), Defense (31), Special Attack (31), Special Defense (31), Speed (31)】

【Skills: Sparks (Novice), Silk Spinning (Novice), Charged Flame Attack (Novice), Insect Resistance (Novice)】

【Genetic skills: Absorb (Novice), Morning Light (Novice)】

【Carrying things: None】

【Potential: Leader】

【The future of the elves: The burning bug with the qualifications of the headmaster, after unremitting efforts, finally evolved into the fire moth, with amazing strength, and then spent more time to practice hard, tempered to the realm of level 100, challenged the realm of God, and finally became an existence shoulder to shoulder with the second-level God! 】

After reading the information of the burning bug, Qin Ze's breathing stopped for a moment.

What did he see?

Born at level 12? Is this the credit of the cultivation device?

It is true that the top-level cultivation device can cultivate the strength of the elves in advance and improve the level.

But it is too amazing to reach level 12 all of a sudden!

But after seeing that the potential is the qualification of the headmaster, it makes sense all of a sudden!

Headmaster qualification! This is the top qualification of the elves under the divine beast!

Having such potential means that it is very likely to reach level 100 in the future!

You must know that the king level alone is already a very rare existence.

The headmaster qualification cannot be described as rare, but it is rare to see once in a thousand years!

It is said that the only elf with the qualification of the headmaster in Longguo is the ace elf of the current champion.

Dragon Country is so vast and rich in resources, with a large number of elves, but there is only one elf with the qualifications of a leader, which is enough to show how rare the qualifications of a leader are.

If this news spreads, it will definitely attract countless people to fight for it.

Regardless of whether the burning worm has a master or not, it will make many crazy people try their best to get it.

More importantly, after the burning worm evolves into a fire moth to level 100 in the future, it will continue to break through to the realm of the second-level god.

Doesn't that mean that Qin Ze will have a second-level god elf that can rival the Three Sacred Birds and the Three Sacred Swords in the future!

That's simply awesome!

Now Qin Ze is so excited that his hands and feet are out of control.

If he wasn't afraid of being known, he really wanted to shout and celebrate. He actually made the right bet at the beginning! Fortunately, he didn't choose the little saw crocodile, but chose the burning worm, otherwise he couldn't get such a high-quality elf!

He can already imagine his future standing at the top!

""Burnworm, add one!"

Qin Ze shouted at the Burnworm with full momentum.

But he saw the Burnworm sleeping soundly on the table. After seeing this scene, Qin Ze was stunned at first, and then burst into tears and laughter.

"Really, why do I think so far ahead? The current Burning Bug is still a child."

Qin Ze laughed at himself and gently stroked the Burning Bug like a father.......

This is my mother: I am a man Tôn

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