As the referee finished speaking, the examiner finally realized that he had already lost. The three elves that he was so proud of had lost very cleanly.

There was no chance of hitting the opponent at all.

"Thank you for your hard work, three of you."

Qin Ze smiled and stroked the three elves.

This month's physical training and skill training were not in vain. The strength of the elves is stronger than last month.

It is not a waste to feed the elves with the props to enhance their attributes these days.

Qin Ze used the gray crystal ore to exchange for some miracle seeds, charcoal, silver powder, ghost breath, fairy feathers and other props that enhance the power of attributes. He gave them to the elves one by one to further enhance the power of their attribute moves.

If the power of attribute moves has not been improved, even if the elves of the same attribute and the same level fight with them, they will definitely be crushed.

"Are all your elves above level 40?!"

The examiner looked at Qin Ze in disbelief.

His elves were all level 40, and they were also the best, but he was defeated so easily!

This made him doubt whether Qin Ze's elves were above level 40!

"No, my Pokémon are all within level 40. If they were above level 40, the staff would have already found out and called me a senior trainer."

Qin Ze shook his head and explained.

The examiner thought it made sense and looked at Qin Ze's Pokémon with a shocked look.

Are young people so scary now? They are all level 40, and some are even below, but they have such terrifying strength.

The examiner couldn't help but doubt his life.

"Then, examiner, I have passed the examination now, right?

Qin Ze asked.

"Yes, that's right."

The examiner sighed helplessly and nodded.

Although he often lost to trainers who came for the assessment, it was always after a fierce battle, and the opponent won after a hard fight.

There was no such a simple loss.

This made the examiner finally see what it meant to be pushed forward by the back waves.

"This is the badge for the elite trainer qualification certificate. Just give it to the staff outside."

The examiner took out a silver badge and handed it to Qin Ze.

"Thank you."

After Qin Ze thanked him, he took back the elves and walked out.

When Qin Ze came out and returned to the trainer assessment (cgfd) registration office, he attracted a lot of attention.

"Hey, this person was in there for less than five minutes, how come he came out so quickly?"

"Most likely he was too weak and lost quickly."

"That's right! If you don't train a spirit yourself, you definitely can't command it properly!"

"This is the drawback of this group of rich second-generations!"

When the others saw Qin Ze coming out, they couldn't help but laugh.

They all thought that Qin Ze must have lost. As for whether he won or not, they didn't think so.

How could he win by less than five points!

Qin Ze was puzzled by what these people said. He didn't know them, so why did he feel that they were malicious to him?

Could they be fools?

Qin Ze was too lazy to pay any more attention to them, so he went straight to the staff and handed the sign to her.

"I have passed the assessment, please give me the elite trainer certificate"


The staff originally thought that Qin Ze had failed, but when they saw Qin Ze's pass mark, they couldn't help but show shock.

Not only him, but other people who came to the test were also shocked.

What did they hear? The rich second generation they looked down on actually won!

He won in less than five minutes!

This kind of thing made them feel very shocked. In their impression, the test was very difficult, and the best results took more than ten or twenty minutes.

How could it be so fast? Could it be that this rich second generation they looked down on was really that strong! (To read the violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Can you please register for me quickly?"

Qin Ze saw that the staff had not responded yet, so he urged

""Okay, okay!"

After hearing Qin Ze's urging, the staff came back to their senses and quickly registered Qin Ze and changed his information.

From a novice trainer to an elite trainer[]

It took Qin Ze more than two months to jump from a novice trainer to an elite trainer.

Qin Ze is probably the first one and the next one!

"Mr. Qin Ze, you are now an elite trainer and can receive more difficult and high-paying tasks. If you are interested, you can go to the Pokemon League's task posting website to have a look."

The staff said


Qin Ze walked away after hearing this.

Under the shocked eyes of the crowd, he gradually left here.

After finding a place to sit down, Qin Ze logged into the website where the Pokémon League posted tasks.

This task website will automatically identify the user's trainer level and display different tasks according to the level.

The difficulty and requirements of the task will not exceed the trainer level of the logged-in user.

Lest some people be forced to take on difficult tasks without being strong enough.

During the period of being a novice trainer, there are very few tasks that can be taken, and they are mainly miscellaneous tasks.

So Qin Ze never paid attention to it.

What's more, after the underground battlefield, he now has a net worth of several hundred million, and there is no need to take on tasks from the Pokémon League to make money.

This time, I opened it to see if there are any interesting tasks to hone myself and the Pokémon.

Looking down, there are indeed quite a few tasks.

What about assisting in research, serving as a bodyguard for a period of time, helping to capture Pokémon around level 40, collecting resources, etc., everything is available.

After Qin Ze looked at it, he finally found that there was a task that looked a bit interesting.

It was on a certain highway, and sometimes there would be A large group of Pokémons came out to rob.

They robbed passing vehicles of food or the training resources of trainers.

Pokémon robbery sounds outrageous, but it does happen.

Pokémons are like humans, with good and bad sides, and various personalities and moral values.

It is not surprising that some villains appear among such a large number of Pokémons.

It is said that there were quite a lot of cases of Pokémons robbing humans in cities in previous years, and it has only been controlled in recent years.

According to the task description, this week on the highway to the Magic City, a group of giant bees and a group of flying mantises will appear every day to rob passing vehicles.

If the people inside do not hand over food or Pokémon supplies, they will be beaten and seriously injured.

There are even cases of death.

Because of such things, the number of vehicles passing by the highway every day has begun to decrease, which is not a good thing for the toll station on the entire highway.

Therefore, the person in charge of the highway immediately issued a task through the Pokémon League to find capable trainers to deal with all the robbing Pokémons.

Restore the normal operation of the highway


This is my mother: I am a man Tôn

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