However, before Lao Wu could run two steps, a knife cut open his back, leaving a hideous wound.

The powerful impact forced him to lie on the ground like a dog eating shit.

Then several Scythers and Beedrills surrounded Lao Wu.

Facing this situation, Lao Wu no longer had the heroic spirit he had before. He was so scared that he couldn't control the flow of liquid from his lower body.

""Brothers of the elves, don't be impulsive. I shouldn't have attacked you. I'll leave right away. Just treat me like a fart."

Lao Wu begged for mercy, trying to save his life.

The giant bee in front of him just lightly picked up the giant needle in his hand.

Even if he didn't say anything, he could guess what it meant.

""Okay, okay!"

Lao Wu quickly took out a bunch of tree fruits from his bag, and placed the elf rations and medicine in front of him.

""Brothers, this is all I have, please let me go."

Lao Wu forced out a smile that was uglier than crying and begged.

After hearing Lao Wu's words, Beedrill could not see any expression, but his eyes were full of drama.��

The Scythers all showed a cruel sneer and uttered something. No one knew what 26 was saying.

Before Lao Wu could react, the needle of the giant bee hit Lao Wu's face and sent him flying. He fell heavily to the ground beside him, causing Lao Wu to spit blood.


Lao Wu murmured in confusion. He felt very uncomfortable now, as if he was very close to death.

"Why? It's because you acted recklessly and provoked them."

Just then, Qin Ze appeared next to Lao Wu and looked at this idiot coldly.

Qin Ze heard clearly what Scyther said just now, which meant that they would not let go of anyone who dared to resist them.

Otherwise, if everyone would resist, how could they continue to rob smoothly in the future?

This made Qin Ze speechless, and reminded him of many bastards in human society. How did this group of elf robbers learn this?

"Who are you?"

Lao Wu looked at Xie Yun and asked in confusion.

"The one who warned you."

Xie Yun said this coldly, and then he stepped over Lao Wu and walked towards the group of giant bees and flying mantises.

"Reminded me? You are the one who reminded me in my live broadcast room!"

Lao Wu immediately remembered those comments, which turned out to be sent by Qin Ze.

"No wonder I was in such a miserable state! It turned out that you were cursing me!"

Old Five's brain circuit was amazing. He actually used this excuse to accuse Qin Ze of being wrong, and attributed all the reasons for his falling into this field to Qin Ze.

Hearing such an idiot, Qin Ze couldn't help rolling his eyes. Why didn't the group of giant bees slap this idiot to death with one slap?

"I was saying, how could I be defeated like this when I’m so strong? It turns out you were the one cursing me. If you had blessed me and given me gifts, I wouldn’t have ended up like this!"

"What do you want to do by showing up now! Are you trying to be a hero and steal the limelight that belongs to me? Who do you think you are? You can do what I can't do!"

Lao Wu kept on swearing. He was very stimulated by the shame of being beaten like this and he needed to vent.

So he didn't care about anything and just confronted Qin Ze to appease his almost gone self-esteem.

Qin Ze threw out four Poké Balls indifferently and released his own Pokémon.

Only the Poké Ball of Windy Dog was specially thrown to Lao Wu.

When Windy Dog appeared, Qin Ze immediately gave the first order.

"Windy Dog, step on that idiot."

Qin Ze's voice had just fallen.

Windy Dog immediately pounced in front of Lao Wu and stepped on him, just stepping on his entire face.

When Windy Dog moved his foot away, Lao Wu had already fainted with white foam at the mouth, and the world was instantly quiet.

"Then, we have to deal with these things next."

Qin Ze looked at the situation at the scene.

There were about thirty giant bees and flying mantises, and more than ten people were injured and unable to move. (To read the exciting novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

They were surrounded by giant bees and flying mantises, so they couldn't act rashly.

""Hey, hey, hey!"

At this time, the wind fairy was pulling Qin Ze's feet and saying something.

Wind Fairy:"Or, I will use paralysis powder to paralyze them now!"


Qin Ze shook his head at this plan. Although this method is indeed very effective, it will affect the injured hostages.

If the dosage is small, the paralysis powder can relieve the pain of the injured.

But it is not enough to paralyze the Pokémon.

And the amount that can paralyze the Pokémon, let alone the injured, even a strong person will feel very uncomfortable.

So we can't rashly use such a move with a large range.

Beedrill:"Another troublemaker!"

Scyther:"It looks powerful, maybe there are a lot of good things!"

Beedrill:"Grab it!"

"Really, where did you learn this from?"

Hearing this, Qin Ze had no choice but to look at the wind speed dog.

"Windy Dog, use super speed"


After receiving the order, the wind speed dog disappeared instantly.

At this time, several Scythers and Beedrills were rushing towards Qin Ze.

Before they approached Qin Ze, the wind speed dog instantly appeared on their side and slapped them with one claw, sending them flying together.

""Arcane! Use your speed to slap these giant bees and flying mantises to a place!"

Qin Ze continued to give orders.

After receiving the order, Arcane quickly burst into an amazing speed, running wildly on this highway as if it had disappeared.

"Bang, bang, bang!"

In just a moment, several more Beedrills and Scythers were slapped away.

Now Windy Dog gradually approached, surrounded the injured Scythers and Beedrills, and attacked them ruthlessly and quickly, knocking them one by one to the same position.

"Wind Fairy, let the ground be covered with cotton spores."

Qin Ze then issued this order.

After receiving the order, the Wind Fairy immediately spun at high speed, throwing out a large number of spores from the cotton on its body. The spores formed cotton balls and fell on the ground.

In just a moment, the ground was covered with cotton balls.

""Burning bugs, use your silk to bring all the wounded here."

Qin Ze continued to give orders.

After receiving the order, the burning bugs immediately spit out silk threads, grab a wounded person and drag him over immediately.

Now the ground is covered with cotton balls, and when the wounded are dragged over, they move along the cotton balls, so they will not be subjected to much impact.

This can avoid aggravating the injury when dragging.

When the burning bugs dragged the wounded one after another, Qin Ze took out the healing spray, healed them one by one, and carried out emergency treatment.

After a few giant bees and flying mantises noticed Qin Ze's actions, they immediately flew over to attack!


This is my mother: I am a man Tôn

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