"The elf is missing?"

Looking at the text message, Qin Ze read it out

"Ah! Is this true?"

Zhu Guangling's body trembled violently after hearing this. Qin Ze smiled at his silly look and touched Zhu Guangling's head.

"Don't worry, you won't get lost, I will protect you well."

Qin Ze said, looking at the hotel in front of him.

"Let's go and eat."

All restaurants on the Elf Continent serve both human and elf food.

This is also a hotel. After ordering the food, I went straight to the room. It was clean and tidy. Qin Ze originally booked a twin room, but only a double room was left.

I just hope that the three of them can lie down and not sleep on my stomach.

Qin Ze thought to himself, begging.


Feng Yaojing lay down on the bed and stretched hard.

While waiting for the meal to be delivered, Qin Ze was a little tired."097" was really sleepy after sitting in the car for a whole morning.


Qin Ze yawned and fell asleep on the bed. When he got up, he checked the time. It was five o'clock in the afternoon.

"It's so late."

Qin Ze sat up and went outside. The food was already cold.

Several elves were woken up by Qin Ze and came outside.

Wind Speed Dog smacked his lips and gobbled his elf steak. Candlelight Spirit took a bite of the elf candle with a happy face.

While eating, a huge balloon floated outside the window. Wind Speed Dog looked outside with a glow in his eyes.

Qin Ze looked puzzled and opened the window. He saw a huge pumpkin balloon, which was pulled by a huge wide banner.

""It's Halloween."

Qin Ze said to himself, while Windy Dog and Candlelight Spirit looked puzzled.

"It seems that this is a kind of festival that humans like to celebrate. On this day, people will spontaneously hold a makeup competition."

The wind fairy explained, and the other three nodded.

"Wow, so magical."

Zhu Guangling looked curious, his eyes shining, and Qin Ze smiled.

"Let’s go out and have some fun."

When we got outside, there were pumpkins and witches in costume everywhere.

"Woo ah!"

A little fire dragon wearing a small hat and holding a small pumpkin lantern in his hand


Zhuguangling and Charmander were chasing each other and playing.

At this time, another message was received. Qin Ze opened his phone and saw that it said: Halloween is coming. There have been many cases of elves disappearing recently. In order to ensure that you and your pets have fun, please pay attention to safety and protect your elves and yourself. I wish you a happy time.

Another message popped up, which made Qin Ze pay attention to it. Looking at the text message

"What's wrong with Qin Ze?"

The wind speed dog noticed that Qin Ze was not right and asked in a low voice.

"You should be optimistic about yourself and the three of them. I always feel that the case of the missing elves is not simple."

As he said this, the wind speed dog nodded.

"Then we will also join in the investigation."

Qin Ze nodded.

Zhu Guangling picked up a lollipop from the roadside, held it in his hand, licked it a few times, and then handed it to the wind speed dog. The wind speed dog licked it, and his eyes immediately shone.


Qin Ze was not partial, and everyone had one.


The little fire dragon jumped out again. Zhu Guangling held a lollipop in his hand and ran to another place with the little fire dragon without thinking too much.

"Hey, have you ever eaten this?"

Zhuguangling and the little fire dragon chased each other and gradually ran away, but Qin Ze didn't notice and continued to walk forward with a few others.

"What is that going on in front of me?"

Qin Ze said to himself and walked forward.

"Come and have a look."

A man was seen beating drums and gongs, calling out to people everywhere. Qin Ze approached and saw that it was a newly opened restaurant with a Halloween theme.

"This looks very expensive."

The wind speed dog looked at it and complained

"I just ate, forget it, let's go."

Qin Ze didn't think it was expensive, but he had just eaten, so it was unnecessary.

Before he left, a big hand grabbed Qin Ze

""Hey, sir, please come in."

Qin Ze rushed out, but the people outside rushed in, so Qin Ze could only try his best to catch the wind speed dog and the wind fairy, and try to pull them into the restaurant without separating them.

In the end, Qin Ze was arranged to sit at the table with the wind speed dog, the wind fairy and the burning bug. (To read the exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

""What do you want to eat? Just eat it."

Qin Ze looked at the menu and said helplessly.

Now that he was here, Qin Ze looked at the crowd outside and felt helpless.

"Wait, one, two, three."

Qin Ze counted and summoned a[]

"Where is the candlelight spirit?"

Qin Ze suddenly stood up and looked around, but couldn't find the shadow of the candlelight spirit.

"Yeah, where did the candle go?........"

As Windy said this, several elves looked around and started looking for it.

"I just followed the little fire dragon and ran away. I'll go find him."

The wind fairy said, and ran out. Because the wind fairy can transform, it becomes smaller and flies out.

After a while, the dishes were served, and Qin Ze looked outside from time to time.

"Hmm, delicious!"

The wind speed dog ate the food like a heartless person, and exclaimed:

"You really are."

Qin Ze felt helpless, but he also smiled.

After a while, the wind fairy finally came back with the candlelight spirit and returned to the dinner.

"Where have you been, Zhu Guangling?

Qin Ze's eyes were full of heartache, and he asked sternly. Zhu Guangling shook his head and looked around with blurred eyes.

"What's wrong?"

Looking at Zhu Guangling's appearance, Qin Ze was a little worried.

"Are you confused? Why are you like this? Eat a candle and see how it works?"

Wind Speed Dog said, handing over a candle. Qin Ze rolled his eyes at Wind Speed Dog, feeling helpless and at a loss whether to laugh or cry.

""Sun Beam!"

Suddenly, the Candlelight Spirit released its skills and attacked in all directions.

"What are you doing?

Suddenly, everything around me became dim, without light, and lost its original color.

I only saw the waiter turned into a mannequin, the table turned into a stone table, the food turned into grass, and the grass in the mouth of the wind speed dog turned into weeds.

""Pfft, pfft, pfft."

Windspeed spat out the food in his mouth with a look of disgust.

"5.8 Smokescreen!"

Qin Ze reacted and suddenly woke up.

"This, this, this."

The wind fairy was still in shock. Everything around him suddenly became dark, and then the table was swallowed up.

The candlelight spirit did not gradually recover, but fainted.

"What did he go through?"

"When I found him, Zhu Guangling's eyes were blurry and he looked like he was half-conscious."


Qin Ze looked around, not knowing where the sound came from.

Then, instead of seeing the person who made the sound, he saw a group of tangible ghosts.

""Ghost, ghost!"

The burning insect screamed and ran around

"Don't worry!"

Qin Ze said, calming the minds of several people.

"Let the candlelight spirit go back and rest first." Qin Ze said, and took the candlelight spirit back.


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