"Is it okay?"

Qin Ze was invited here and there again, and was a little flustered for a moment. He asked after confirming it.

"Of course, come with me."

Lin Lili said with a smile, pulling Qin Ze's wrist.

The touch of skin between them was very clear in Qin Ze's mind. Lin Lili's hand was soft, and it was warm, not cold or hot.

"It feels so good."

Qin Ze shouted unconsciously


Hearing the voice, Lin Lili was puzzled. She didn't hear it clearly.


Later, when we arrived at the infirmary, there were rooms of different sizes, some for large Pokémon like Charizard, and some for primary Pokémon like Charmander.

"It can also change according to the type of Pokémon."

Lin Lili explained, and put Charizard in. The environment inside changed and became a greenhouse suitable for Charizard to live in.

"Good intelligence"""Eighty-seventy-zero"

Qin Ze couldn't help but praise him. Lin Lili laughed at Qin Ze's staring at the inside. Seeing

Lin Lili laughing at him, Qin Ze realized that he was a little ignorant and felt a little embarrassed. It was not until late at night that the two separated.

"Are you in love with her?"

The ghost of the lamp suddenly appeared and said in a mysterious voice.

"You scared me."

Qin Ze said sarcastically.

"How is that possible? She is indeed capable and beautiful, but most women like this are arrogant and like to act like a spoiled brat.……"

As he was talking, a figure appeared behind him. The ghost of the lamp saw it and immediately hung up his head and hid.

"Where have you been?"

Seeing the ghost of the light suddenly disappear, Qin Ze stopped talking and started looking around. At this time, his eyes suddenly went dark.

"Who are you talking about?

It's Lin Lili.

"Miss Lin."

Realizing that he had been saying bad things about her, Qin Ze's face flushed:"This ghost of the light, I will not forgive you."

"You forgot yours, I'll give it to you, luckily you didn't go far."

Lin Lili took out a small pendant, a Katy Puppy, which was given to her by her sister.

"Thank you."

He took the pendant.

"Did you hear everything just now?"

Qin Ze asked awkwardly, Lin Lili crossed her hands and

"Yes! I heard it all."

"Sorry, that's not what I meant.……"

Qin Ze was caught on the spot with a panicked look on his face. He tried to explain. Lin Lili looked at Qin Ze and smiled helplessly.

"Am I such a stingy person? I'll forgive you this time, but I won't show mercy next time."

As a result of this incident, the two separated again and walked away.

Walking on the road, Qin Ze looked at the pendant in his hand and thought for a while. Suddenly, there was a rustling sound in the bushes beside him.


Qin Ze shouted, but no one showed up.

"If you have anything to say, just say it directly. There is no need to be sneaky."

As soon as he said this, the rustling sound got closer and closer, and a person walked out.

"It's you."

The person who had been staring at me when I received the award this morning

"You are indeed a genius trainer. You noticed me so easily. Nice to meet you. My name is Ye Han."

Ye Han handed over a business card with a smiling face.

"Ye Han?"

Qin Ze read out loud, and Ye Han nodded with a smile.

"I am the vice president of the US Hairong Group. Our president has seen your potential and ability, and specially invites you to be our trainer spy."


Qin Ze was confused by this. Spy company

"Yes, I'm sure Mr. Qin will be confused if I tell you so suddenly. We'll give you three days to think about it. I'll come to see you again in three days. Goodbye."

Before he noticed, Ye Han had disappeared. Qin Ze looked around but couldn't see anyone.

This person is so strange.

Qin Ze looked at the card, flipped it back and forth, and walked home.

The next morning, Qin Ze was lying on the bed, holding the card and fiddling with it. The card was very small, with only two large gold-plated characters on it: Ye Han

"Hairong Group."

Qin Ze muttered to himself, sat up straight, turned on the computer and searched. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Hairong Group, one of the world's top 500 companies, has famous trainers such as Zhang Yuan, Bai Songyang, and Lin Youzhi.……"

"Hairong Group is mainly famous for training trainers, and secretly conducts transactions for various countries.……"

"It doesn't look like a very clean company."

The wind fairy jumped out and said, which also expressed Qin Ze's thoughts. He also thought that this was not a good company.

"Thump thump thump"[]

At this time, there was a knock on the door, Qin Ze walked over and opened the door

"Miss Lin! Come in and sit down.

Qin Ze was very surprised.

"How did you know I live here?"

Qin Ze asked, looking surprised.......

"I'm in the Magic City, so it's not a problem for me to know where to live alone."

Lin Lili said jokingly, looking at Qin Ze, and took out a box of things.

"These are the cookies I made. I want to try them, but I don’t know how to make them. I want to find someone to taste them."

As she said this, Lin Lili opened the box. Inside were small cookies in the shape of a little fire dragon. They were so cute.

"It looks delicious!"

Qin Ze was surprised, picked up one and put it in his mouth.

The atmosphere gradually solidified, Qin Ze stopped talking, Lin Lili was a little confused

"What's wrong? Qin Ze?

Qin Ze's face turned blue and he looked miserable.

The wind fairies hid in the dark and couldn't help laughing at Qin Ze's appearance.


Qin Ze forced a smile, but Lin Lili was very excited when he said this.

"Really? Let me try it."

"Oh, don't."

It was already late, Lin Lili put it in her mouth, and her face turned purple

"Cough, cough, cough."

Qin Ze hurriedly brought water and Lin Lili drank it.


Lin Lili patted her chest.

"Why did you lie to me?"

Lin Lili pouted and said���have no choice

"Who are you planning to give this to?"

Qin Ze forced out an apologetic smile and changed the subject.

"I am going to give this to an idol of mine. He will be coming here soon. Wang Zong"

"Ah~ him."

Qin Ze nodded.

Listening to Qin Ze's tone, 3.8 Lin Lili was curious

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing, what is he doing here?"

"There will be a trainer competition in the Magic City soon, and he was invited as an elder."

Lin Lili explained.

Then he continued to chat about family matters, and Qin Ze remembered Ye Han's card.

"Ms. Lin……"

"Just call me Lily"

"Ah, Lily."

Isn't this too intimate? Qin Ze thought to himself.

"Do you know Hairong Group?"

"Hairong Group? That US spy group, right?"

Lin Lili said, she thought for a while and briefly summarized the company.


"I know that this company has a bad reputation. It has always been money-oriented, doing dirty work, and taking advantage of both black and white."

Lin Lili said, frowning. She did not have a good impression of this company. Tôn

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