The three sisters of Hualan City were almost laughed angrily.

(Finally, under a moment of misunderstanding, Ash learned that Xiaoxia was the younger sister of the Hualan City Dojo, and finally fought Xiaoxia in the dojo, the victory was not scored, and the Nordic rocket team came out to make trouble.) )

(After Ash and Pikachu knock Team Rocket away, Sakura the eldest sister of the South China Dokan watches Ash save her little sea lion.) So, he gave the badge to Ash. )

Wataru: It's not for me to say, Ash, that your first two badges were obtained by luck.

Ash: How can you say that it depends on luck, obviously by strength.

Xiao Gang: No, you don't have the strength.

Xiaoxia: Yes, yes, you don't have the strength.

Ash: You guys talk nonsense.

Hanako: Ash, my mother wanted to see Ash's heroic performance, but I didn't expect it....

Ash: What, even mom you said that?

(After receiving two badges, Ash became arrogant and was soon taught a lesson with a pangolin by a curator with a ninety-eight victory and a private dojo on the road, and the beast made Xiaoming severely lecture him with a pangolin.) )

Ash: No way, I actually lost to a private dojo, lost to this pangolin.

(Later, they meet a Pokémon school in the middle of the mountains, where Ash looks at a beautiful girl who blushes, and Ash defeats her mercilessly.) )

Ash: Seeing no, I lost to Bob, it was a momentary miss, this is my real strength.

Bob: Okay, Ash, when will we fight.

(Later, Ash meets Miao Frog Seed, one of the three families of the Gokusai, in the woods.) )

(After that, I was lucky enough to meet the little fire dragon who met the Mizo family, and I met an extremely disgusting person, Daisuke.) )

(The little fire dragon was originally Daisuke's Pokémon, but because of his weak strength, Daisuke was disliked by Daisuke, and Daisuke asked the little fire dragon to wait for him on the hillside, but Daisuke abandoned it.) )

(Ash, Xiaogang, after they found out, they cursed Daisuke, but Daisuke didn't feel that he was wrong.) )

(Outside, it was pouring rain outside, and Ash, Xiaogang, etc. knew that the little fire dragon was outside, and if the flame was extinguished, it would be in danger of life.) )

(So, Ash and they braved heavy rain to have an accident and save Little Fire Dragon.) In the Pokémon Center, then may have been rescued. )

(During the period, the rocket team came out, the little fire dragon showed its might, Dayou saw that the little fire dragon's strength had increased, and wanted to come back to the little fire dragon, but the little fire dragon already knew Dayou's character, and was directly sprayed into black charcoal by the little fire dragon.) )

(The little fire dragon remembered the old feelings and did not give his all, otherwise Daisuke would have died.) )

(Dayou still didn't feel that there was anything wrong with him, cried and called his mother, and ran away.) )

Dr. Ohki: Where did you get this little fire dragon of the three families of Daisuke? Which doctor gave it? He doesn't deserve a little fire dragon.

Wataru: That's right, where does such a person deserve to have a little fire dragon?

Konah: I've never seen such a disgusting trainer.

Hirona: Abandoning the little fire dragon at will, causing the little fire dragon to almost die tragically, this charge is enough for him to sit in prison.

Dama Lanchi: I announce the withdrawal of this person's trainer status and the withdrawal of the Pokémon Guide.

Miss Junsha: I will arrest him.

...... At this moment, what was said in the chat room had been seen by Daisuke, who was shivering at home at the moment.

The little fire dragon had been abandoned by him.

At this moment, Dayou shivered, and he immediately found his mother: "Mom, mom, save me, what should I do?" "

Dayou's mother slapped Dayou's face: "I won't have your son in the future." "

Dayou's cheeks were swollen: "Mom, mom, how can you do this?" I'm the only child you and your dad have. "

But Dayou's mother just smiled: "It's okay, your father and I are going to have another one, as for you, it should be nothing." "

Big and completely sluggish, how can things be like this?

But whatever he said was useless, dragged away by the subordinates.

(After subduing the little fire dragon, Ash and his party set off towards the third hall.) On the way, I encountered... )

The picture stopped at this moment.

(Q, what did you encounter on the way?) )

(One, King Feng).

The answering question began again.

At this moment, when they heard the first choice, they shook their heads repeatedly, impossible, this is absolutely impossible, how can it be that they met the Feng King again?

In their opinion, there is absolutely no such possibility, it is too bizarre. It is enough for a person to meet the Phoenix King once in his life, can he meet twice?

The first choice was abandoned by them.

(Second, Jeni Turtle.) )

This choice was abandoned by them again, because Ash had already met the Magic Frog Seed, the Little Fire Dragon, and now, he actually met the Jani Turtle again

What a joke, the Jeni turtle is not a rare Pokémon

But is there such a coincidence, so lucky, just met the little fire dragon after meeting the magic frog seed, and met the Jani turtle after meeting the little fire dragon.

Such a coincidence makes people completely unbelievable.

(iii .


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