
Ash on the white frame side, will it be a future story?

Dandi: If it is a picture of the future, then it will be of great help to us.

Daigo: yes.

Wataru: I hope to see the destruction of rockets.

At this moment, Boss Sakaki and others smiled, maybe they could see rockets ruling the world.

(Ash missed the time because he was asleep.) On the way, he was taunted by Xiao Mao and rushed to the research institute, but found that the three initial Pokémon had been chosen by others. )

(Dr. Ohki ends up handing him a special Pokémon, the lively electric rat Pikachu.) )

Ash: Doctor, why don't you prepare a Pokémon?

Dr. Ohki: Ash, can I be blamed for this?

Ash: ...

(Just as Ash happily wants to embrace it, Pikachu suddenly unleashes an electric shock, leaving Ash and Dr. Ohki instantly embarrassed.) )

(Soon, Dr. Ohki handed Ash his first baby ball, wishing him a safe journey.) )

(Ash returns home with Pikachu, says goodbye to his mother, and begins his journey.) )

(And the little electric rat is bouncing around and doesn't like being locked up in a ball.) )

Minchuant: My Pikachu and I have conquered a lot of waves, and it seems that this Pikachu is also very special.

Jimmy: I'm a rock singer, I love Pikachu, when we meet, let's have a showdown.

(On the way to explore, Ash meets Bobo in a peaceful forest.) )

(He tried to take it in, but Pikachu decided to sit back and see, as if to say, "You can handle it yourself.") ")

(Ash throws the ball with confidence, but Bobo bounces it off easily.) )

Xiao Mao: Grandpa, didn't you tell him how to use the baby ball?

Dr. Ohki: Common sense, defeat Pokémon, you can accept it, where do I know that he doesn't even know common sense.

Ash: ...

The authorities are confused, and the bystanders are clear.

Ash felt that his performance seemed to be really poor.

(At this point, the Pokémon Book in his hand sounded softly, telling Ash that he must defeat Bobo before he can be subdued.) )

(In the dense forest, Ash and Bobo engage in a second showdown.) Ash actually started a hand-to-hand combat with Bobo, which was quickly defeated by the nimble Bobo).

Xiaoxia: This one is called Ash, you are a little stupid.

Ash: Nonsense, I'm not stupid.

Xiaoxia: Like you, will there be girls with you, you know, Pokémon journey, partners are sometimes necessary, you may play single.

Ash: ...

Hand-to-hand combat, isn't that right???

Did he do it wrong?

At this moment, Ash is still wondering, what is wrong with himself in the picture?

(And between this short fight, Xiao Rada has already stolen snacks from Ash's backpack.) )

(Ash was annoyed, and then saw that the three Bobo seemed to be laughing at himself, and he picked up a rock and threw it over.) However, the stone accidentally hit a hunting sparrow that was resting in the grass. )

Dr. Ohki: This is not good, this kind of Pokémon is a kind of bird, the wings are very short, and the flight is not very good, but it is generally a social Pokémon.

(The finches were furious, and at the critical moment, Pikachu unleashed his signature electric shock, which successfully hit the finch, but this one angered it, and it shouted, attracting the other fellow finch hunters.) )

(The number of hunters grew, they formed a black-pressed army, and Ash jumped into the nearby river with Pikachu in his arms, and was carried away by the rapids.) )

People from the Pokémon world: "..."

I didn't expect that this person named Xiaozhi could encounter such a thing.

(Downstream of the river, an orange-haired girl is quietly fishing.) Her rod suddenly moved, and as soon as she pulled it, she caught Ash and Pikachu. )

Xiaoxia: Why did I meet you? Disappointed!

Ash: How did you meet me? Rest assured, I believe that after meeting me, you will also have good luck.

(Xiao Xia discovers that Pikachu is not in good condition and urges Ash to take him to treatment immediately.) )

(Ash rides away from Kasumi's bike in order to rescue Pikachu.) )

Xiaoxia: Is that what you mean by good luck?

Ash: Don't worry, the bike will be returned to you.

(However, the army of finch hunters did not spare them and followed.) )

(At the critical moment, Ash eagerly returns Pikachu to the Treasure Ball in order to protect him, but he refuses.) )

(Just then, the rainstorm plummeted and thunder rolled.) Ash protected Pikachu, "Who do you think I am?" I'm the one who wants to become a Pokémon Master in the future. ")

("I won't fall here, and I won't let you move a finger of my partner.") ")

The trainers of the Pokémon world froze

Many Pokémon are also shocking

At this moment, some of them have understood why this teenager named Xiaozhi was selected in the live broadcast room

Ash in their world seems to have a bad brain, but his sincere heart for Pokémon is absolutely slight.

(And the grateful Pikachu decided to protect Ash.) With the help of a thunderstorm, Pikachu unleashed a powerful electric shock, and the sky and the earth changed color, and under the electric light, the group of hunting finches were repelled one by one. )

(The wind stopped with the rain, and the sky shimmered with the first clear light.) After experiencing this test of life and death, Ash and Pikachu depended on each other and both fell to the ground. )

(When their tired eyes meet, they both have a faint smile in their eyes, and it is as if an insurmountable bridge has been built between them, an invisible, unfathomable bond.) )

Dandi: Ash, although you are not as good as that genius Ash, but your performance at the moment, I also want to praise you, so good.

Wataru: The Kanto region is proud to have trainers like you.

(Just then, there was a brisk sound of wings in the sky, and a bird Pokémon appeared in high school...) )

I don't want the picture to stop at this moment.

Everyone knew the problem was coming.

(Question: Who is this Pokémon? )

(i, Bobo).

When the people in the Pokémon world think about it, it is likely to be Bobo.

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immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)

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