After seeing the bonding form of Ash and Koga Ninja Frog, the audience around the world showed a surprised look.


Fengyuan area water fleet base.

“This… What is this! The Koga Ninja Frog looks even more powerful, is this an evolutionary form? But isn’t the Koga Ninja Frog already the final evolutionary type? ”

The leader of the water fleet, Shui Wutong, was crazy, he had never seen such a Koga ninja frog.


Base of the Rocket Team in the Kanto region.

“Boss Sakaki, the appearance of this Koga ninja frog has changed.”

Athena, the cadre of Team Rocket, was stunned, she had never seen this look of a Koga ninja frog.

“This… I don’t know. ”

Boss Sakaki said truthfully, I didn’t expect that this world was actually full of so many magical places, obviously it was already the final form of the Koga Ninja Frog, but it could evolve again…


Base of the Flash Team in the Carlos area.

The leader of the Flames, Vladali, was shocked, his face full of incredulity, “No… This force is not the mega evolution that Dr. Bratano and I are studying, but if it weren’t for mega evolution, what would it be? ”

Vladali’s head was racing, just trying to find out the information about this Koga ninja frog quickly.


Ninja Village in the Carlos area.

When Dapu saw Ash’s special Koga ninja frog, relevant memories appeared in his mind, and then he said in surprise:

“Hanzo village, the appearance of that Koga ninja frog… Isn’t it the heroic Koga ninja frog served in our ancestral hall? It’s been more than a hundred years, how can the Koga Ninja Frog still be alive, or in other words, why did the Koga Ninja Frog appear next to this teenager called Ash? ? ”

The head of the Ninja Village, Hanzo, was on crutches and said with a straight face:

“No, it can’t be wrong. That Koga ninja frog may be the reincarnation of the hero Koga ninja frog a hundred years ago, and the Koga ninja frog in this life recognized Ash and became his elf. ”

“This also means that the little ash boy in True New Town is the one who saved Carlos… Hero!! ”

At this moment, the residents of the entire Ninja Village were all stunned!!



Quartz Plateau Arena.

“WOC, Mikkoli Mikoli, you quickly say you quickly say, what is going on with this form of Koga ninja frog.”

Yulongdu’s gaze looked at Mi Keli, the champion trainer of the Fengyuan region.

Mikkoli, on the other hand, shook his head helplessly, “I, I don’t know!” I’m an expert in water systems for elves, but I’m not an encyclopedia of water elves! I also don’t know Koga Ninja Frog, what happened? ”

Outrageous, simply outrageous!!

This kind of Koga ninja frog has never been seen by trainers all over the world.

“Ohki, do you know what happened to Ash’s Koga Ninja Frog?”

At this time, President Dama Lanqi asked Dr. Ohki, who was knowledgeable.

After thinking about it for a while, Dr. Ohki shook his head and said

“I don’t know exactly what happened, but I heard that a hundred years ago, there was a huge crisis in the Carlos region, and it was said that the leader of the elf was an elf similar to the Koga ninja frog. Now it seems that it is most likely the Koga ninja frog that Ash is currently subduing. ”

The leader who led the elves a hundred years ago….

As soon as she heard this, Dora Sena, the dragon king of the Carlos region, suddenly realized and hurriedly said:

“I know, guys, I know. Some time ago, I talked to Ms. Ge Jihua, a trainer of the Baike City Baike Dojo, about the Carlos crisis a hundred years ago. ”

“Gejihua said through a prophecy that the future Carlos region may also experience a great catastrophe, and it is still the heroic elves of a hundred years ago that saved the Carlos region.”

“At that time, I comforted the Carlos region and asked Ms. Gejihua where to find the heroic elf of a hundred years ago. And Ge Jihua asked me to dispel this idea. ”

“Because this elf still doesn’t exist in this world. Only this elf who is chosen by the world, chosen by fate, and has justice in mind has a miraculous entanglement phenomenon once in a century, and the elf who saves the Carlos region can gain new powers!! Defeat evil enemies. ”

“And according to the changes in the Koga Ninja Frog, perhaps… Ash has reached a miraculous tie with elves in the past hundred years… Carlos Hero!! ”

When Dora Sena, the Dragon King of the Carlos Region, finished saying this, the trainers all over the world were shocked.


Carlos area.

“So strong, so strong!!! Is this a stumbling block transformation? A once-in-a-century form. The mega advances I have studied cannot be compared at all!! ”

Dr. Bratano was completely stunned.

Mega evolution is completed by trainers and elves who have the Evolution Key and Super Evolution Stone, respectively, and reach a deep bond.

And the transformation of Ash and Koga Ninja Frog is rare to see in a hundred years, and it is a powerful form that can be achieved with justice in mind and the bond with the elf that no one knows, and does not need any auxiliary props.

Simply several times more powerful than Mega Evolution!!!


Quartz Plateau Arena.

“Chosen by the world, chosen by fate, is it destined that Brother Zhi is the superhero who can save the Carlos region!!”

Hua Yue, a trainer of the Four Heavenly Kings in the Fengyuan Region, said truthfully.

And this sentence obviously shocked several Four Heavenly King trainers around.

President Dama Lanqi was dumbfounded, a superhero chosen by the world!!!

This is, what an incomparable glory.

None of the champions and Four Heavenly King trainers present had the same treatment as Ash!

“Ash, come on. Our heroes, come on. ”

At this time, all the inhabitants of the Carlos area began to call Ash’s name.

In the future Carlos region, the ecological orderly Kigald is controlled by the Vladari researchers, destroying the city, and if left unchecked, the Carlos region will fall into an epic disaster.

And the only way to save this disaster may be Ash who was chosen by the world and… Koga Ninja Frog!!



PS: Updated the update, sorry for being late. I’ll see if I can update it a little more.

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